Тип урока: урок обобщение по теме «Спорт» с использованием элементов технологии дебатов.
Класс: 10.
Учебник: «Английский в фокусе» авторов О.В.Афанасьевой, Д.Дули, И.В.Михеевой.
Оборудование урока:
- Компьютер, мультимедийный проектор.
- Кафедра для председателя дебатов.
- Презентация«Professional Sport - For Or Against».
- Оценочные карточки для экспертов
Актуальность использования элементов технологии дебатов обусловлена тем, что она формирует у учащихся все виды УУД.
Я включила в презентацию правила проведения дебатов (Слайд 2)для формирования коммуникативных и регулятивных УУД. В процессе подготовки к дебатам учащиеся изучают и анализируют учебную литературы, накапливают словарный запас, определяют свою позицию (развитие Я-концепции ученика), делают выписки, обосновывают свою точку зрения на проблему, защищая или опровергая тезис выбранной темы. Записи могут быть в виде ментальных карт (логические познавательные УУД).
Эти карты они используют во время дебатов. В процессе подготовки учащиеся создают кейс аргументов, контраргументов, примеров из личной жизни(личностные УУД). Председатель напоминает, что трое экспертов заполняют оценочную карту по нескольким критериям (Слайд 3).
Перед началом дебатов учитель напоминает о полезных разговорных, выражклише,выражающих мягкое согласие или несогласие, которые приняты во всём мире(Слайд 4). Учащиеся, не вошедшие в команды, готовят для них вопросы. Речь каждого участника начинается со слова «уважаемый» (личностные УУД).
Эксперт в области профессионального спорта выступает с сообщением о проблемах профессионального спорта. Он придерживается нейтральной позиции и приводит аргументы как «за» профессиональный спорт (Слайды 5,6), так и «против» (Слайды 7,8). Эксперт иллюстрирует сообщение практическим примером судьбы известной гимнастки Елены Мухино (Слайды 10,11).
Речь эксперта является «пусковым крючком» начала дебатов. Учащиеся обеих команд, используя кейс аргументов и контраргументов, в процессе дебатов добавляют свои, используя ментальную карту. По окончанию дебатов зрители задают вопросы обеим командам, ответы на которые также оцениваются экспертами в оценочных картах(целеполагающие регулятивные УУД).
В результате проведения дебатов формируются метапредметные результаты обучения: умение сравнивать разные точки зрения и выбирать оптимальную, которая соотносится с личностными результатами обучения и приводит к намеченной цели; планировать способы реализации задачи и пополнения знаний при необходимости, сравнивать разные точки зрения и выбирать оптимальную, которая соотносится с личностными результатами обучения и приводит к намеченной цели.
Процесс внедрения данной педтехнологии будет полностью соответствовать требованиям, положенным в основу обновлённых ФГОС.
- Короткова М.В. Методика проведения игр и дискуссий на уроках истории. М.: Владос-пресс, 2008.
- Курицина С.И. Технология проведения дебатов. Лекции. Курсы повышения квалификации. Углич, 2007.
- Обвинцев Г.Е. Дебаты как средство развития коммуникативной компетенции у школьников // Теория и практика образования в современном мире : материалы V междунар. науч. конф. Санкт-Петербург, июль 2014. СПб.: СатисЪ, 2014. С. 170-172.
- Полат Е.С. Новые педагогические и информационные технологии в системе образования. М.: Владос, 2003.
- Шаронова С.А. Деловая игра. Практикум. М.: Издательство Российского Университета дружбы народов, 2005.
- https://www.championat.com/other/article-3261393-istorija-borby-za-zhizn-gimnastki-elenymukhinoj.html [Электронный ресурс]
Цель урока: обобщение и систематизация умений и навыков на основе монологических и диалогических высказываний по теме «Спорт».
- учить использовать грамматические структуры в устной речи, совершенствовать навыки диалогической и монологической речи.
- формировать положительный и устойчивый интерес к изучению английского языка.
- совершенствовать языковые навыки старшеклассников через расширение информационного поля и практическое использование языка .
- Развивать у обучающихся умения аргументировать, защищать свою точку зрения средствами изучаемого предмета.
- Предоставить учащимся возможность практики публичного выступления на английском языке, используя изученный материал.
