Сценарий игры-викторины "Что? Где? Когда?" на английском языке по теме "Английская и Американская литература"

Разделы: Иностранные языки


  1. Вопросы по английской и американской литературе (командная игра) (8 мин.презентация ответов)
  2. Пословицы и поговорки (командная игра) (7 мин презентация ответов)
  3. Составить рассказ о Короле Артуре и о Робине Гуде (5 мин презентация)
  4. Подбери имя автора к его произведению (5 мин. презентация фото автора с несколькими произведениями и то, которое выбрано- выделено  жирным)
  5. Блиц игра для капитанов команд (1 мин презентация вопросов и ответов)
  6. Музыкальная пауза театрализованное представление по книге Дж Барри «Питер Пэн». (5-6 класс, кружок «Английская сказка» рук. Морозова Л.В.) 15 мин
  7. Составление рассказа из перепутанных предложений по картинкам из произведений и их театрализация  20 мин (мин 8-10 предложений)
    (Марк Твен «Принц и Нищий», Д.Дефо «Робинзон Крузо», Л.Кэррол «Алиса в стране чудес», Дж. Свифт «Гулливер в стране Лиллипутов, Оскар Уайлд «Кантервильское приведение», Сказания о Синбаде Мореходе)


Teacher: Hello dear friends! We are glad to see you at our party! Today we will play a very interesting game-quest “What? Where? When?”, devoted to English and American literature. We hope that you are fond of reading and know a lot about English and American writers. Six teams from different classes of the 4-6 forms will take part in our game. Each team must choose a name and a captain. But first let me present our jury.

We will have six rounds. Now listen to the rules of the first round. In the first round you’ll answer the questions raising the card with the number. You must raise the card immediately after the signal. You will see the questions on the screen. You can get one score for correct answer and our judges will count the scores.

Вопросы по английской и американской литературе (командная игра) 8 мин. (презентация)

Сразу же после звукового сигнала команда поднимает цифру с правильным ответом. Жюри подсчитывает баллы.

1. Вопросы викторины:


  1. …. Is an English writer whose most famous novel is “Robinson Crusoe”
    1. D.Defoe
    2. J.Swift
    3. Ch.Dickens
    4. W.Scott
  2. Wrote his famous novel “Oliver Twist” in 1838
    1. Jack London
    2. Conan Doyle
    3. Jerome K. Jerome
    4. Ch.Dickens
  3. In …. The tourists can see the house where Shakespeare lived with his family
    1. London
    2. Edinburgh
    3. Wales
    4. Strafford-on-Avon
  4. … is one of the novels written by Walter Scott
    1. “Black Arrow”
    2. “Ivanhoe”
    3. “The Treasure Island”
    4. “Jane Eyre”
  5. “Tom Sawyer” is a well-known novel written by a famous writer
    1. Jerome K. Jerome
    2. B. Shaw
    3. Mark Twain
    4. Jack London
  6. “Brown Wolf” was written by
    1. Mark Twain
    2. Jack London
    3. Th. Dreiser
    4. Jerome K. Jerome
  7. “Treasure Island” is an adventure story about …. looking for buried treasure:
    1. pirates
    2. children
    3. farmers
    4. policemen
  8. Bombay is the birthplace of the famous English writer:
    1. O.Henry
    2. Mark Twain
    3. Rudyard Kipling
    4. Jack London
  9. The English have loved ….. since the days of Shakespeare:
    1. Music
    2. The cinema
    3. The theatre
    4. Painting
  10. Agatha Christie, a famous …. Writer, wrote 78 crime stories, 19 plays and 6 romantic novels.
    1. English
    2. American
    3. Scottish
    4. Canadian
  11. “King Lear” is the famous play written by the well-known English playwright:
    1. B.Shaw
    2. H.Wells
    3. W. Shakespeare
    4. R.Kipling
  12.  …is famous for his sense of humor:
    1. Jack London
    2. Conan Doyle
    3. H.Wells
    4. Mark Twain
  13.  …is an English writer best known for his “Jungle Book” about the boy Mowglie:
    1. L.Stevenson
    2. L.Carrol
    3. R.Kipling
    4. W. Scott
  14.  “School of Scandal” was written by
    1. Jerome K.Jerome
    2. W.Irving
    3. R.Sheridan
    4. O.Henry
  15. “The Happy Prince” is a fairy-tale by
    1. H.Ch.Andersen
    2. Oscar Wilde
    3. Ch. Dickens
    4. Walter Scott
  16. San Francisco is a birthplace of the famous American writer:
    1. O.Henry
    2. Mark Twain
    3. Jack London
    4. Th. Dreiser
  17. He wrote the famous novel “Oliver Twist”
    1. H.Ch.Andersen
    2. Oscar Wilde
    3. Ch. Dickens
    4. Walter Scott
  18. He wrote a story about the boy, who could fly:
    1. Jerome K.Jerome
    2. W.Irving
    3. R.Sheridan
    4. J.M.Barry
  19.  He is the author of the book “The Old Man and the Sea”
    1. Jack London
    2. E.Hamingway
    3. H.Wells
    4. Mark Twain
  20.  The most famous name in the world of detective stories:
    1. O.Henry
    2. A.Christie
    3. Jack London
    4. Th. Dreiser

2. Поговорки и пословицы.

