Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку для 4-го класса «Интерактивное путешествие в мир английских праздников: Пасха в Великобритании»

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Начальная школа, Внеклассная работа, Конкурс «Презентация к уроку»

Класс: 4

Презентация к уроку

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Цели и задачи:


  • расширение лингвистического кругозора учащихся, знакомство детей с народными традициями празднования Пасхи в Великобритании и России.
  • расширение словарного запаса,
  • активизировать в речи детей лексические единицы на английском языке по данной теме: Пасха, Иисус Христос, крест, пасхальный кролик, пасхальные яйца, пасхальная корзина, пасхальный кекс и др.
  • активизация в речи учащихся лексических единиц по теме «Пасха» (Пасха, Иисус Христос, Вербное воскресенье, Чистый четверг, Страстная пятница, Пасхальное воскресенье, крест, пасхальный кролик и т.д.)


  • развитие языковых способностей учащихся, развитие познавательного интереса к культуре народов изучаемого языка и родной культуре,
  • развитие внимания, мышления, творческого воображения,
  • развитие учебно-интеллектуальных умений: мотивировать свою деятельность, внимательно воспринимать информацию, рационально запоминать, логически осмысливать учебный материал, выделяя в нем главное, решать проблемные познавательные задачи, анализировать.


  • воспитывать у детей любовь к культуре народов изучаемого языка и родной культуре.


  • Техническое обеспечение (компьютер, колонки, мультимедийный видеопроектор, экран).
  • Раздаточный материал (карточки с заданием «Easter Word Search»).

Содержание презентации

Слайд 1: Заголовок «Easter in Great Britain»

What a happy Easter day!
Let your fears go away,
Eat and drink, and have some fun
Under yellow Easter sun!

Слайд 2: Easter in Great Britain is a significant holiday. It has interesting traditions and symbols. This holiday is devoted to the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. The exact date of the holiday changes from year to year.

Слайд 3: Western Christians celebrate Easter on the first Sunday after the full moon on or after March 21st. It means that Easter can fall between March 22nd and April 25th.

Слайд 4: Eastern Orthodox Church follows a slightly different calculation. As a result, the Orthodox Easter, although sometimes coinciding with that of the West, can fall one, four, or five weeks later.

Слайд 5: In Russia people celebrate Easter after Lent which lasts for 40 days and Holy Week. Believers don't eat meat and animal products during the Lent.

Слайд 6: Заголовок «Preparations for Easter».

In Britain preparations for Easter start with Lent which begins on Ash Wednesday and lasts for 40 days (6 weeks except Sundays plus 4 days).

Слайд 7: The four most important days of Holy Week are: Palm Sunday, Clean Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Sunday.

Слайд 8: Holy Week before Easter begins with Palm Sunday. It marks the end of Lent and celebrates Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem.

Слайд 9: People in Great Britain carry palm branches in parades, and make them into crosses to decorate the Church.

Слайд 10: On Moudy Thursday, the king of England gives money to poor people. It`s an old tradition.

Слайд 11: On Easter Sunday people eat a traditional roast dinner with lamb, potatoes and vegetables. On Sunday morning hot cross buns are given for tea. They are small round sweet cakes with a cross on top in memory of Christ's resurrection.

Слайд 12: The table on Easter Sunday is usually decorated by chocolate nests for eggs, chocolate eggs and hares.

Слайд 13: Easter parades often take place on Easter Sunday to celebrate the arrival of spring.
In Russia people traditionally congratulate each other by saying:

- "Christ is Risen!"

- "He is Risen Indeed!"

While in Britain they mainly say: "Happy Easter!"

Слайд 14: Заголовок «Easter symbols in Britain»

The most important symbol in England, as in Russia, is eggs.

They are a symbol of spring and new life. All families colour eggs and put them into baskets.

Слайд 15: Another Easter symbol in Britain is an Easter Rabbit. It's an innocent animal.

In ancient times the rabbit, or hare, was a symbol of new life and it reminds us of spring and new life.

Слайд 16: Children in Britain believe the Easter Bunny brings the Easter eggs. In the morning of Easter Sunday children wake up and find that the Easter Bunny has left baskets of candies and hidden coloured eggs for them.

Слайд 17: Egg rolling is a traditional game played with eggs at Easter in Britain. Each year, hundreds of excited children decorate hard-boiled eggs, ready to take part in the competition. To play the game, you have to roll your egg down one of the park's grassy hills. But what if it breaks? Bad, luck! You're out of the competition.

Слайд 18-27: Заголовок «Easter Quiz»

1) What day is Easter celebrated in Great Britain?
a) Friday
b) Sunday
c) Saturday

2) What is the first day of Holy Week?
a) Clean Thursday
b) Good Friday
c) Palm Sunday

3) What do people in Great Britain carry in parades on Palm Sunday?
a) flowers
b) palm branches
c) fir branches

4) On Clean Thursday in Great Britain:
a) the king gives money to poor people
b) people clean their houses
c) the king visits his family

5) Traditional Easter Sunday food is:
a) chicken, potatoes, vegetables and hot cross buns
b) chicken, potatoes, vegetables and hot pancakes
c) lamb, potatoes, vegetables and hot cross buns

6) Sunday morning hot cross buns are:
a) small round sweet cakes with a cross
b) pancakes with a cross
c) small round biscuits with a cross

7) What do people in Britain say to each other on Easter?
a) «Happy Easter!»
b) «Merry Easter!»
c) «Have a nice Easter!»

8) Where do British put coloured eggs?
a) Easter box
b) basket
c) nest

9) What animal is the main symbol of Easter in Britain?
a) a mouse
b) a tortoise
c) a rabbit

10) British children has an interesting and funny tradition with eggs. What is it?
a) fight of eggs
b) egg rolling game
c) colouring eggs

Слайд 28: Ответы викторины.

1. b 2. c 3. b 4. a 5. c 6. a 7. a 8. b 9. c 10. b

Слайд 29: Easter Word Search. Приложение 1

Слайд 30: Приложение 2

Слайд 31

Источники (Sources)

  1. Людмила Якушина Пасха в Британии и в России// Английский язык. - 2002. - №14.
  2. https://eng.1sept.ru/article.php?ID=200201401
  3. Easter Word Search https://suncatcherstudio.com/printables/word-search/easter-word-search/
  4. Иллюстрации взяты их открытых источников Интернета