Викторина «English-speaking countries»

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 7

Ключевые слова: английский язык, викторина по английскому языку

Grade 7

1. What is the fourth largest country in the world?
a) China
b) Canada
c) The USA

2. What mountain chains in the west of the USA do you know?
a) The Appalachian mountains
b) The Rocky mountains
с) The Alps

3. Lake Badwater is situated in … .
a) The USA
b) Canada
c) New Zealand

4. In what building do American congressmen work?
a) The Capitol
b) The White House
c) The Empire State Building

5. Where is the National Gallery situated?
a) in Trafalgar Square
b) in Downing Street
c) in Oxford Street

6. The British Parliament sits … .
a) The Tower of London
b) Buckingham Palace
c) Westminster Palace

7. The United Kingdom has … parts.
a) five
b) two
c) four

8. … is the smallest continent and the biggest island in the world.
a) New Zealand
b) Great Britain
c) Australia

9. The UK is situated … .
a) on three big islands
b) on many islands
c) on an island

10. Whitehall is a … .
a) museum
b) street
c) street

11. Where can you see ravens in London?
a) St. Paul's Cathedral
b) The Tower of London
c) Buckingham Palace

12. Where is Uluru situated?
a) New Zealand
b) Canada
c) Australia

13. Brighton is famous for its … .
a) sandy beaches
b) ancient castles
c) tennis courts

14. Wimbledon is famous for its … .
a) sandy beaches
b) ancient castles
c) tennis courts

15. What is the capital of Australia?
a) Sydney
b) Canberra
c) Melbourne

16. Can you name the oldest and the biggest city in Australia?
a) Sydney
b) Canberra
c) Melbourne

17. Their babies come from eggs but drink milk from their mothers.
a) the duckbill and the echidna
b) the koala
с) the quokka

18. Its cry sounds like somebody's laughter.
a) the quokka
b) the emu
c) the kookaburra

19. The word "…" means "no water".
a) the quokka
b) the koala
c) the kookaburra

20. Where is Great Barrier Reef situated?
a) Australia
b) New Zealand
c) Canada