- Развивать навыки сотрудничества и общения в группах
В процессе подготовки к заключительному уроку по изученной теме я, как, учитель, старалась развивать у своих учеников следующие умения:
- умение отделить важную информацию от второстепенной;
- умение собрать факты и мнения;
- умение оценить причины и последствия, делать выводы и заключения;
- умение эффективно решать проблемы, работать в команде.
- умение объективно оценивать ответы учащихся.
Задачи для учителя во время дебатов:
- Создать благоприятные условия стимулирования учащегося на свои собственные суждения и высказывания.
- Обеспечить эффективные взаимодействия через инструктаж о правилах проведения дебатов.
- Помочь осознать роль профессионального спорта.
- Обеспечить закрепление и усвоение лексико-грамматического материала по теме «Спорт»
Оборудование урока:
- Компьютер, мультимедийный проектор.
- Кафедра для председателя дебатов.
- Презентация «Professional Sport - For Or Against».
- Оценочные карточки для экспертов.
Подготовка: Для проведения дебатов на тему «Professional Sport - For Or Against» ученики разделились по группам: председатель дискуссии (Chair); две группы участников дискуссии: одна из них Professionals Sports Fans (Pupil 1- Present Professional Athlete, Pupil 2- Professional Athlete`s Relative, Pupil 3-Professional Athlete`s Coach , Pupil 4 - Professional Athlete`s Doctor) - поклонники профессионального спорта, другая - Professionals Sports Foes (Student 1 - Former Professional Athlete. Student 2 - Former professional Athlete`s Relative., Student 3 - Former Professional Athlete`s Coach , Student 4 - Former Professional Athlete`s Doctor - противники профессионального спорта). Обе команды выбирают лидера группы и готовят тезисы (аргументы) своего выступления и предполагаемые контраргументы для защиты своей точки зрения. Есть и группа зрителей (Audience), которая внимательно слушает аргументы и контраргументы обеих команд, задает им свои вопросы и оценивает участие групп по трем критериям:
- How convincing is the argument?
- How convincing is the counterargument?
- How well was the team prepared to answer the questions?
План урока
Вступительное слово учителя о правилах проведения дебатов:
- Лидеры обеих команд имеют право выступить в течение 4 минут, остальные члены команд по 2 минуты. В дебатах важна не правильность аргументов, а убедительность их отстаивания. Никто не имеет права прерывать или задавать вопросы в течение дебатов. Желающий взять слово обращается к оппоненту, подняв руку, и сказав: «Honourable». Обязательно использование разговорных клише.
- Выступление спортивного эксперта перед началом дебатов. Его (её) речь должна быть короткой, но убедительной и дать толчок к началу дебатирования, т.е. «зацепить» участников за живое.
- Председатель дискуссии представляет команды. Лидер группы и её сторонники представляют тезисы в защиту своей точки зрения по очереди.
- Команды обмениваются контраргументами.
- Группа экспертов задает вопросы командам.
- Эксперты голосуют согласно своей карточке, выставляя оценки по 5-бальной шкале по 3 критериям. Оценки экспертов суммируются, подсчитывается средний результат и выявляется команда победитель.
- Лидер экспертов объявляет итоги голосования.
Подведение итогов урока
Объявление команды - победительницы, обсуждение каждого из учеников в дебатах. Во время дебатов учитель является одним из экспертов и также заполняет карточку оценивания:
- Role
- Contents
- Accuracy
- Answering questions
- Average mark
Teacher: Let me greet our guests: participants, experts and audience. Today we are debating the matter: «Professional sport - for or against?»
Let me remind you the rules of the debates (Слайд 2) с правилами проведения дебатов).
Let me introduce the chair of the debates. His name is …. He is responsible for the debate procedure. You are welcome (ученик выбравший роль председателя встает за кафедру). I`ll join the audience.
Chair: Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen! Let me open the debates «Professional Sport - For or Against?». Two teams will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of professional sport to make the final decision about whether professional sport has the right to exist or not. I would like to remind you that during the debate the experts will have to complete the evaluation card and at the end of the debates you should make a conclusion whose arguments were more convincing. (Слайд 3). While debating, you should use conversational expressions of agreement and disagreement (Слайд 4)
To begin with, I would like to give the floor to the sporting expert who is in the know of all the details of professional sport. Welcome.
