The theme and the problem question
It's no secret that residents of large cities are less happy than those who live in less densely populated regions. Noise and light pollution of cities increases the level of stress, which, in turn, leads to the development of many diseases,
including mental illnesses. Scientific researches once again have proved that green zones have a positive impact on the psychological and physical condition of citizens and spending time in crowded places, do not go to any comparison with a walk in the park.
Our favorite holiday destination is Tsaritsyno Park. Since 1992, it has been called the Tsaritsyno State Historical, Architectural, Art and Landscape Museum - Reserve and is the largest of Moscow's museum-reserves by area (about 700 hectares). But why is it called a museum reserve? What is the story behind this title.
This problem seemed interesting to us. We wanted to find a way of its solving and decided to make a project choosing as an object of our project work some sights of Tsaritsyno Park and their background. We called our project work "Tsaritsyno - my love". Therefore, we started planning our work, searching information on the Internet, asking relevant questions, analyzed and sorted out the data.
The main aim of the project is to introduce my classmates to some special places of Moscow and St Petersburg, compare and contrast the two capitals, their history and modern look.
The objectives are set according to the aim of the research:
- to study literature connected with the topic
- to conduct a survey among our classmates and find out if they know the exzct name of Tsaritsyno Park
- to issue a tourist brochure "A Visit to Tsaritsyno"
Practical significance of the work. Today, the problem of the condition and development of parks is relevant. Much attention is paid to the modernization and improvement of urban parks and projects for the reconstruction of park areas are being developed. We understand that younger generation need to understand the treasures, history, and beauty of their nation's capital. They also should know facts from history of cities they live in, as this is part of our heritage.

Research method. We decided to do some research and chose class survey as a research method. We used a questionnaire and interviewed 30 5-6th grade students. These are the results of our survey. As you can see from this diagram, 70% of the students taking part in the survey chose Saint Petersburg as a city to visit. This was the main factor in our work. Working on the project, we saw that there is a great amount of resources, articles, photographs.
We understood that it is impossible to show all of them.That is why we narrowed the research to the most unusual places in Moscow and stopped on the most famous sights in St.Petersburg.
Our virtual excursion
Little-known Moscow
We also wanted to make a bright but educational product of the project. We came to the conclusion to make our project in a form of a virtual excursion and chose a tourist brochure as a product. Welcome to our travel agency! Let us enjoy the stunning sights of the two legendary cities and roam around little cozy nooks where everyone might find something unconventional and a bit challenging.
We all know such sights as the Kremlin, Red square, Bolshoi Theatre, Ostankino TV tower, Moscow city business center, Zaryadye Park. I would like to introduce you to less -known, but no less interesting places in Moscow.
1. The Longest House in Moscow.

High buildings now are no surprise-there are skyscrapers in Europe, America, and in Russia recently constructed buildings of several dozen floors -are not so rare. Have you ever seen a long house? So long that its length is three bus stops!
Meanwhile, in Moscow on the Warsaw highway there is a research center of electronic computing-a Soviet building, which previously housed a research center, and now most of the premises are rented. The length of this building is 735.8 meters! On the front side of each floor, there are 236 Windows. You will need to try very hard just to take a photo of the whole house!
2. Flat Houses.

Can a flat house be sustainable? The building on the street Presnensky Val his whole appearance, proves that even as you can! Of course, in terms of architecture, these houses are not flat, and the "subtle effect" - no more than an optical illusion. It is achieved by having one sharp
corner in these houses. When you look at the house from a certain angle it creates the effect of a flat cardboard with protruding window frames and balconies. The thrill of this spectacular view is unreal!
3. Korobkovsky Garden.

This quiet, cozy place is located between the metro stations "Nagornaya" and "Nakhimovsky prospect", in the area of Kotlovka. Merchant Korobkov founded Korobkovsky garden-a Pomological nursery- in 1880. In this orchard there were collected a variety of varieties of fruit trees, it has always been a record harvest of apples. Korobkov achieved this effect due to a carefully thought-out cascade system of
reservoirs. These reservoirs were filled with spring water, which perfectly nourished the trees and helped to achieve such crops. After the establishment of Soviet power Korobkovsky garden was one of the most fertile sources of food for hospitals and orphanages, and then it was transformed into a pomological nursery, on the basis of which scientific work unfolded. Now Korobkovsky garden is an ideal oasis of calm near the busy highways. Clean ponds, centuries-old pines, the Kotlovka River - all this makes Korobkovsky garden a Paradise, suitable for a picnic, and for leisurely walks with children or romantic promenade.
4. The House of Margarita Bulgakov.