Подбери русскую пословицу к английскому варианту. (После звукового сигнала команды сдают свои листы. Команда, сдавшая первой, получает один бонусный балл. Команды получают по одному баллу за каждую правильно подобранную пословицу). 

Команды получают 2 пакета с разрезанными пословицами. Задача команд быстро и правильно приклеить на лист соответсвующие пословицы попарно (русскую и английскую на 1 строке.

Now we have the second round. You task is to match Russian and English proverbs. You can get 10 scores here and one extra for the quickest answer.

  1. За двумя зайцами погонишься, ни одного не поймаешь. If you run after two hairs you’ll catch none.
  2. Волков бояться в лес не ходить. He that fears every bush must never go a-birding.
  3. Всему свой черед. Learn to work before you run.
  4. Всяк кулик свое болото хвалит. Every bird likes its own nest best.
  5. Долг платежом красен. One good turn deserves another.
  6. Друзья познаются в беде. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
  7. Из двух зол выбирают меньшее. Of  two evils choose the less.
  8. Сколько волка не корми, а он в лес смотрит. The leopard cannot change his spots.
  9. Коси коса пока роса. Make hay while the sun shines.
  10.  Лучше синица в руках, чем журавль в небе. Better an egg today than a hen tomorrow.



За двумя зайцами погонишься, ни одного не поймаешь.

If you run after two hairs you’ll catch none.

Волков бояться в лес не ходить.

He that fears every bush must never go a-birding.

Всему свой черед.

Learn to work before you run.

Всяк кулик свое болото хвалит.

Every bird likes its own nest best.

Долг платежом красен.

One good turn deserves another.

Друзья познаются в беде.

A friend in need is a friend indeed.

Из двух зол выбирают меньшее.

Of  two evils choose the less.

Сколько волка не корми, а он в лес смотрит.

The leopard cannot change his spots.

Коси коса пока роса.

Make hay while the sun shines

Лучше синица в руках, чем журавль в небе.

Better an egg today than a hen tomorrow.

  • За двумя зайцами погонишься, ни одного не поймаешь.
  • Волков бояться в лес не ходить.
  • Всему свой черед.
  • Всяк кулик свое болото хвалит.
  • Долг платежом красен.
  • Друзья познаются в беде.
  • Из двух зол выбирают меньшее.
  • Сколько волка не корми, а он в лес смотрит.
  • Коси коса пока роса.
  • Лучше синица в руках, чем журавль в небе.
  •  Better an egg today than a hen tomorrow.
  • Make hay while the sun shines
  • The leopard cannot change his spots.
  • Of two evils choose the less.
  • A friend in need is a friend indeed
  • One good turn deserves another
  • Every bird likes its own nest best.
  • Learn to work before you run.
  • If you run after two hairs you’ll catch none.
  • He that fears every bush must never go a-birding.

Now we will have a musical pause and Abakumova Nastya will sing for us.

3. Составить рассказ о Короле Артуре и о Робине Гуде 5 мин.

Now the task is to make a story about King Arthur and Robin Hood from the mixed sentences. You can get 12 points and if you do it quickly you will get one more score.

Командам раздаются листы с перемешанными предложениями, им необходимо прочитать предложения и записать буквы «правильных» предложений в графу таблицы с именем героя в произвольном порядке.

  1. He was the son of  Pendragon, and was born in Tintagel in Cornwall and was brought up by Merlin, an old Celtic magician. And became the king of Britain when he was fifteen.
  2. He had to fight many lords, defeated them, received the magic sword Excalibur.
  3. He is a legendary hero who lived in Sherwood Forest with his band of followers.
  4. Everyone knows that he robbed the rich to give to the poor, killed only in self-defense.
  5. He married Guinevere and lived in a castle at Camelot.
  6. He lived “outside the law’, but he had his own ideas of right and wrong.
  7. He tried to give ordinary people a share of riches owned by people in authority and the church.
  8. His friends, his khights, are Lancelot, Perceval, Gawain, and Galahad and others.
  9. They often had to kill dragons and giants.
  10. His main enemy was Sheriff of Nottingham.
  11. He was very good with his bow and arrow.
  12. He was wounded, taken to the Isle of Avalon to get better.
  13. Some stories say that he was poisoned.