Sporting expert:
Treating sports as occupation has its advantages and disadvantages
Being a professional sportsperson requires much effort and devotion. Firstly, professional sports people can become celebrities and live a lavish life style. The second advantage of being a professional sportsperson is money, and therefore, fame. In some disciplines, like football or tennis, the amount of the income earned is enormous. (Слайд 5). In addition, a professional sportsperson could keep fit and healthy. Moreover, they have a chance to travel around the world participating in different international competitions and at the same time improving their English. (Слайд 6)
On the other hand, practicing a professional sport has its own disadvantages, too. If the sportsperson is injured by the time of training or a game, he might lose his career in sport, thereby cutting off the person's source of income. What is more, some sports such as gymnastics, boxing, ski-jumping are very dangerous. Athletes often lose their careers in sport because of bad sports results. (Слайд7)
the lack of free time. Professionals are always on the road for trainings or contests and dedicate all their time and energy in order to achieve performance. That's why their family life is often difficult and when their career is over, they find themselves lonely and without a job lose their income.
Injury can ruin a sporting career
There are always new, young competitors challenging for top place, which can impose increasing stress levels to keep their place at the top.
The ability to maintain fitness and performance usually decreases with age; the sportspersons career may not be very long. Once their sporting career is over, they may have few qualifications to do another job.
In order to be the very best athletes they do just about anything. Athletes use performance enhancing drugs to give them extra boost.
Anabolic steroids are now being used to break records, win championships and win the gold at the Olympics. Athletes use them to increase the size of their muscles and improve their endurance. But anabolic steroids have very serious side effects. They can cause heart and liver damage and even can lead to death (Слайд 8)
So, being a professional sportsperson has both advantages and disadvantages.
It is up to you to decide - to do or not to do professional sports. Remember the gymnast Yelena Mukhina, who was injured when she was a girl. Up to the age of twenty she was very success ful. (Слайд 9). At the age of 20, she suffered an injury during a competition and was bedridden for 26 years. She was unable to go on her sporting career and, sadly, died some years ago forgotten by everyone (Слайд 10)
Chair: Ladies and gentlemen! I would like the participants of the debates to introduce themselves. Team1, please. (Представляются участники команды «за» профессиональный спорт). Team 2, please. (Представляются участники команды «против» профессионального спорта). Let me give the floor to the leader of Team 1.
Pupil 1. Honorable participants!
I'm Konstantin. I'm a professional athlete. I've been playing basketball for 10 years, 7 of them on the professional basis. I've achieved much within these years. I'm twice European champion. I've got a pretty big house. By the way, I've travelled to more than 20 countries. So many impressions! Actually, my family have a chance to travel with me. I can afford much in my life.
If I come back to my childhood … Oh, I was a very skinny boy who fell ill very often. Doing sports I've increased my fitness. I remember I was so shy when I was a boy, but sport has helped me to acquire self-confidence and lots of friends around the world. It's great.
It's true that professional sport is connected with drugs taking and risk. We have rough daily routine. We have to train more, but it's worth. I'm famous and recognized on the streets. It makes me proud!
I'm not afraid of being retired. I'm sure I'll be a coach.
Student 1. Honorable participants! My name is Sophia Babina.I can't agree with you, Konstantin.
I'm a former gymnast. Now I'm 22 and I'm already retired. I don't know what to do further. I don't have any other professions. Sport is my only profession.
I have been doing gymnastics since I was 4. To tell the truth, I didn't have childhood. I couldn't play with my favourite toys. I even couldn't study in a normal school because we had to train for 7-8 hours a day. I didn't see my parents for months. Besides, I was forced to keep a diet. I like chocolate, ice-cream very much but I couldn't eat it.
Actually, I was injured several times, but my coach forced me to continue training.
I couldn't make a decision of my own.
I was a world champion, but now I'm not able to set records and nobody needs in me. It's normal in professional sport - when you are skillful, full of energy, bring fame to your country - you are wanted. When you stop setting records and show good results, nobody will remember you. It's unfair. Just remember Yelena Mukhina and other famous athletes' fates.
In some competitions there is no dope control, so drugs taking among pofis is a common thing.
Pupil 2. Honorable participants!
My name is Ann. I'm Konstantin's wife. I see what you mean, but you know I'm very delighted that my husband is a pro. We often travel with him around the world. From time to time we take our kids with us. Thanks to it I've learnt 2 foreign languages - English and French. Of course, my husband takes part in international competitions and we can't see him often, but we are aware of the fact that it's necessary if you want to achieve good results. I can't say that sport has spoiled my husband. He is not selfish and ambitious. I agree that he has to sacrifice a lot of things (for example doing other sports) but it's worth.
