Arina Novikova,
a pupil of the 7-th gradeTeacher: Ergakova Е.А.
The topic of my project is "If you want to have a pet…"
The main aim of my project is to learn more about my pet and learn how to take care of it.
- to study materials (books and Internet resources) about Yorkshire terriers;
- to watch for my pet;
- to make conclusion of the project;
- to make "Care Instructions for a dog" (to give some tips to children who wants to have a dog at home.)
Hypothesis: If I will be responsible for my dog and take care of it, Rikka gives me her love, affection, and we become best friends.
Expected results: I will learn to take care of my dog and better understand it.
Object: my dog Rikka.

Place of research: my home.
Time of research: year 2022-2024.
Stages of the project:
1. Preparation
- studying literature about Yorkshire terriers;
2. Practical stage
- watching and care of my pet;
3. Final stage:
- summarizing;
- making "Care Instructions for a dog "
The epigraph is
"We are responsible for those who were tamped"
These are the words from the book "The little Prince." of Antoine de Saint Exupery.
This topic is very important to me because I have two cats Pyzhik and Mukha at home. We have already been for 13 years together. I always wanted to have a little dog. And my wishes came true. Last year my parents let me have a dog only when they realize that I am ready to do it.

Chapter 1
Let me introduce my dog Rikka!
She is very small (only 3 months).
At first, I have studied the literature about dogs and their habits. I have read such books as "The Dog" by Jean Cuvelie, "Atlas of dog's breeds" by Naymanova and Gumpal and "Your dog" by Joan Palmer. I have searched the Internet and found a lot of useful sites and necessary information.

Then I have made some posters…
…and bought all the necessary things for my dog:
- a dog s house, where Rikka feels in safety
- bowls
- Dog's food
- toys

- nippers
- napkins and pot
- towels
- dog's address book
- brushes
- beautiful bow-knots.

Chapter 2
So, what do I know about my dog Rikka?
Features of the breed Yorkshire terrier:
1. Yorks have no underfur and they can catch a cold very quickly. 2. Their fur needs special care. It is necessary to visit the groomer - the dog's hairdresser.
3. Yorks get on well with other pets.

4. Dogs of this breed do not like to be alone. They are attached to their owners.
5. They should be daily trained. The most important order is «To me».
Now I want to give some advice "Care Instructions of a dog "following which the owner and his pet will become best friends.

"Care Instructions of a dog"
- Before you take a dog in the house, you need to know if all members of the family agree. An animal should be welcome by everyone.
- Choose the name for your dog.
- Feed your dog regularly and properly. Do not forget to clean up after your pet in time.
- Care about its fur.
- Do not forget about the hygiene of the animal (care about claws, teeth, ears, eyes, bathe it in time.)
- Play with your pet.
- Walk your dog 2- 3 times a day.
- Educate your dog (teach training orders).
- Visit vet regularly.
- Remember!!!
Love of animals requires a lot of time and patience, hard work, gentle care and money. Only after this, the owner has the right to enjoy friendship with his pet.
My pets became members of my family. They occupy a special place in our hearts and bring a lot of joy to our home. I would like all children and adults to realize that they are responsible for their pets. A living being is not a toy and it requires constant attention and care.
- Джоан Пaлмеp. Ваша собака, перевод c aнглийcкoго M.H.Koвaлевой. Издательство: Mocква, Mиp, 1988.
- Джон Фишер. О чём думает Ваша собака. Издательство Астрель, 2007.
- Найманова Диана, Гумпал Зденек. Атлас пород собак.
- Издательство сельскохозяйственной литературы, 1983.