Обучение в сотрудничестве. Метод «Пила». 5-й класс. The Present Simple Tense & The Present Continuous Tense

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 5

УМК  «Английский в фокусе» Ю.Е. Ваулина, Д. Дули. Москва Express Publishing «Просвещение» 2013

Цель урока

Способствовать развитию навыков в употреблении the Present Simple Tense & The Present Continuous Tense.

Задачи урока

Научить различать the Present Simple Tense & The Present Continuous Tense в устной и письменной речи.

Ожидаемые учебные результаты:

Понимать разницу в употреблении времен. Умение составлять предложения, переводить предложения.


Способность сотрудничать с одноклассниками, понимание ответственности за свою работу.


Самостоятельное распределение заданий в группе, оценивание и контроль выполнения.


Использование в речи грамматических структур Present Simple & Present Continuous Tenses

Ход урока

Этап урока


Приветствие, проверка готовности к уроку и проблематизация (подведение к теме урока)

1.The context of a lesson:
Contrast the Present Simple Tense & The Present Continuous Tense.
2.Today we are talking about the activities which happen every day and about the activities happening now.
That is Present Simple & Present Continuous.
What do you do every day?
You wake up early, you wash your face, brush your hair, have breakfast, you get  dressed, you study and do sports. Present Simple is used.
And what are you doing now? You are sitting, you are listening to me,  you  are looking at me. Present Continuous is used.
Today we are going to talk about professions, about what people usually do. In the picture you can see some people, we are going to discuss what they are doing now.

Деление класса на группы.

You will be divided into two (5-6 person) groups. Two of you will be appointed as leaders for each group to help with the tasks and to count the score.
First, each group is given a task. It is an exercise for the whole group to do it together.
Then each of you will have your own task. First, you do it by yourself then as an expert, you join another jigsaw group (there are 4 jigsaw groups). You are supposed to work with your partner from another group to share and combine your pieces of work.
When you get back to your group you are supposed to present your segment to the group.
At the end of a lesson a short test will be given to everyone in the class.

Представление таблицы выставления оценок.

4.The table below shows what marks can you get.

The fist exercise is for the whole group.
You do it together.
You have one mark for the whole group.

5 - no mistakes

4 -one or two careless mistakes

3 – three or more mistakes

The second exercise. A different exercise for each of you.
Everyone gets his own mark.

5 - no mistakes

4 -one or two careless mistakes

3 – three or more mistakes

The third task is working as an expert with a partner.

Your partner understands all your explanations and gives you 5.

Your partner understands nearly everything of your explanations and gives you 4.

Your explanations aren’t clear enough – 3 or 2.

The fourth task is working as an expert with your group.

Your group understands your explanations and gives you 5.

Your group understands nearly everything of your explanations and gives you 4.

Your explanations aren’t clear enough – 3 or 2.

The final is test for everyone. Then marks will be summed up for each group.

5 -no mistakes

4 -one or two careless mistakes

3 – three or more mistakes

Final score for each of the participant.

25-21 Well done!

20-16 Good!

15- More practice is needed.

The final score will be counted for each group. Marks will be given to all participants.


Повторение правил работы в группе.

Хоровое повторение правил работы в группе. Каждое предложение сопровождается определенным движением.
There are some rules to work in groups successfully.
Get along with each other.
Respect everyone opinion.
Offer support and ideas.
Use soft voices.
Participate actively.
Stay together as a team.


Общее задание для каждой группы.

Before starting working as experts there is a test for each group. Do it together and get one mark for the whole group.
Underline the correct form of the verb.
1. She makes/is making a cake at the moment.
2. What time does/do the train leave?
3. We go/going to the cinema every Sunday.
4. What does Tim do/is Tim doing today?
5. Does Ian like/is liking your new flat?
6. Where are the children go/going?


Распределение по экспертным группам.

The students are supposed to be organized into "expert" groups containing one member from each jigsaw group. There are 4 "expert" groups.


1 группа.

The first group.
The material for the first expert of the first group and for the first expert of the second group.