King Arthur – 1, 2, 5, 8, 9,12

Robin Hood – 3, 4, 7, 10, 11, 13

4. The next task is to match the authors to their books. You can get 10 points.

Подбери имя автора к его произведению.

Команды должны подобрать к каждому названию литературного произведения имя его автора.




Daniel Defoe

Robinson Crusoe

Mark Twain

The Prince and the Pauper

Jack London

The call of the wild

Ernest Hemingway

The old man and the sea

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien

The Silmarillion

Joanne Rowling

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

Charles Dickens

David Copperfield

 J. M. Barrie.

Peter Pan

Oscar Wild

The Happy prince

Charlotte Brontë

Jane Eyre




Daniel Defoe

The old man and the Sea

Mark Twain

Jane Eyre

Jack London

Peter Pan

Ernest Hemingway

The Prince and the Pauper

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien

Robinson Crusoe

Joanne Rowling

David Copperfield

Charles Dickens

The Happy Prince

 J. M. Barrie

The Silmarillion

Oscar Wild

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

 Charlotte Brontë

The Call of the Wild

5. Now we have the contest for the captains. You must choose the right answer and circle it. You have to do it within 1 minute.

Блиц игра для капитанов команд 1мин. презентация вопросов и ответов (По одному человеку от команды (капитаны команд) сидят за столом одни и в течении 1 минуты должны ответить на большее количество вопросов, которые даны на листах)

  1. It is an English writer whose most famous novel is “Robinson Crusoe”:
    1. D.Defoe
    2. J.Swift
    3. Ch. Dickens
    4. W Scott
  2. He wrote his famous novel “Oliver Twist” in 1838:
    1. Jack London
    2. Conan Doyle
    3. Jerome K. Jerome
    4. Charles Dickens
  3. In this town the tourists can see the house where Shakespeare lived with his family:
    1. London
    2. Edinburg
    3. Wales
    4. Stratford-on-Avon
  4. “Tom Sawyer” is the famous novel written by a well-known writer:
    1. Jerome K. Jerome
    2. B. Show
    3. Mark Twain
    4. Jack London
  5. “Treasure Island” is an adventure story about ….. looking for buried treasure:
    1. Pirates
    2. Children
    3. Farmers
    4. Policemen
  6. This writer began to write detective stories in 1920:
    1. Jack London
    2. Mark Twain
    3. Agatha Christie
    4. J.Chase
  7. “Brown Wolf” was written by this writer
    1. Mark Twain
    2. Th. Dreiser
    3. Jack London
    4. Jerome K.Jerome
  8. What is the title of the book in which two boys (one rich and one poor) changed their clothes and places:
    1. “The Happy Prince”
    2. “Peter Pan”
    3. “Tom Sawyer”
    4. “The Prince and the Pauper”

6. Музыкальная пауза театрализованное представление по книге Дж Барри «Питер Пэн» (5-6 класс кружок «Английская сказка» рук. Морозова Л.В.) 10 мин
Now let’s have a 10 minutes musical pause. Today you will see “Peter Pan”. Pupils of the 5-6th forms from theater club “English fairy tale” are performing it for you.

Now dear friends we have come to the last contest. You will be actors now. Your task is to make short story 10 sentences on the pictures from a certain book and to perform them act it out. You may use paper and pencils to make costumes you need. You have only 10 minutes for preparation. You can get 10 points for this contest.

7. Составление рассказа из перепутанных предложений по картинкам из произведений и их театрализация  20 мин (10 мин подготовка,  8-10 предложений), (Марк Твен «Принц и Нищий»,  Д.Дефо «Робинзон Крузо»,  Л.Кэррол «Алиса в стране чудес»).

While the commands are preparing for the last contest we would like to invite you to the game, the word game. You have to find only one word into the picture.

В то время, пока команды готовятся, зрителям предлагается разгадать ребусы по английским словам.  В каждом ребусе зашифровано 1 слово.

Now let’s count the scores. While the jury is counting the scores we have some rebuses for you to solve:

What team is the winner? We congratulate the winners! And all other teams were very good and these pupils are excellent readers. You will all get prizes. I hope that you enjoyed our game. We hope that you will continue to read English and American Literature. We wish you all the best. Our party is over. Goodbye!

Таблицы для жюри, дописать вопросы, презентация.