План-конспект открытого урока "Одеваемся" ("Getting Dressed"). 8-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 8

Класс 8, уровень Intermediate.

УМК "Spotlight 8".

Цель урока: Контроль и активизация изученного лексического материала по теме "Одежда".


1) Развитие и закрепление лексико-грамматических навыков по теме в диалогической речи.

2) Развитие и совершенствование коммуникативной компетенции учеников: умение начинать и заканчивать беседу, задавать вопросы, просить и принимать советы, соглашаться и не соглашаться, активно и вежливо поддерживать беседу, внимательно слушать собеседника.

3) развитие логического мышления, способности к сравнению и сопоставлению, умение формулировать выводы.

4) Развитие навыков аудирования: умение опознавать имеющийся языковой материал в потоке неясной английской речи (в данном случае песни), развитие языковой догадки.


1. BREAKING THE ICE (3-4 minutes)

Hallo, my dear friends! How are you? The weather is cold today, isn't it? And what helps us to keep warm in winter? Right you are - warm clothes. We have to wear very many warm clothes in winter, don't we? (We repeat together " We have to wear very many warm clothes in winter"). As you've already guessed, we're going to speak about clothes today and everything connected with them. By the way, why is dressing sometimes depressing? (The students are trying to guess). That's it - because our clothes have a lot of fasteners. Let's repeat the sentence together: "Our clothes have a lot of fasteners". And now I am giving you a copy of the poem, which will help us recall all kinds of fasteners. (The students repeat the lines after the teacher, imitating her movements).

Getting Dressed

Isn't dressing depressing?
Button the buttons
Snap the snaps
Hook the hooks and
Zip the zippers
Tie the ties and
Strap the straps and
Clasp the clasps and
Slip the slippers
Buckle the buckles and
Knot the knots and
Pin the pins and
Lace the laces
Loop the loops and
Lock the locks and
Belt the belts and
Brace the braces—
What I like the best is my own skin—
That is the dress I'm always in.
Alexander Resnikoff


a) Thank you, take your seats. I am sure that most of us, especially girls, like talking about the latest fashion. You know that tastes differ and now we are going to do a survey on our preferences in clothing. It might help you in case you choose presents for each other or give advice. I've given you the tables, which you are going to fill in. a) In every table there is one word in bold. For example., if your bold word is "colour", you should ask every student in your group about his favourite colour and fill in your column for all the students. You have 3 minutes, then you'll report your results. Let's start!







Part of clothes














Pierre Cardin





b) And now everyone should report on your results in turn, while the rest of the students should listen attentively and fill in all the columns of the table. For example: Kate's favourite colour is pink, Boris likes blue, Helen prefers red and so on. (3-4 minutes)

c) So, we've filled in the whole table and can draw conclusions about our preferences in clothes. But there is 1 problem: you'll have to make up a long sentence with 5 adjectives in it. I give you 1 minute to remember the order of adjectives in a sentence and to put the numbers from 1 to 5 above the columns with pattern, style, material, colour and brand. You may consult each other. (We check the results and mark the correct order). (2-3 minutes)

в) O.K., at last, we can speak about each other's preferences in clothing. ( The teacher can give an example and speak about her preferences first. One of the students begins something like: Kate likes wearing elegant, pink, plain, Pierre Cardin, silk dresses with sandals to match. Her favourite accessory is earrings.) (5 minutes).


Well, I hope, it will be easier for you to formulate your likes and dislikes in clothing in English. And now I suggest making a short break. Let's stand up and say the poem "Getting Dressed" with the necessary movements. (2 minutes)


Now you have a chance to talk to each other in pairs. First, you should pull out a card with your task and find your partner with the matching card. Then we'd like to listen to the results of your talk. (5 minutes)

Карточки с заданиями для диалогов. (карточки № 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 в двух экземплярах)

1. Your friend and you were invited to an Eco clothes Party.

Discuss with your friend what you are going to wear. Give and take advice. Be active and polite.

2. Your friend and you are going to Australia to celebrate New Year.

Discuss with your friend the list of clothes you are going to take with you. Give and take advice.

3. You've been invited with your friend to Pirate & Princess fancy dress party.

Discuss with your friend what you're going to wear. Give and take advice. Be active and polite.

4. Your friend and you are going to Veliky Ustjug to visit Grandfather Frost and to celebrate New Year there.

Discuss with your friend the list of clothes you are going to take with you. Give and take advice.

5. You are choosing new smart clothes for the New Year party in a London clothes shop.

Ask the shop assistant to help you choose the outfit you need. Don't forget about shoes and accessories.

5. You are a shop assistant in a London clothes shop.

Help the young girl choose everything she needs for the New Year party. Be active and polite.

6. You are thinking of buying some clothes for your Mother as a New Year present.

Discuss it with your friend. Give and take advice. Be active and polite.

6. You are thinking of buying some clothes for your Father as a New Year present.

Discuss it with your friend. Give and take advice. Be active and polite.

7. You and your friend have been invited to a British Traditional Costume party.

Discuss with your friend what you're going to wear. Give and take advice. Be active and polite.

8. You are choosing accessories for the members of your family in a big London mall.

Ask the shop assistant to help you choose the presents you need. Be active and polite.

8. You are a shop assistant in a big London mall.

Help the customer choose the accessories he/she needs. Be active and polite.

I am sure that we are all interested in the results of your discussions. Listen to your friends attentively and ask your questions, make remarks and give advice. You are welcome to express your opinion. ( The students explain in pairs what they are going to wear at different parties, what clothes they are going to take to Australia and Veliky Ustjug, what clothes and accessories they have bought for themselves and their relatives in London) (10 minutes)

5. LISTENING TO A SONG (5 minutes)

I hope that when you go abroad you will not have difficulties in shopping for clothes. And now we are going to listen to the funny song "Don’t put your trousers on your head". I’m going to divide your group into 2 teams and every team will get the text of the song, cut into lines. Each of you should take the equal number of lines. Your tasks is to restore the text with the lines while listening to the song. The winning team will get a prize. (The text of the song is attached).

I am glad you’ve coped with the task, though it was not easy. Now that we have the words of the song in front of us, let’s sing it together with the (1 minute)


Our lesson, devoted to clothing, has come to the end and I’m sure that you’ve learnt to express your opinion and to give advice on fashion and clothing, you won’t have difficulties in buying clothes and accessories in foreign shops, and I hope you won’t forget hundreds of words on clothing you’ve learned recently. You will find your homework in the register. Good luck!

Don't put your trousers on your head
Don't put your trousers on your head, Fred.
You know you should put your legs in those.
Fasten up your buttons and your zip, Pip.
That's the way you wear your clothes.

Velcro fasteners, buttons or zip.
Got to do them up or you will trip.
If you run around with shoes undone,
You're going to fall and it's not much fun!

Don't put your zipper round the back, Jack.
The hood will cover up your face.
And don't wear gloves upon your feet, Pete.
You'll be last in every race.

Velcro fasteners, buttons or zip.
Got to do them up or you will trip.
If you run around with shoes undone,
You're going to fall and it's not much fun!

A belt for your skirt is very handy, Mandy.
It stops it falling to your knees.
And when you know just what to do, Sue,
You'll be as neat as you can be.

Velcro fasteners, buttons or zip.
Got to do them up or you will trip.
If you run around with shoes undone,
You're going to fall and it's not much fun!
Don't put your trousers on your head