Тематическая разработка внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку «Alice in Wonderland» («Алиса в стране чудес»)

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Внеклассная работа

Класс: 6

Ключевые слова: английский язык

Действующие лица: Алиса, белый кролик, чеширский кот, серая мышь, заяц, шляпник, королева, карты (2 человека).

Сцена 1

Участвуют: Алиса и белый кролик

Alice: (сидит на качелях с книгой в руках, читает вслух)

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
All the King's horses, all the King's men
Couldn't put Humpty, couldn't put Dumpty (путается в словах, ей становится скучно)
Couldn't put Humpty-Dumpty together again

Алиса роняет книгу и засыпает. На сцену выбегает Белый Кролик.

Rabbit: Oh dear! Or dear! I shall be late! I shall be late! (боится опоздать на встречу с королевой)

Alice (просыпается): Mr. Rabbit! Mr. Rabbit! Please! Wait, wait, wait! (зовет его в надежде поговорить хоть с кем-нибудь)

Rabbit: No time to say good bye! I`m late, I`m late, I`m late!

(кролик убегает от Алисы, прыгает в нору, Алиса за ним, падает в нору и попадает в страну чудес)

Сцена 2

Встреча с чеширским котом

Участвуют: Алиса и Чеширский кот


Such a strange place.
You are a cat!

Chashire cat (с широкой улыбкой): I`m not a cat. I`m a Cheshire cat!

Alice: Tell me where should I go?

Chashire cat: It depends on your wish. Where do you want to go?

Alice: I don`t actually know!

Chashire cat: If you go right you will come to the mad Hatter. If you will go left you will come to the March Hare. They are both mad.
We are all mad here. I`m mad and you are mad.

Alice: I`m not mad!

Chashire cat: In our land all are a little bit mad. (исчезает со сцены, остается только улыбка)

Сцена 3

Mad Tea Party (Сумасшедшая чайная вечеринка)

Участвуют: серая мышь, заяц, шляпник и Алиса


It`s a happy unbirthday!
It`s a happy unbirthday!
Happy unbirthday!
Oh, thank you!
Happy unbirthday!

(Все поздравляют друг друга с неднем рождения. Алиса, увидев праздничные посиделки за столом, решает присоединиться)

March Hare & Mad Hatter: No room, no room, no room, no room, no room, no room, no room!

Alice: But I think there is plenty of room!

March Hare: Ah, but it's very unpolite to sit down when you are not invited!

Mad Hatter: It wasn`t very polite of you.

Dormouse: Very very very unpolite.

Alice: Oh, I'm very sorry, but I did enjoy your singing ...

March Hare: You enjoyed our singing?

Mad Hatter: Oh, what a nice child! Hah! You must have a cup of tea!

March Hare: Ah, yes! The tea, you must have a cup of tea!

Alice: I'm sorry I interrupted your birthday party...(мышь подает ей чай)... uh, thank you.

March Hare: Birthday? Hahaha! My dear child, this is not a birthday party!

Mad Hatter: Of course not! Hehehe! This is an unbirthday party!

Alice: Unbirthday? Why, I'm sorry, but I don't quite understand.

March Hare: haha... she doesn't know what an unbirthday is!

Mad Hatter:

How silly! Ha ha ha ha! Ah-hum...
Tell me please how many days are there in a year?

Alice: Let me think… three hundred and sixty-five.

Mad Hatter: And how many birthdays have you?

Alice: One.

Mad Hatter: You have only one birthday!

March Hare: Imagine, just one birthday every year!

Mad Hatter: Ahhh, but there may be 364 unbirthdays!!!

Alice: Why, then today is my unbirthday too!

All: It is!!!

March Hare: Happy unbirthday!

Alice: To me?

All: To you!

Alice: Oh, thank you so much!

Mad Hatter: Now blow the candle out, my dear and make your wish come true! Hihihi!

March Hare: Hush! Silence! The Queen and her cards!!!

Сцена 4

(На сцене карты красят куст розы и торжественно выходит королева)

Участвуют: карты (3 человека) , белый кролик, королева и Алиса

Cards: The Queen! The Queen!

Alice: The Queen?

White Rabbit: Her majesty, the Queen of Hearts!

A card: Hurray! [hə'reɪ]

Queen: Hum... Who's been painting my roses red? Who's been painting my roses red?

For painting my roses red, someone will lose his head!

Card: (c кисточкой в руках) Oh, no! Your majesty! Please, it's all his fault!

All: It was he!

Queen: That's enough! Off with their heads!

Alice: Oh, no! Please, please! They have done their best.

Queen: And who is this?

Alice: My name is Alice.

Queen: Speak proper English! Always say 'Yes, your majesty'!

Alice: Yes, your majesty!

Queen: And don`t forget to make a curtsy! ['kɜːtsɪ]

Alice: Yes, your majesty!

Queen: And don`t forget to look straight into my eyes!

Alice: Yes, your majesty!


Very Well!

Hm. Now, um, where do you come from, and where are you going to?

Alice: Well, um, I'm trying to find my way home...

Queen: Your way? All ways here are my ways!

Alice: Well, yes, I know, but I was just thinking...

Queen: Curtsey while you're thinking, it saves time.

Alice: Yes, your majesty, but I was only going to ask...

Queen: Remember! If I lose my patience ['peɪʃ(ə)n(t)s], you will lose your head, understand?

Alice: Oh, pooh. I'm not afraid of you! You're nothing but a pack of cards! You're not a queen, but just a fat, pompous ['pɔmpəs], bad tempered ['tempəd] old tyrant ['taɪərənt]!!!

Queen: What!!! Off with her head! Off with her head! Don't let her get away!

(все в ужасе убегают со сцены. Королева тоже уходит.)

Заключительная сцена

Алиса одна на сцене, спит.

Одноклассник: Alice, wake up! Wake up! Alice! Alice…

Alice: Mr Rabbit! Is it you?

Одноклассник: Kate, are you OK? (находит рядом книгу "Алиса в стране чудес").

Alice: Vova? (одноклассник девочки-ученицы, исполняющей роль Алисы)

Одноклассник: (забирает книгу и с улыбкой) Everything is clear. You should have some rest. What about a cup of tea?

Alice: A cup of tea? Oh, no! Not again!