The unknown names of Perm literature: Marina Krasheninnikova

Разделы: Литература, Внеклассная работа, Краеведение

Классы: 8, 9, 10, 11

Ключевые слова: английский язык

The beginning

Marina Krasheninnikova was the daughter of the Soviet writer, poet and essayist Avenir Donatovich Krasheninnikov. She had been living for only 35 years. Her short life consisted of entire "not": she was not married, she did not start a family, her works were not published a lot ...Moreover, she broke off all the best in herself with alcohol quickly: she died of the alcohol poisoning.

Writer Yuri Belikov, coeval and friend of Marina Krasheninnikova, recalls:

"At the beginning, the fate favoured Marina. She was born in the family of the famous Soviet writer in Perm. She attended the philological faculty at the University. Then, I think she made the right choice - she entered the Literary Institute. ... Marina's father, Avenir Donatovich, took on the leadership of the literary Association of the local Union of writers in the late eighties. But the heart couldn't take it. Avenir Donatovich come out of the coma and wrote a few more stories.

Her father died in 1991, the most critical year of that time, followed by his mother. And Marina was gone in 1993».

The only source of Marina's biography is the memories of her University friends and letters addressed to her, not written by her. We learned about them thanks to Marina Artemova, who was one of the first who tried to collect the biography of Marina Avenirovna Krasheninnikova.

In the autumn of 1983, letters from the Yalta Museum of A. P. Chekhov rushed to Perm: twenty-five-years-old Marina Krasheninnikova broke her leg, was treated at home and longed. He friends at the Institute - Nikolai Alipov, Vladimir Korobov, Lyudmila Abaeva wrote her (they had an internship at the Museum of Chekhov then).

A letter from Vladimir Korobov:

"The days in Yalta are good, in the morning I walk along the old streets, where Tsvetaeva, Annenskiy once lived. I am writing a short essay about Annenskiy in Crimea. I reprint Kolya's story and read a lot. You, my angel, don't despair, we will finish Institute together, and will drink, of course, and will dance. I'm sorry for your loneliness; a woman should be in life with someone. I'm used to be by myself. I don't know if it's good or bad. But that's how I feel and languish. Honeysuckle is already trying to bloom here, and the winter city resembles an oyster. Delicacy, not life!»

Marina Krasheninnikova lived a little, wrote a little, she almost did not publish anything. But she is a good writer. This is evidenced by her recommendation as a member of the Writers' Union, along with such names as Nina Gorlanova, Anatoly Korolev, Vladimir Sokolovsky.

In "Young guard" in 1989 Yuri Belikov established a literary application "Children of strontium", which published bright representatives of not only the Perm underground (among which was Marina Krasheninnikova), but also Yekaterinburg, Barnaul and Moscow ones.

Author's style

Marina wrote both poems and prose. Whatever her poems were about - about internal and philosophical experiences ("In the hostel", "Youth", etc.) or about her small homeland - Perm ("For the city", "The Fairy Tale", "Farewell to Perm", etc.) - the time was the central theme in them, or rather, its transience and inevitability.

Her prose is special - adventurous, hooligan.

Marina Artemova, who studied the biography and works of Krasheninnikova, speaks of her texts:

"I liked this prose because of the incredible charm of a mixture of sincerity and adventurous plot, sadness and ridicule. A materialized, boring, purely domestic plot - an exhausted teacher , a rookie's experience, in love with a married man a graduate of philology, who is in danger of distribution - suddenly turns out to be a deception. Life in the stories sparkles, the characters are doing up something incredible. This is the case when you have no idea where the writer's imagination will lead you.

It is a fable on the contrary: morality, rendered almost in the title, acquires muscles, details. As life is being gradually blown in a black-and-white figure. It turns out possible to build a whole story on a single phrase in the epigraph: "Can a man, I mean a gentleman, call a woman a pig?" This is the story of "The Terrorist».