He avoids injuries as he listens to the doctors' advice and follows all coaches' instructions. I suppose I'm sure in our future.
Student 2. Honorable participants!
I'm sorry, but I can't agree with you.
My name is Natalia.I'm Sophia's mother. I've always felt sympathy with her. She was far from home for months. She was always tired. The girl couldn't afford eating what she wanted, she had to keep a strict diet.
Anyway, she didn't have friends. Probably, she has earned enough money for the period of her sporting carrier, but now she hasn't got any profession and her money has been spent very quickly. Masha was injured several times, her health has been ruined, so she has to spend much money on medicine. She is retired and nobody is interested in her fate. Masha has sacrificed a lot for sport but now she is forgotten. I suppose it's unfair.
Pupil 3. Honorable participants!
I see what you mean. I'm not of the same opinion!
My name is Sergei. I've been Konstantin's coach for 6 years. He's achieved much in sport. He's a world Champion. Sport helped him to earn a lot of money. Thanks to sport he turned out of the shy boy into the confident, communicative person. No doubt, he's become strong-willed, well-organized. Now he is able to overcome difficulties. It goes without saying, to become a champion he has to work hard. Basketball is his profession and it's natural. You say that pros are often far away from home. But how can he gain experience without international tours?! It's nonsense!
Yes, I quite agree that profis have to sacrifice a lot- follow a diet, not to have enough time to spend with their families but fame, recognition and big income are the most important things for them. Above all they travel a lot, see different countries, make friends with lots of people all over the world.
Student 3. Honorable participants!
I'm Valeria, Sophia's coach. I'm sorry but I can't agree with you. I've worked as a coach for 25 years and brought up a lot of gymnasts-champions. It's true that we forced them to show best results at any cost. Actually, we had to take small girls far away from their parents for a long period of time. They had to train from morning till night. Being exhausted, they could hardly move. I felt so sorry for them but nothing to do. I quite agree that these girls were deprived of childhood. Moreover, they really had to sacrifice a lot: they didn't see their families, didn't study in regular schools and couldn't do some common kids' things. Well, I remember how they suffered from a strict diet. They weren't allowed to eat even a sweet or ice-cream. It was awful!
Pupil 4. Honorable participants! My name is Anton. I 'm Konstantin's medical doctor. The point is professional sport is really associated with hard work. But we, doctors, take care of the athletes' health perfectly. We examine them every day. The team psychologist provides psychological training sessions rather often. There is nothing to worry about. I suppose a training process gives them real pleasure. All members of the team are good friends. There is a special friendly atmosphere in the team.
Anyway, the guys have some restrictions - strict daily routine, diet - it's a must. But it increases their fitness. I should say, if an athlete follows all our directions and instructions, they will have a long sporty life.
Student 3. Honorable participants! You could be right, but I think professional sport must be forbidden.
My name is Marina. I'm a doctor of the gymnasts' team. I'm not quite sure I agree with your point of you. I'm a sporty doctor but now I'm retired. I had worked in the team for 15 years. It's not a secret that this sport is associated with hard work. The girls had to train 6 hours a day. We, doctors, knew about it. But what did I have to do? Sometimes the girls were ill but they had to train and participate in competitions. As a doctor I opposed the system, I was against it but coaches insisted. I couldn't go on like that any more and left the team. I'm against professional sport.
Chair. Now, I would like to give the floor to the members of the Audience.Your questions, please.
- Why didn't you speak about the drugs problem in sport when you were a coach?
- What prevented you from serious injuries?
- Are you really sure that professional sport needs sacrifice?
- What can you say about the career of your athletes when they retire? Do you know what they do?
- Do you agree that professional sport (such as skiing, cycling, athletics and others) are associated with drugs taking?
- Did you parents accompany you when you participated in the international completions?
- Why didn't you get any other profession besides sport?
Chair. Ladies and gentlemen! The debates are coming to an end. Our experts are filling the evaluation cards.
The experts are ready to announce the results.
Experts. Team … has gained … points out of …. Their arguments were more convincing, their speeches were more fluent and accurate.
Team … has gained … points out of … . Unfortunately, their arguments were not so convincing and their accuracy and fluency leave much to be desired.
Chair.Let me announce our debates closed. Thank you for participating.
- Before the debates I did not know how to…but now…
- I need it for…
- This technology helps…
- I would like to use it… (Слайд 11)