Английский язык: Английский с удовольствием / Enjoy English: Учебник для 5 кл. общеобраз. учрежд.- Обнинск: Титул, 2013.-208 с.: ил.
Английский язык: рабочая тетрадь к учебнику 5 класса / М.З.Биболетова, О.А.Денисенко, Н.Н.Трубанева. - 2-е изд., стереотип.- М.: Дрофа, 2017.- 95 с.: ил.
(Unit III, Section 7)
Личностные результаты:
- формирование уважительного отношения к иному мнению, к учителю, партнерам по общению; к культуре других народов;
- формирование дружелюбного отношения и толерантности к носителям другого языка;
- развитие самостоятельности, доброжелательности, эмоционально-нравственной отзывчивости, соблюдение социальных норм речевого и неречевого поведения;
- формирование ответственного отношения к учебе; развитие навыков сотрудничества со сверстниками в процессе совместной деятельности.
Метапредметные результаты:
- принимать задачи учебной деятельности, осуществлять поиск средств решения задач;
- планировать, выполнять и оценивать свои учебные / коммуникативные действия, овладевать навыками самоконтроля и самооценки;
- действовать с опорой на изученное правило / алгоритм с целью достижения успеха;
- использовать речевые средства и средства ИКТ для решения коммуникативных и познавательных задач;
- использовать различные способы поиска информации (в словаре, другом справочном материале - Cultural Guide) в соответствии с решаемой коммуникативной / познавательной задачей;
- анализировать, сравнивать, обобщать по отдельным признакам языковую информацию;
- фиксировать информацию при прослушивании текста на английском языке;
- опираться на языковую догадку в процессе чтения / восприятия на слух текста;
- владеть умениями смыслового чтения текста в соответствии с целями и с использованием разных стратегий (с пониманием основного содержания, с полным пониманием, с выборочным пониманием искомой информации);
- осознанно строить речевое высказывание в устной форме в соответствии с заданными коммуникативными задачами;
- слушать и слышать собеседника, вести диалог; формулировать свое мнение; признавать возможность существования различных точек зрения;
- работать индивидуально и в группе, договариваться о распределении ролей в процессе совместной деятельности;
- осуществлять взаимный контроль в совместной деятельности, адекватно оценивать собственное поведение и поведение окружающих;
- работать в материальной и информационной среде: комплексно использовать разные компоненты УМК (учебник, рабочую тетрадь, аудиодиск), электронные материалы.
Предметные результаты (Коммуникативные задачи):
- составлять небольшое устное сообщение о знаменитых людях, используя страноведческий справочник учебника;
- воспринимать на слух и понимать запрашиваемую информацию в тексте, восстанавливать целостность текста социокультурного характера (биографии Р.Бернса) путем добавления слов;
- читать текст социокультурного характера (о У.Тернере);
- соотносить текст с картинкой, отвечать на вопросы;
- выразительно читать текст вслух, соблюдая фразовое ударение и интонационные контуры;
- разыгрывать диалог-расспрос, запрашивая интересующую информацию у собеседника.
Ход урока
1. Good morning, students. I’m glad to see you! You look nice. Let’s learn English! (Students sing an English song.)
Let’s Learn English!
Let’s speak English!
Let’s sing English!
Let’s learn English now!
Good morning!
Are you ready?
Let’s go!Let’s speak English!
Let’s sing English!
Let’s learn English now!Yes, yes, yes, yes.
No, no, no, no.
Please, please, please, please.
Thank you very much!
Let’s speak English!
Let’s sing English!
Let’s learn English now!
2. Look at the list of people’s names on the board. Listen to the words and pronounce them correctly:
- Queen Elizabeth II
- John Lennon
- John Ronald Reuel Tolkien
- William Turner
- Robert Burns
- Charles Darwin
- Joanne K. Rowling
- Daniel Defoe
- Lewis Carrol
- Charles Dickens
- J.M. Barrie
Have a look at the photos of these people. (Students see the photos on the screen.).
Friends, who do you think we are going to speak, read and write about today? (Students give their answers.) You are right. That’s the topic of our lesson - Famous people of Great Britain. What do you suppose we’ll do in the lesson today? (Students give their suppositions choosing from the list:
I think today in the lesson we will:
- work in pairs, in groups, individually, all together;
- read texts;
- learn words and word-combinations;
- practise grammar;
- do exercises in writing form;
- sing songs;
- watch a presentation;
- ask and answer questions;
- complete sentences;
- act out dialogues;
- translate from Russian into English…)
Well done, children! We’ll try to manage all this.
3. So, what do you know about these people? What are they famous for? Use the Cultural guide if necessary. (Students make up sentences or sound the information from the CG.)
4. Now I suggest doing the crossword puzzle. Work in groups of four. (Students do the crossword puzzle in their Workbook (ex.37 p.58.) Then we check the answers.)
1. Joanne … published her first “Harry Potter” novel in 1997.
2. Lewis … wrote the famous book about Alice and her adventures.
3. Charles … is famous for his books “Oliver Twist” and “David Copperfield”.
4. Hobbits are some of the main characters of J. R. R. …’s novels.
5. Daniel … wrote his novel about Robinson Crusoe when he was 59.
6. J. M. … is the author of the well- known fairy tale “Peter Pan”.
5. I’m sure you know the Key Vocabulary of Unit III well. You’ve got a minute to review the words and word- combinations on page 137. Let’s arrange a competition. I need 2 students. Your task is to read and translate the KV. You’ll do the task in turn. Remember! You’ll have only a minute for this.