"...Margarita Nikolayevna and her husband lived alone in the whole top floor of a delightful house in a garden in one of the lanes near the Arbat...". This is how Bulgakov described the house where the heroine of his most popular novel lived. Historians and literary critics have determined the location of the described house and agreed that it is located at Spiridonovka Street, 17. Here is a majestic Gothic mansion. Now in this mansion there is the house of receptions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
5. Voices Ravine. «Kolomenskoye».

In the Park "Kolomenskoye" there is a very unusual and mysterious place - Voices ravine. It divides the Museum-reserve into two equal parts. Ravine with steep slopes in Kolomenskoye has a length of more than a kilometer. In order to go down you will have to go long wooden ladders. The ravine is named after Volos (Veles) - the pagan Slavic God of the underworld. Stones in Kolomenskoye, lying at the bottom of the ravine, served as altars to this deity. In the vicinity of Golosov ravine archaeologists found the remains of ancient settlements Dating back to the I century BC and existed before the arrival of the Slavs in these places.
Visiting "the Venice of the North"
St. Petersburg is the second largest city in Russia and one of the most beautiful cities in the Russian Federation with a population of 4.6 mln people. It is situated on the Neva Riva at the head of the Gulf of Finland on the Baltic Sea. The history of the city is very interesting. The city other names were Petrograd and Leningrad. It was founded in 1703 by Peter- the -Great as the "Window on Europe." St. Petersburg was the capital of Russia from until 1918. Saint Petersburg is a very important port on the Baltic Sea. It is also a major financial and industrial centre of Russia. Saint Petersburg is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. It is a great European cultural centre. Saint Petersburg is often called "the Venice of the north".
1. The Bronze Horseman.
"The Bronze Horseman" is the oldest and most famous monument to the founder of Russian Empire Tsar Peter-the-Great. It is located in Senate Square. This monument got its name owing to the great poem of the same name by A.S. Pushkin. "The Bronze Horseman" is one of the symbols of the city and one of the main attractions of St. Petersburg.

This monument got its name owing to the great poem of the same name by A.S. Pushkin. "The Bronze Horseman" is one of the symbols of the city and one of the main attractions of St. Petersburg. The equestrian statue of Peter the Great was made by sculptor Etienne Falconet in1768-1770. "The Bronze Horseman" is one of the symbols of the city and one of the main attractions of St.Petersburg.
2. The Winter Palace.

The Winter Palace and Dvortsovaya Square make a wonderful architactual ensemble which is one of the most popular tourist attractions in the city. It was condtructed by the architetct Bartolomeo Rastrelli in 1754-1752. as a residence for Russian monarchs. Today the palace is a part of the Hermitage Museum and holds a great collection ofpaintings from all over the world.
3. Museums and Theatres.

The State Russian Museum is one of the largest museums in the world, devoted to the Russian fine art. It is located on Arts Square in Saint Petersburg. It is the world's largest depository of Russian fine art. It is also one of the largest museums in the country. The museum was 1895, upon enthronement of Nicholas II to commemorate his father, Alexander III. The main building of the museum is the Mikhailovsky Palace. Its original collection was composed of artworks taken from the Hermitage Museum and many private collections. Peter and Paul Fortress. You can also find a number of history and war museums in St. Petersburg. Peter and Paul Fortress is among them. It was founded by Peter-the-Great and constructed to Domenico Trezzini's design as a star fortress. Today it has been adapted as the central and most important part of the State Museum of Saint Petersburg History.

You can find more than 100 theatres in Saint Petersburg to any taste. The most popular are The Mariinsky and The Alexandrinsky Theatres. The Mariinsky Theatre specializes in classic art-ballet and opera.
The Alexandrinsky Russian State Academic Drama Theatre named after A.S. Pushkin was the first theatre in the Russian Empire. Its history dates back to 1756 when Empress Elizabeth declared to found the first Russian theatre. The specialization of this theater is the works of Russian classic play writers.

Home, sweet home
During our short virtual excursion, we tried to recapture the charm of two Russian cities, so dear to our hearts. I wanted to show them as exciting places to live, work, study, where people have fun and make these great places their home. Though they look different, this is our country, our past and future. That is why I called my project "Two cities - one vision". I think that it is a big project which needs to be continued.
Thank you for your attention.
I express my sincere thanks to my teachers for their valuable suggestion and guidance for doing this project and my parents for their advice and support.
- Afanasyeva O.V., Miheyeva I.V. Rainbow English 6. Student's book. Second edition, Moscow: Drofa, 2014
Internet resources:
- Questionnaire
- My project (student's working plan)
- Drafts (English texts, translation)