The calm, measured life of the scientist Seregin does not portend anything unexpected. Everything is just like everybody has - in the right way, on time and according to plan. But there was an accident: a wild and unbridled woman fell in love with him. It could be just a nasty joke, if not for the end of the story. Seregin, losing his balance, gives the lady a slap in the face. And she disappears suddenly and forever. And then the person begins to think about the correctness of his life, whether he lost in this game. "...Often at night he dreamed of the sweet smiling face of a woman who looked like both a girl and his wife, and he felt his hand grow numb and heavy. He woke with a start and thought, "Who is she? Why and to whom was all this necessary? And with horror he realized that the former happiness of the soul, which is to pleasure him, never will happen. He tossed and turned on the bed for a long time, wincing and sighing, rubbing his numb hand."

The story "Lame" is about the events of the great Patriotic war through the eyes of rats. The plot is about children who pay for the adults' mistakes. This is a story about the "brutal "and inexplicable actions of people who led to the death of a little boy, and the" human" behavior of rats. This is the story of the pied Piper - the man who brought the rats out of the city, and then, without gratitude, took revenge on people by punishing their children.

"I realized that Pavlik was dying. I sat over his cooling body and remembered the old legend that lives in the memory of all rats, as one of the most terrible disasters that ever struck our family.

Once upon a time there lived the unfit people in the same city. They were filled with a terrible hatred for us rats, probably because we did not want to obey their laws. They summoned a terrible person, who alone understood our soul. He knew our susceptibility to the subtlest sounds that were inaccessible to human hearing. He took a wooden thing and began to play a primitive melody on it. Stupid people thought we were fascinated by this music. But we were led by a single sound, hidden behind all the others. It was the sound of Supreme Power over our souls. Those, then rats, adopted a Posture of great Humility, and went for the musician. He got into the boat, and they all died in the lake. But people are people. With their ingratitude, they did not give the sorcerer what was due to him. Then he by the sound, having Supreme Power over the soul of the child and which is not heard by adults, took away all the children of this city... Yes, it always has been: children are the first to pay for the sins of people».

The writer Anatoly Korolev responded well about the prose of Marina Krasheninnikova and about the author, giving a recommendation to the members of the Union of Russian writers: "I have known the work of Marina Krasheninnikova for more than ten years. And all these years with surprise and hope I have read this passionate confessional prose. Her stories and tales are always sudden. She attacks the reader's feeling from the rear, her goal is your conscience, which she takes to the light of God with the confident hand of a catcher and inflicts deep wounds. Sometimes after such prose you donot want to live. But more often - you look at life through tears.

Now let's go from the preamble to the facts. Marina is 33 years old, she lives in Perm, works in the newspaper "Young guard". She has been published since 1975, but rarely and little.

Her publications can be found in local collections "Young man", "Literary Kama". The story of a loving rat "Lame" brought glory to Marina, published in the literary and artistic monthly "DS". Her bright novel "Registration" and the story "Well-Wisher" were published in the collection "Women's logic" ("Contemporary", 1989). They were noticed by critics and attentive readers. Her literary fate is difficult in the province: Perm cannot forgive her or that she was born in the family of the writer, neither graduating the Literary Institute, nor the fact that she lives proudly, lonely, restless, even the fact that finishing her cigarette she gets burnt, it is not forgiven!

Well, it is high time to pay the debts and accept the talented Russian writer Marina Avenirovna Krasheninnikova as a member of the Union of Russian writers. I strongly recommend Marina in the new Union»


The newspaper "Star" from June 9, 1992 published a note: "Membership card of the Union of Russian writers awarded to another representative of the new wave of Perm writers - Marina Krasheninnikova»

And in the "Young guard" magazine of November 13, 1993 there was a number of notes with the text of similar contents: "The Regional writer's organization regrets to inform of the death of the member of the Union of writers Krasheninnikova Marina Avenirovna …»

Our task is to preserve the memory of the wonderful Perm writer Marina Krasheninnikova.


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