How to write an Email to a friend. Памятка для тех, кто сдает ОГЭ по английскому языку

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 9

Ключевые слова: английский язык, ОГЭ по английскому языку

Email is a quick, easy way to communicate with friends.

  1. Type their email address into the box labeled “From

Internet / Email Vocabulary

















( )






For example:

upper-case J lower-case ohn hash77 at gmail dot com

  1. Type your email address into the box labeled “To
  2. Type a subject that summarizes your email into the box labeled “Subject.”
  3. Open with a greeting, followed by the person’s name and a comma. Since this is an email to a friend, you can say something casual like Hi/ Hello/ Hey (name)!, Hi there, (name)!, Dear (name), “Hi Everyone!”
  4. Ask them how they’re doing. Skip a line, and ask a question like, “How are you doing?” “ How are you?” or make a statement like, “What’s new?”, "Hope you are well”, “I hope you’re doing well.” This shows your friend you care about them.
  5. Writing the Email Body. Tell them why you’re writing. Your reasons for writing.
  6. Close your email with conclusion (wishing follow-up contacts) and a wishing well, like “Best wishes”, “Talk to you soon,” or “Love,” “Take care!”, “ Bye for now. Keep cool!” Write me back soon”.
  7. Sign your email. Skip a couple lines and type your name.
  8. Proofread your email to look for spelling and grammar mistakes. A mistake-free email will be easier for your friend to read. Double check to make sure you have the right email address for your friend, too.
  9. Press send. When your email is ready to go, click the button at the bottom of your email that says “send.”

All done!



Subject: Dear friend

(Greeting - обращение) Dear Steve, / Hi Steve,

(Thanks - благодарность) Thanks a lot for your last letter. It’s nice to hear from you.
Thank you for your letter and sorry for not answering you earlier, I was really busy.
Thanks for your last letter, and sorry I couldn’t answer you earlier, school was keeping me busy.
Thank you for your letter. Sorry, I couldn’t answer you earlier.
Thank you for your letter. So nice to hear from you. Long time no see.
Thank you for your letter. How are you? / What’s new? Hope you are well.

(Email body - основная часть (ответы на вопросы)
This time I’ m writing to tell you…
You asked me about…Well, …

Conclusion - завершающая фраза о желательности дальнейших контактов
Write me back soon. / Write me back as soon as you can! /Keep in touch.

Ending - окончание
Love,/ Best wishes,/ All the best,
