Урок английского языка по теме «Искусство и ремесла народа саха в Ботулунском этнографическом музее». 10-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Презентация к уроку

Класс: 10

Презентация к уроку

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  • Ознакомить учащихся с духовно-материальной культурой родного народа.
  • Обучить английскому, русскому, якутскому вариантам названий экспонатов музея.


  • Научить проектировать.
  • Систематизировать языковой материал.
  • Формировать метапредметные знания.
  • Развивать социокультурную и коммуникативную компетенции.
  • Воспитывать интерес к родному и иностранным языкам.
  • Воспитывать уважение к историческому наследию родного народа.

Тип урока: Урок-презентация проекта.

Актуальность проекта: В контексте глобализации современного мира изучение и сохранение духовной, интеллектуальной и материальной культуры народа должны выйти на первый план.

Новизна и оригинальность: Презентация материала на базе культурно-исторических прецедентов местного музея.

Теоретическая значимость: Изучение лингвистических и культурных реалий в области народного творчества.

Практическая значимость:

  • Сравнение якутского, русского, английского вариантов слов,
  • Развитие умений делать экскурсии на английском языке.

Методы: Анализ, сравнение, обобщение, классификация, дизайн.

В ходе урока учащиеся должны сформулировать такие выводы на английском языке:

  1. Искусство каждого народа уникально, стиль формируется в течение тысячелетий.
  2. Обычные и простые вещи имели большое значение для выживания народа.
  3. Наши предки не только выживали, они считали необходимым создавать красоту вокруг себя.
  4. Наши предки бережно сохраняли связь между функциональной, орнаментальной, графической частями предмета.
  5. Народное искусство и ремесла показывают национальную картину видения мира саха.

План урока

  1.  Введение. Художественная культура народа саха. Regional Artistic Culture of the Sakha. Беседа учителя.
  2. Презентация проекта учеником. Искусство и ремесла народа саха в Ботулунском этнографическом музее. Arts and Crafts of the Sakha in Botulu Ethnographical Museum.
  3. Вопросы и ответы. Обсуждение проекта.
  4. Заключение. Выводы учащихся.
  5. Домашнее задание. Подготовка к ролевой игре «В музее».


Ход урока

1. Введение. Regional Artistic Culture of the Sakha

Necessity to see beauty and to create is intrinsic to all the peoples – it is a nature of flexibility and uniqueness of folk art. It is the source for all arts. It deserves admiration. A person needs light and joy, and the harder life the greater need for light. Art empowers a person for life; it gives energy of resistance to tribulations of everyday life, encourages the peoples, and creates their self esteems. It carries sadness about the ideal, gives hope and belief in the possibility to step on a new spiritual height, the future. In folk art peculiarities of historical memory were fixed, and it demonstrates the traditional picture of the world.

Nobody knows what beauty is, how and what it originates from, but as a rule, everybody notices and judges it. During creating an object a craftsman is equal to the God, as he is a creator as well. Ordinary and simple things are of great importance among the wide variety of things surrounding us that devotedly serve to a man: clothes, shoes, jewelry, utensils, horse decorations, etc. In culture of every nation they are skillfully decorated and unique. Simplicity and elegance of shapes are ornamental themselves, but when they are connected with fantastic ornaments laying on the whole surface then its ornamentality strengthens. Their specific harmony, strict symmetry and rhythmic repetitions have the hypnotic effect on viewer.

Art is an expression of peoples’ attitude to good and evil, love and hate, life and death. Today folk art, as in the past, creates the environment where people live, decorates everyday life, and helps to make life more attractive and joyful. The most important thing is that art organizes people’s communication, build their relations, form the idea about beauty and brings essence and order into society’s life. Every nation has historically formed shapes of objects, preferred ornaments, images and motives, color combination harmonic with landscape and color of native nature.
Folk art has its own specific imaginative language, demonstrating uniqueness of a nation. It is a folk art that gives national uniqueness for the work. Folk art serves for fostering a person with its own culture, renaissance of nation’s self-awareness, and return of manual arts. It preserves wholeness of traditional schools. Folk art enriches modern art, being not anachronism but the foundation.

2. Презентация проекта учеником. Arts and Crafts of the Sakha in Botulu Ethnographical Museum

I would like to speak about the unique folk art of the Botulu Sakha people, traditional manual art and classical patterns of traditional applied art. I studied the exhibits of Botulu museum of ethnography and I found very interesting materials. I classified them into two categories: hand-made articles of the XVIII  and articles of the XIX centuries.

If at early stage of traditional culture the purpose of objects corresponded to their utilitarian functions later the artistic image was created by expressiveness of main volumes, proportions and general silhouette, and also by expressiveness of aesthetic quality of the material.

There are chorons – drinking vessels of Sakha people dating from XVIII century.

Vessel for kumys is made from oxhide, kumys blender – from wood.

These buckets are made from birch – bark.

In this dish Botulu Sakha put fish. It is very comfortable dish because water runs  through the holes.

In ancient times Sakha used these spears for hunting.

They also used powder flask and measurements.

This teapot is made from copper.

Utensils are from copper and iron. There are dishes, locks, balance scales.

In Botulu museum we can see the exhibits of the XIX century. For example Yakut horse saddlery.

Horse back cover has a traditional lyre ornament, symbol of a new life, richness and wealth.

Saddle bag cover also has lyre ornament.

Man’s saddle is made from silver. I would like to remark woman’s saddle has another form.

The handle of this thorn  is made from silver.

This horse bridle was used for ceremonies.

The Sakha made wholemeal flour themselves using mortar and bulters.

It’s a wooden bowl.

The women put in the etui their sewing needles and other sewing things.

3. Вопросы – ответы

Ученик-учитель, ученик–ученик, учитель–ученик.

Обсуждение проекта. Коллективное обсуждение.


Выводы учащихся. Value of Folk Art for the World of the Sakha.

Folk art of every nation is unique and style is formed through centuries,

Ordinary and simple things  were of great importance and served to a man to survive,

Our ancestors Botulu Sakha not only simply survived but they found necessary to create beauty around,

Craftsmen accurately gained the link between functional, ornamental and graphic parts of the object,

National arts and crafts demonstrate traditional picture of the world.

Домашнее задание. Подготовка к ролевой игре. Учащиеся распределяют роли: директор музея, вахтер, экскурсовод, иностранцы.


  1. Боотулуулар. Первая часть. Саввинов Г.Н., Саввинова К.Н., М.П.Алексеев-Дапсы. Якутск: Mедиа-холдинг «Якутск», 2011.
  2. Боотулуулар. Четвертая часть. Саввинов Г.Н., Саввинова К.Н., М.П.Алексеев-Дапсы. Дьокуускай: Сайдам, 2013.
  3. Мир Саха: народное искууство. Никифорова С.В., Покатилова И.В. Якутск: Бичик, 2014.