Урок английского языка "Australia" в 8-м классе

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 8

Ключевые слова: английский язык

Составлен по материалам УМК для VIII классов авторов Ю.Е.Ваулиной, Д.Дули, О.Е.Подоляко, В.Эванс «Английский в фокусе» для общеобразовательных учреждений с приложением на электронном носителе. - 13-е изд., - М.: Express Publishing: «Просвещение», 2021.

Тип урока: урок обобщения и систематизации знаний.

Форма урока: урок - презентация проектов.

Используемые технологии: проектной деятельности,групповая, дифференцированного обучения,компьютерная и аудиовизуальная.

Цель урока: развитие навыков говорения и аудирования на страноведческом материале.



  • развивать навыки аудирования иноязычной речи (в записи и вживую);
  • развивать умения подготовленной речи на английском языке;
  • ознакомить с новой лексикой по теме.


  • ознакомить со страной изучаемого языка и расширить кругозор учащихся;
  • развивать умение выступать перед публикой с подготовленным сообщением;
  • развивать память и внимание учащихся.


  • формировать межкультурную компетенцию, воспитывать уважение к другой культуре;
  • воспитывать самостоятельное мышление, ответственность за общее дело и этику отношений в коллективе;
  • повышать интерес к предмету.

Оснащение урока:

  • аудиозапись (скрипт см. Приложение1) или видео1 https://youtu.be/vUF7ja9ehIs,
  • видео2 https://youtu.be/EWan2YcodSM,
  • карта Австралии и три комплекта ее составных частей и названий их столиц,
  • fact file, флаг и герб Австралии, картинки по теме,
  • карточки с изучаемыми ЛЕ, проекты учащихся.

Дидактический и раздаточный материал: раздаточный материал №1 и №2, карточки для инструкторов №1 и №2.

План урока

  1. Организационный момент и сообщение темы и цели урока.
  2. Введение в тему, подготовка учащихся к восприятию сообщений (просмотр видео1 или аудирование аудиозаписи).
  3. Речевая зарядка и составление плана урока и выступлений учащихся.
  4. Презентация проектов учащихся и задания по представленным проектам.
  5. Итоги урока.
  6. Домашнее задание.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент (2 мин)

Приветствие: Т: Good afternoon, boys and girls! Glad to see you. I see that all are present today. That's OK. Let's begin our lesson.

Сообщение темы и цели урока.

Т: Today is a special day. We are going to make a journey to one of English - speaking countries - Australia - in order to get acquainted with this unusual, fascinating and even exotic country. We are going to listen to some reports on this country and do some tasks in listening comprehension, speak about the history, geography, natural world, cities and people of Australia and get some new information.

As we are having a project lesson, you have already done a lot of work to prepare your reports and projects you can see on the walls of the classroom on different aspects of this country. They are really informative, colourful and helpful, I should say and after the lesson I advise you to read and study the information once again and very carefully.

In a word, today we'll try to make this far - away country closer and more familiar to you for you to get ready for the country quiz you're going to write at the next lesson.

So let's read the motto of our lesson:

"From Terra Incognita to Terra Australis" (на доске).

Do you know what "Terra Incognita" means?


Unknown land.

And what about "Terra Australis"? -


Right you are! OK, you'll find it out during the lesson.

So our journey (voyage) begins. Havea nice journey!

II. Аудирование учащимися вступления, подготовка к восприятию сообщений (2 мин)

T: Now,please,keep your eyes open. You will watch a short video about this TerraAustralis/,or Southern Land. (идет видеоролик1 - см. Приложение 1) или

Т: Now, please, close your eyes and imagine we're on board the ship sailing off to sea in search of this Terra Australis, or Southern Land. (идет аудиозапись - см. Приложение 1)

III. Речевая зарядка и составление плана урока (2 мин)

Т: So we've arrived in a strange country or even continent. What would you like to learn about it for you to get to know it better?


- What is the history of this country like?
What nations live here?
What animals live here?
What plants grow?
What are its main cities?

T: (открывает на доске темы, соответствующие этим вопросам):

You are very curious, my dear friends. Actually, all of your questions, I believe, can be grouped like this into 4 main topics:

  • History & population.
  • Political system, symbols, states & territories.
  • Natural world.
  • Culture, traditions & people's ways of life.

By the way, this will be the plan of our lessons & your reports.

IV-V. Презентация проектов учащихся и задания по представленным проектам (36 мин)

T: (2 мин) Before we start I'd like you to remember some rules:

  • While the speaker of each team is making a report, you should listen very attentively & carefully and makes notes of most important facts and information given.
  • After the report you or your team will be given some tasks to check your comprehension and understanding. It can be a team or an individual competition.

1. Now the 11st report, please. (3 мин)

P1: My report will be history and population of Australia so you'd better be especially attentive and careful about the dates and names given. The handouts will help you do this. (раздаточный материал № 1 - см.Приложение № 2) (Report "Pages of History")

P2 (Instructorl) (5 мин): Thank you. Now you'll have some time to complete the table. You may discuss and check your answers in your groups......... Your time is up.

Now I'll ask each team in turn to match the date and the name on the blackboard and give a complete sentence describing one of the main events of Australia's history. Mind that different pupils should speak each time.