Match the people in the picture to the jobs.
Mr. Brown is a painter.


Match the professions to the descriptions of jobs.
A painter paints walls.

Mr. Simpson




repair cars

Mr. Williams




work at school

Mr. Green




drive a taxi

Mr. Wilson




deliver letters

Mrs. Perkins

taxi driver


taxi driver

serve food and drinks

Mr. Jones




help ill people

Miss Smith




make bead and cakes



With your partner write sentences about these people. Take these sentences to your group.

Mr. Brown is a painter.

He paints walls.

Mr. Simpson …………


Mr. Williams….


Mr. Green


Mr. Wilson …….


Mrs. Perkins ……


Mr. Jones ………


Miss Smith ……



2 группа.

The second group.
The material for the second expert from the first group.
Write sentences in the Present Simple.  

Mr. Simpson

bake bread

every day

 Mr. Williams

deliver letters

in the morning

Mr. Green

(not) watch TV

in the afternoon

Mr. Wilson

drink Coke


Mrs. Perkins

wait for the ambulance


Mr. Jones

say goodbye to the children


Miss Smith

wear uniform?



Mr. Brown often  paints walls.



The material for the second expert from the second group.
Write sentences in the Present Continuous.

Mr. Simpson

look at the postman


 Mr. Williams

talk to Mrs. Harris

at the moment

Mr. Green

repair a car


Mr. Wilson

serve drinks


Mrs. Perkins

(not) wait for the postman


Mr. Jones

say goodbye to the children

at the moment

Miss Smith

drive a taxi ?



Mr. Brown is painting a hospital now.




3 группа.

With your partner write sentences about these people. Take these sentences to your group.

Mr. Brown often paints walls.

He is painting now.

Mr. Simpson ………………....


Mr. Williams…………………


Mr. Green ……………………


Mr. Wilson …………………..


Mrs. Perkins …………………


Mr. Jones …………………….


Miss Smith …………………..


The third group.

The material for the third expert from the first group and for the fourth expert from the second group.
Read the dialogue. Act out the James’s part. With your partner act out the whole dialogue. When you get back to your group be ready to play for Mike.

The material for the fourth expert from the first group for the third expert from the second group.
Read the dialogue. Act out the Mike’s part. With your partner act out the whole dialogue. When you get back to your group be ready to play for James.
Then return to your  group and act out  the dialogue with a partner from your group.


4 группа.

The fourth group.
The material for the fifth expert from the first group.
Find the sentences written in Present Simple Tense in the dialogue.
Fill in the table with sentences from the dialogue written in the Present Simple Tense.




Я иногда встречаю его после школы.


Мы едем домой на автобусе.


Мы обычно идем домой вместе.


Он учитель.


Чем занимается твой папа?

The material for the fifth expert from the second group.

Find the sentences written in Present Continuous Tense in the dialogue.
Fill in the table with sentences from the dialogue written in the Present Continuous Tense.





Что ты делаешь?


Я жду моего папу.


Он красит больницу.


Он машет детям, говоря им до свидания.



With your partner translate all these sentences. Take the sentences to your group.


Что ты делаешь?


Я жду моего папу.

He is paining this hospital.



Он маляр?


Я иногда встречаю его после школы.

We catch the bus home.



Чем занимается твой папа?

He’s a teacher.

Он учитель.


Он машет детям, говоря им до свидания.


Мы обычно идем домой вместе.

Ok, let’s go.

Хорошо, пойдем.


Возвращение в первоначальную группу.

8. Get back to your group and present your segment to the group.


Представление результата работы каждого для всей группы.

9. After presentation segments and discussing the main points there is the final test.
Exercises 4 and 5 p.84. Unit 6.


Самостоятельное оценивание работы на уроке.

10. The leaders count marks for students of their group.


Домашнее задание.

Write some sentences about what you parents usually do and what they are doing now.


Подведение итогов урока.

Now we know how to use the Present Simple Tense & Present Continuous Tense. Our lesson is over.