Урок-экскурсия “Outstanding Men of England and America”

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 9

Ключевые слова: Go Down Moses, Армстронг, Sonnet XOI

Урок-экскурсия под названием “Outstanding Men of England and America” задуман как мероприятие, на котором ученики 9-х классов должны показать свои знания, приобретённые на уроках английского языка. Программа урока включает рассказы учащихся о выдающихся людях, просмотр видеофильма, показ слайдов, исполнение песен и чтение сонета Шекспира на английском языке, домашнее задание, которое ученики должны выполнить и сдать на специальных листах с заданием.

Цель: усовершенствование полученных на уроках иностранного языка знаний и навыков, развитие эстетических вкусов мировоззрения учащихся, поддержание мотивации к овладению иностранным языком в целом.


1. Образовательные.

Использование знаний, полученных в процессе обучения; развитие познавательных интересов.

2. Воспитательные.

Умение работать в коллективе, воспитание уважительного отношения к товарищам.

3. Развивающие.

Использование знания иностранного языка как средства развития коммуникативных навыков.

Оборудование: компьютер, экран мультимедиа, книги на английском и русском языках, DVD и диск с песнями Л.Армстронга, распечатанный текст песни на английском языке “Go Down Moses”.

Ход урока-экскурсии

Учитель: Good day, pupils! I’m very glad to see you! Sit down, please. Today we are going to have the lesson on the theme “Outstanding Men of England and America” and that will be the lesson-excursion about famous people of English speaking countries. You’ll be able to see some your materials in a presentation which you have done. I ask you to listen to the pupils and songs because after our lesson you must do your homework on such kind of paper. And so you are welcome!


Hello, my dear friends!

Last time when we met we were talking about “Three Cultures of Germany, Great Britain and the United States of America. Today we are here to have a very interesting meeting with some of the outstanding men of England and America. Our classmates are going to tell us about William Shakespeare and the Beatles, Mark Twain and Jack London, Henry Ford and Elvis Presley and about Louis Armstrong. So… let’s sit comfortable, listen, read and may be even sing!

Ученик 1:

William Shakespeare

Of course, you know the name of William Shakespeare very well. He was one of world’s greatest writers. More has been written about the greatest English dramatist and poet then about any other writer. And yet many facts of his life are unknown to us.

William Shakespeare was born on the 23-rd of April, in 1564, in the town of Stratford-on-Avon. His father was a glove-maker and a respected figure in Stratford. In his childhood William went to the Stratford Grammar School where, besides reading and writing, he was taught Latin. When Shakespeare was little more then 18 he married. And after his twins’ birth he left for London with the group of actors. Shakespeare became the principal playwright to the company. He was also an actor but played only small parts. His knowledge of the stage and his poetical genius made his plays the most remarkable ever written.

Ученик 2: William Shakespeare lived at the time of the English Renaissance. He wrote in all 2 long poems (“Venus and Adonis” and “Lucrece”), 154 sonnets and 37 plays. Among Shakespeare’s plays there are historical dramas such as “Henry 6-th”, comedies such as “Twelfth Night”, great tragedies such as “Hamlet”, “Romeo and Juliet”.

Shakespeare’s sonnets occupy a unique place in his literary legacy. Some critics hold the opinion that they are autobiographical. Shakespeare’s works were admired by the greatest minds of the world. Let’s listen one of his sonnets.

Ученик 3:

Sonnet XOI

Some glory in their birth, some in their skill,
Some in their wealth, some in their bodies’ force,
Some in their garments, though new-fangled ill.
Some in their hawks and hounds, some in their horse;

And every humour hath his adjunct pleasure,
Wherein it finds a joy above the rest:
But these particulars are not my measure;
All these I better in one general best,

Thy love is better than high birth to me,
Richer than wealth, prouder than garments’ cost,
Of more delight than hawks or horses be;
And having thee, of all men’s pride I boast.

Wretched in this alone, that thou mayst take
All this away and me most wretched make.

Сонет 91

Кто хвалится родством своим и знатью,
Кто силой, кто блестящим галуном,
Кто кошельком, кто пряжками на платье,
Кто соколом, собакой, скакуном.

Есть у людей различные пристрастья,
Но каждому милей всего одно.
А у меня особенное счастье, –
В нём остальное всё заключено.

