Обучающая цель: обобщить грамматический материал: будущее время в английском языке, лексику по теме “Seasons”.
Развивающая цель: совершенствовать навыки связной речи, развивать мышление, память, стимулировать самостоятельность учащихся, формировать познавательный интерес учащихся к предмету.
Воспитательная цель: приобщение учащихся к культуре английского языка, к русской живописи, знакомство учащихся с шедеврами музыкальной классики.
Учебно-наглядные пособия: карточки с грамматическими материалами, плакаты с надписями глав, кассета “Времена года” Чайковского П.И., репродукции картин русских художников, картинки с видами спорта, кроссворд, карточки с пословицами.
Ход урока.
I. Организационный момент.
Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls!
Pupils: Good morning, good morning!
Good morning to you!
Good morning, good morning
We are glad to see you!
Т.: Thank you, I am glad to see you too
Let’s start our lesson.
Who is on duty today?
Who is absent?
P.: Everybody is present.
What is the date today?
P.: Today is the 27th of October.
T.: Please open your exercise books and write down the date.
II. Объявление целей урока и введение в сюжет урока.
T.: Today at our lesson we shall meet Hobbit, the character of English fairy-tales.
Hobbit is writing a book about future. He needs to collect all possible information. He is flying to the future and is meeting our children. There will be several chapters in his book. Your task is to help Hobbit collect information and show your knowledge of English.
III. Фонетическая зарядка.
T.: But first we must train our tongues. Repeat after me: [w], [s], [?], [„ ]
- Weather the weather
- Winter, winter - Winter, winter
Is today. Snow, snow
Winter will be Is it autumn?
Every day. No, no.
Santa Claus
Will come and say:
“Take my present,
Nice and gay! ”
OK! Very good for you.
Встреча. Рис.1
Hobbit wants to know, what weather will be in future.
Chapter 1. Weather in Future (Погода в будущем)
(Работа с грам. карточками, на парту - одна карточка со следующими заданиями):
Dear children, Hobbit wants to know the weather in future.
Please, write these sentences in the Future Tense 1.In winter it is cold. 2.In spring it is warm. 3.In Summer it is hot. 4.In autumn it is rainy. |
1.In winter it will be cold. 2.In spring it will be warm. 3.In summer it will be hot. 4.In autumn it will be rainy. |
T.: You have five minutes.
Are you ready? What have you got?
(Ученики по желанию читают по одному предложению, в это время учитель записывает на плакате (странице книги) эти предложения – рис.2)
Chapter 2. Musical (Музыкальная)
T.: The next chapter is Musical. You can express your feelings and thoughts not only through the words, but also through music and dance. Poet expresses his feelings, emotions in poem, dancer does it in dance, composer does it in music. Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky, the great Russian composer, has got the series of musical pieces “Seasons”. Now you will listen to two pieces from this series. Hobbit would like to know what season and weather you imagine when you listen to this music. Maybe, the pictures will help you.(рис.3)
1 отрывок. (Звучит Апрель “Подснежник”, фронтальный опрос)
Предполагаемый ответ:
P1.: I imagine that it is summer. It is warm and sunny.
The sun is shining etc.
P2.: I imagine that it is winter. It is cold etc.
Т.: In fact, this piece is about spring.
2 отрывок. (Звучит Декабрь “Святки”)
Предполагают аналогично. Высказывания учащихся записываются на очередную страницу книги. Рис.4
Chapter 3. Sports (Физкультурная)
T.: The next Hobbit’s chapter is about sports.
Please stand up.
I reminder you that I will name the kinds of sport which you can go in for in different months. If it is true, you must show me how you can do it. (Дети выполняют движения, учитель вывешивает соответствующие картинки на следующую страницу книги. Рис. 5)
Now, please listen to me.
1.In July you can swim.
2.In May you can run.
3.In August you can toboggan.
4.In September you can jump.
5.In October you can play football.
6.In June you can skate.
7.In January you can ski.
Chapter 4. Puzzles (Загадки)
На доске плакат-кроссворд (рис. 6), дети по одному подходят и вписывают ответы.
T.: Hobbit prepared some puzzles about weather for you. How can you guess puzzles?
1.Беда у всех Танюш, Марин-веснушки, виновата – Spring.
2.Шапку на уши плотнее надвиньте,
Ведь холод настал с названием Winter.
3.Любуюсь я листьев желтых полетом,
Пора золотая, зовем ее Autumn.
4.Нас от жары спасет панама,
Оно в разгаре наше Summer.
5.Полюбуйтесь-ка сосною,
Ее снегуркой сделал – Snow.
6.Из берегов выходит Рейн,
Неделю льет сильнейший Rain.
7.Характер погоды капризен в любое время года – Season.
Chapter 5. Proverbs (Пословицы)
T.: Proverbs make language more beautiful, more alive. The proverb is popular wisdom which is transferred from generation to generation (народная мудрость, которая передается из поколения в поколение). Each country has its own proverbs. Hobbit knows a lot of English proverbs about weather. He wonders, if they are still alive in your time. (Детям раздаются разрезные карточки с пословицами о погоде, они должны их соединить. Затем учитель читает пословицу по-русски, а дети показывают данную пословицу, читают по-английски, учитель вывешивает её на очередную страницу книги, рис. 7).
Every thing is rain will soon come.
If bees stay at home, fine will be the day
If they fly away good in its season.
Chapter 6. Speaking about weather (Поговорим о погоде)
English people like to speak about weather. They think you are not polite if you don’t speak about weather 100 times a day. Please, show Hobbit that you are polite.
(Дома дети составили диалоги о погоде, которые они инсценировали на уроке).
Предполагаемый диалог:
P.1: - Hello, Kate!
P.2: - Hello, Bob!
P.1: - How are you?
P.2: - I’m fine, thank you, and how are you?
P.1: - I’m very well, thank you. Would you like to go skating today?
P.2: - I’m sorry, but I think it’s too cold today.
P.1: - What about tomorrow morning? I hope the day will be warm and sunny.
P.2: - All right, see you tomorrow.
IV. Подведение итогов урока.
T. : Thank you very much Hobbit has got all the information he needs for his book.
Now he knows that in future children will be very clever and will know English very well. And at last let’s sing a song about the weather.
When Trees Are Green.
When trees are green and forests are green,
And grass is green and long,
It is good to walk in the forest
And listen to little birds’ song.
When trees are white and forests are white ,
Because they are covered with snow,
It is good to be out -of -doors and play,
Oh, I love it so!
V. Выставление оценок.
VI. Домашнее задание.
T.: Your homework for the next lesson is to write a poem or a short story about seasons or the weather. You can write 6 – 7 sentences using the words of our lesson.