...................... Good for you!

(на доске - см. Приложение № 3)

Т: By the way, we've got this information in our fact file. Look at the blackboard.

2. The second topic will be divided between 2 pupils.

P3: will tell us about the political system and national symbols of Australia.

P4's report is on states, territories and main cities. You are welcome.

P3: I ask you to listen and get ready to answer my questions. (Report "The National Symbols of Australia") (2 мин)...


  1. Who is the official head of state in Australia? (the Monarch of Gr.Br.)
  2. Which group of stars can one see on the Australian flag? (5 stars of the Southern Cross)
  3. What are its national colours? (Green and gold)
  4. What is Australia's official language? (English)
  5. Why is the Union Jack placed on the national flag of Australia? (because A. is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations headed by Great Britain)
  6. Where does its Parliament sit? (in Canberra)

You are quite right, thank you for your answers.

T: Now listen to the second part of the report about territories and states of Australia and complete the table in your handouts. (раздаточный материал № 2 - см. Приложение № 4)

You should guess what the letters stand for and put down the names of capitals.

P4: (Report "States and Territories. Main Cities") (3 мин) Thank you for your attention.

P5: (Instructor 2) (2 мин+3 мин): And now my task, please. Each teach has got: a set of Australia's states and territories a set of their capital cities.

Your task is to make up the map of Australia, give full names of each state and name each state/territory capital using your handouts.

I'll do the same on the blackboard with the help of your teams. Mind that different pupils should speak for the group each time.

What is the 1st state? What is its capital?

The second state/territory and the capital, please ...

(«наносит» на карту штат или территорию и название столицы после каждого ответа)

Well-done! Thank you.

Т: Thank you, boys (girls). I'd like to draw your attention to our fact file once again. Here you can find the information about Australia's national symbols, its states and territories and their capitals.

3. The topic of the next report is "The Natural World of Australia" (6 мин)

Look at the screen, please. You are going to watch a video and listen to the pupil's commentary. After- wards you'll be given some tasks connected with the fauna and flora of Australia. (Video 2 "The Natural Wonders of Australia" https://youtu.be/EWan2YcodSM).

P6 and P7's report. Thank you, P6 & P7.

Did you enjoy the film? I'm sure you did and now it's my turn to give you a task. You may do it individually. (6 мин)
I've prepared some cards for you with the names of some Australian birds, plants and animals, but unfortunately somebody has mixed up the letters in each word. Can you help and guess what word is hidden in each card. If you've guessed you should spell the word and read it. Here are a few clues (left) for you.

  1. It's a unique animal. It lives on eucalyptus leaves. It is sometimes called "teddy bear" as it is one of the most loved animals not only in Australia. The name of it means "no water". ('koala [kou'a:lə])
  2. It's a bird. It's large but it cannot fly. It can be found on the national coat-of-arms. (emu ['i:mju:])
  3. It's an egg-laying animal. It spends much time in the river. It's famous for its strange and unusual nose. It's endemic. (platypus ['plǽtipəs])
  4. It's a plant which can be seen on the national coat-of-arms. It's another word for acacia. (wattle['wotl])
  5. It's an animal. It also symbolizes Australia but it's not exotic at all. In fact, it's a domestic animal. It's the most wide spread animal in Australia. There is a monument to it in one of Australian cities. (sheep [|i:p])
  6. It's an animal. It can be up to 2 metres high. The name of it means "I don't know". It leaves on grass, leaves, plants. It is one of the symbols of Australia.(kangaroo [kǽngə'ru:]) (Т. показывает карточки с ЛЕ по теме - см. Приложение № 5)

Have you guessed?

How do you spell it?

Can you read the transcription and tell us the whole word?

Let's check if you're right. Quite so!

Now come up to the blackboard, find the picture of it and put it on the map.

Thank you.

The next word, please.

Well-done! Good for you!

Now you can see the pictures of the animals, plants, birds on the map and their names in our fact file.

This was the last of our tasks.

VI. Итоги урока (2 мин)

T: Now I'd like you to go back to the plan of our lesson. Which topic(s) haven't/hasn't been covered?

(Culture, traditions and people's ways of life)

Right you are.

You can find some useful information on this topic in brief in your fact file and in detail - in one of your projects.

(Т. раздает "fact files" учащимся - см. Приложение № 6)

Do you remember the motto of our lesson? What was it?

(From "Terra Incognita" to "Terra Australis")

At the beginning of our lesson you knew only few facts about this country and the map of it was white. Now you can see that the map has become colourful and meaningful as a result of today's lesson. It shows that Australia has become a little bit more familiar to you, hasn't it? It's not an unknown land to you any more, is it? So I can change the heading from "Terra Incognita" to "Terra Australis".

(Т. меняет заголовок)

Actually, we've made a very successful voyage, haven't we? Hope you've enjoyed it. With such clever, daring and hard-working sailors and travelers the result couldn't have been a failure, I'm sure. Now I'm going to give you marks for your work.

(Marks:...... )

VII. Домашнее задание (2 мин)

As I've already mentioned, your hometask for the next lesson will be: to revise and learn the information given in your fact files and in your projects and get ready for the country quiz on Australia.

See you tomorrow! Bye!