Введение и ситуативное употребление The Present Perfect Tense

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 6

Приложение № 1 по аудированию к уроку взято из учебника: Snapshot Elementary Ul I LI (Snapshot Elementary Student's book.
Авторы: Brian Abbs, Ingrid Freebairn, Chris Barker. Издательство: Longman. Год издания: 2001 г.)

Приложение № 1


True/False - каждому

Answer T(true), F(false), DK(don't know):

  1. Spike can't find her rucksack.______
  2. The rucksack has got Spike's diary in it.__
  3. Spike lost the rucksack on Sunday morning.
  4. Stella is at the hostel.______
  5. Sandra is pleased when the bus leaves.

Приложение №2

Вопросы и ответы

1.Why are you thirsty?
2.Why can't they go to the cinema?
3.Everybody says The Flower is great.
4.Why isn't he playing football?
5.Does Sam like Sarah's new jacket?

I haven't   my breakfast. They haven't their home tasks. Really? We haven't  it.
He has  bag at home.
She  hasn't  it yet.

Ход урока

1. Вводная коммуникативная часть по пройденному грамматическому материалу (Introductory part as grammar reiteration)

- Hi, there!

- Hi, teacher!

- Let's start. There is a question on our board. Mary, why are you hungry?

- Mary: I have not had my breakfast yet.

Teacher: Right! Now, guys, how do you think what are we going to speak about?

Pupils: About our actions!

Teacher: Good of you! About our actions, results, their importance by now. Please, work this model out as we usually do in pairs.

2. Аудирование  (Listening)

- Снятие трудностей(на доске висят карточки с новыми фразами урока)  (to address the difficulties there are new words cards on the board)

Teacher: Now we are eager to learn new phrases ,which each of you will use in a real life. Read after me:"Hey, you lot"!"What is it like?","Never mind!","Let's get going!","At last!".

The pupils complete the task, discuss the meanings with the teacher and the feasible situations in which they might be used.

Teacher: We will listen to the dialogue with these phrases. While listening, fill the worksheets with "true/false or DK.

The pupils complete the task, then, after the checking, the best results bring the marks to their owners. Using the dialogue as a model, Pupils make their own ones in pairs, reading them aloud.

3. Грамматика. Настоящее совершенное время. (Grammar. The Present Perfect Tense).

The affirmative, interrogative and negative sentences are given on the board. The task for pupils is to find the examples of these sentences in the fulfilled dialogue.

After that the pupils ask and answer the present perfect questions in pairs, using handouts.

4. Подведение итогов урока. Lesson's  achievements summarizing.

Teacher: Guys, what have we got useful today? What tense am I using in my question?

Pupils: You are using the Present Perfect tense and we have learned it.

Teacher: Well done! We have also learned some new phrases and enjoyed working in pairs! Thank you so much, please, put down your home task. Bye for now!

Pupils: Good bye, teacher!