Твоя любовь, мой друг, дороже клада,
Почётнее короны королей,
Наряднее богатого наряда,
Охоты соколиной веселей!

Ты можешь всё отнять, чем я владею,
И в этот миг я сразу обеднею.

Ученик 4:

The Famous Liverpool Four // The Beatles

The famous Liverpool four or the Beatles, the first really important British pop group was formed by John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr. They came from Liverpool, a town in the north of England. The Beatles had their first hit record in 1962. They gave concerts in Germany and America where they had even greater success.

After 1965 the Beatles worked mostly on films and albums (long-playing records). In the sixties they created successful records and interesting films. The Famous Liverpool Four was very popular especially with youth. Beatle mania was the word used to describe the reaction of fans all over the world.

In 1970 the group split up. Yet Lennon and McCartney – and the Beatles – produced some of the most famous songs ever. I think that everyone knows his very popular song “Yesterday”. (Звучит песня “Yesterday”)

Ученик 5:

Mark Twain


His real name was Samuel Langhorn Clemens, but he is better known by his professional name, Mark Twain. Mark Twain was born in Missouri in 1835. He never finished elementary school. He got his education mainly from his observations of people and events on the western bank of the Mississippi River. In 1871, he married and moved to Hartford, Connecticut, where he wrote his two masterpieces, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Because of his sense of humor and wit and the style with which he wrote about frontier life of the common people in the American West, many people feel that Twain’s books marked the beginning of modern American literature. You can read his novels both in Russian and English. (Показать книжные страницы слайд)

Ученик 6:

Jack London


Jack London was born in 1876 in San Francisco, California. His family was very poor, so Jack had to leave school to make money. In 1897, he went to Alaska to find gold. Instead, he found ideas for his stories there.

He is best known for his book, The Call of the Wild, the story of the adventures of a dog in the frozen north. His writings were very popular and he became rich and famous before the age of 30. You can also read his book. (Показать книжные страницы – слайд)

Ученик 7:

Elvis Presley


Elvis Presley was known as “The King” of rock’n’roll. He was born in Mississippi in 1935. At the age of 13 Elvis and his family moved to Memphis, Tennessee. There Elvis recorded his first song in 1954. He sold millions of records, served in the army, moved to Hollywood and appeared in 33 films. Elvis brought together the musical sounds of the black in America and of country people. His songs started a new period in American music.

Ученик 8: Elvis was the most popular performer of his day. At the news of his death in 1977, thousands of people gathered outside his home in Memphis.

Elvis’ songs are still popular today. People love to imitate him. There is even an Elves Presley Impersonation Society. Elvis impersonators dress up like Elvis and sing on stage. Some of them actually wish they were Elvis! Let’s watch Presley in one of his musical films. (Заставка рагмент фильма)

Ученик 9:

Henry Ford


Henry Ford was born in 1863. He was a man who transformed the world. The car he built changed the lives of people everywhere. In 1896, Ford succeeded in building an automobile powered by a gasoline ‘engine. He built this engine in his kitchen sink. In 1903, Henry Ford established the Ford Motor Company and introduced the Model T Ford.

Ученик 10: Henry Ford wanted to make a car that everyone would be able to afford. He was able to lower the price of the Model T form 850 dollars to 360 dollars by introducing mass production assembly line techniques. On an assembly line each person has one specific job and can do it taster and more efficiently.

I think each of us wish to have a car of Ford Motor Company.

Ученик 11:

Louis Armstrong


Louis Armstrong was a singer and trumpet player, who was a major force in shaping jazz music in America in the 1920’s. He introduced new ideas to jazz and was known as the “King of Jazz”.

Louis Armstrong was the first jazz soloist to receive worldwide recognition. His musical career began in the streets of New Orleans, where he sang for pennies with other poor black children. His unique style had a major influence on his generation of trumpeters as well as other instrumentalists.

Let me say that jazz, in nowadays world, is music for rich and respect people. And with these words learn to listen to jazz, sing jazz-songs with Louis Armstrong and be respectable people. (Звучит песня Армстронга “Go Down Moses”, учащиеся подпевают)

Ведущий: At the end of our meeting I would like to thank you for coming and our classmates for telling us the interesting stories about outstanding men of England and America. See you and good luck!

Учитель: Well, and now take your homework. You should bring me them (the lists with homework) for the next lesson. Thank you very much and good bye!

Homework (Приложение)