Unit 3. Faces of London
Nouns: |
Verbs: |
Word combinations: |
1. |
activity |
20. |
admire |
36. |
be famous for |
2. |
adventure |
21. |
chat |
37. |
be founded in |
3. |
cathedral |
22. |
turn |
38. |
be full of |
4. |
character |
Adjectives: |
39. |
be proud of |
5. |
east |
23. |
amazing |
40. |
be rich in |
6. |
fortress |
24. |
ancient |
41. |
be situated |
7. |
museum |
25. |
cultural |
42. |
be surprised |
8. |
novel |
26. |
free |
43. |
come true |
9. |
palace |
27. |
hospitable |
44. |
face-to-face |
10. |
peace |
28. |
royal |
45. |
have a barbecue |
11. |
politician |
Adverbs: |
46. |
host family |
12. |
raven |
29. |
already |
47. |
in peace |
13. |
sight |
30. |
ever |
48. |
play a board game |
14. |
slice (of) |
31. |
just |
49. |
take care of |
15. |
square |
32. |
lately |
50. |
take place |
16. |
stadium |
33. |
never |
51. |
turn to the left / right |
17. |
theatre |
34. |
recently |
18. |
tower |
35. |
yet |
Expressions: |
19. |
west |
52. |
It’s worth visiting… |
Good of you! Now translate my Russian sentence into English: Великобритания богата знаменитыми людьми. Лондонцы гордятся своими талантливыми писателями и поэтами, музыкантами и художниками, учеными и политиками. (Students translate the sentence using the KV.)
6. Let’s have a rest! Enjoy your English and sing a merry song. Be cheerful and active doing the necessary movements. (Students sing the song “Clap Your Hands!”)
7. Do you enjoy singing and dancing? Do you like poems?
Oh, my love is like a red, red rose…
This is a sentence from a poem written by a famous Scottish poet Robert Burns. 2 students have prepared some information about the man. Listen to one of your classmates and complete the text with the right words. Then listen to the other student and check your variants. (Students take cards from the teacher, do the task. Then one of them reads the text aloud.)
Complete the text with the words.
Robert Burns was a well- known Scottish poet. He was born in 1759. His father was a farmer and there were seven children in the family. Robert was the eldest son. He liked reading. At the age of 15 he began to write poems. He wrote about people, love and everyday things. Scottish people still remember the poet, his poems and songs.
Now read out the verbs. Are they regular or irregular?
8. Do you enjoy drawing, painting? Why don’t we read a text about a famous British artist?
a) Open your textbooks on page 132, read the text of exercise 157 (silent reading). Which of the 3 pictures is William Turner’s? Why do you think so? (Students read the text and try to find out which of the pictures in the textbook is William Turner’s and explain their choice.)
William Turner (1775-1851)
William Turner was the son of a barber (парикмахер). At the age of fifteen he exhibited (выставил) his first picture.
Turner was very fond of nature and often went alone on trips (путешествовал один) through England and Wales. While travelling, he liked to draw ruined (разрушенные) abbeys and castles (замки).
Turner was famous for the wonderful colours in his pictures. Most of them were landscapes (пейзажи) and sea pictures. He was a master of water - colours (акварель).
b) Now work in pairs and match the questions with the answers.
1) When was W. Turner born? |
a) In 1851. |
2) What was his father’s job? |
b) Yes, he was. |
3) W. Turner was fond of nature, wasn’t he? |
c) A barber. |
4) What did he like to draw during his trips? |
d) In 1775. |
5) What was W. Turner famous for? |
e) The beautiful colours in his pictures. |
6) What kind of pictures did he paint? |
f) Ruined abbeys and castles. |
7) When did the artist die? |
g) Landscapes and sea pictures. |
(Students work in pairs, do the task. Then they see the right answers on the board (1) d 2) c) 3) b 4) f 5) e 6) g 7) a and mark their score.)
c) Now work in groups. (Students form 2 groups.) Get ready to read the text aloud. Try to pronounce the words correctly, mind your intonation. (In 2 minutes a group of students come out to the front and read the text aloud. The other team does the same.)
d) Now watch a presentation and sound the pictures. Use the text. (Students do the task in groups. They see pictures of W. Turner on the screen and pronounce the appropriate sentences.)
9. Friends, our lesson is coming to an end. By the way, would you like to be famous? Read and act out the short dialogue. Speak about yourselves and your dreams.
Ex. 156, p.131.
A: Would you like to be famous?
B: I think I would. I’m going to do my best to become a famous musician.
A: Are you? Well, as for me, I’d like to be a famous scientist or a famous writer.
B: Good luck! Let’s meet again in 15 years and see.
10. So, did you like the lesson? What have we done today?
(Students make up sentences using the information on the board.
- We have worked in pairs, in groups, individually…)
What facts about the famous British people do you know well now?
At home read two texts about J.R.R. Tolkien and Ch. Darwin and complete them with the correct words (ex.155 p. 131, textbook).
It’s time to say “Thank you” for your nice work. What are your results? (Students come out to the board and put the SMILE cards on the “Success Ladder” paper.) See you. Bye!