Урок английского языка на тему "Земля в опасности". 5-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 5

Объективная необходимость проведения данного урока состоит в том, что от состояния окружающей среды зависит качество жизни всех жителей нашей планеты, наше настоящее и будущее. А дети и есть наше будущее – им беречь и охранять ее просторы, ее красоты и богатства.

Предмет рассмотрения – охрана окружающей среды.

Цель урока: совершенствование коммуникативной компетенции учащихся по теме «Охрана окружающей среды».



  • Применить на практике лексику по изученной теме.
  • Практиковать обсуждение проблемы по данной теме в монологическом высказывании.
  • Закрепить лексико-грамматические навыки по изученной теме.
  • Тренировать навыки письменной речи.


  • Развивать умение учащихся работать с информацией.
  •  Извлекать  информацию из услышанного или увиденного.
  • Формировать способность  делать выводы.


  • Прививать чувство уважения и бережного отношения к окружающей среде.
  • Воспитывать у учащихся активную жизненную позицию.

Оборудование к уроку

  • Технические средства обучения: компьютер, телевизор.
  • Программное обеспечение: Microsoft Power Point, Microsoft Word, Internet Explore.
  • Наглядные пособия: Видеофильмы “Wonderful world”, “Environmental problems”.
  • Дидактический материал: карточки с фразами.

Ход урока

1. Организационный этап

Teacher: Good morning boys and girls. I’m glad to see you. How are you?

Pupils: Good morning, teacher. We are glad to see you too. We are fine.

Teacher: Have you got any problems?

Pupils: No problems.

Teacher: It is very good when there are no problems. Are you ready to start?

Pupils: Yes, let’s start our lesson.

2. Мотивационный этап.

Teacher: Now let’s watch the film. After watching the film you should give your associations.

(необходимо посмотреть фильм и выразить свои ассоциации)

Pupils: Beautiful forests, clean rivers, green grass, fresh air…

Teacher: Do you like it?

Now I’d like you to watch one more film and then give your associations again.

(посмотреть фильм и выразить свои ассоциации по увиденному)

Pupils: Yes, we do.

- Polluted rivers, cutting down the forests, a lot of litter…

3. Определение темы урока.

- Now let`s read the poem «Hug the Earth» about the world written by a British girl, Lorraine Bayes

Walking along feeling free
Feeling the earth here with me
And I love her, she loves me
I hug the Earth, the Earth hugs me
She's our friend,
We’d like to be together forever
The earth is a garden
It’s a beautiful place
For all living creatures,
For all the human race
Helping Mother Earth
We can peacefully roam.
We all deserve a place
We can call our home.

Food is a treasure from the soil and the sea.
Clean, fresh air from the plants and the trees.
The warmth of the sun giving life each day
Turns water into rain, it's nature's way.
And I would like to thank you, Mother Earth,
I like to see you dressed in green and blue
I want to be by you.


- I hug the Earth,
The Earth hugs me
She's our friend,
We’d like to be together forever…
We all deserve a place
We can call our home.

- What beautiful words! How do you think? Why is the Earth need a friend?

Pupil: - As I think, the Earth needs a friend, because it has a lot of problems.

Teacher: -Yes, you are right. It has different ecological problems.

Teacher: - What do you think what we are going to speak about?

Pupils: We are going to speak about ecological problems.

The theme of our lesson is “The ecological problems”.

Teacher: - The aim of our lesson is to describe the ecological problems and ways of their solving.

4. Фонетическая зарядка.

Teacher: Look at the screen. Read the sounds and the words.

(дети читают звуки и слова, связанные с темой «Экология»)


[e] – environment, protect, protest
[l] – pollute, litter, less, collect
[r] – protect, forest, problem, rubbish
[s] – solve, sea, recycle, plastic, spoil, solution
[k] – cut down, pick up, protection, container
[i] – ecology, environment, litter, region, river
[i:] – clean, people, keep, please, breathe, see
[v] – save, river, village, everybody, never
[w] – water, well, want, winds, weather, we
[t] – transport, trees, plant, a lot of, city, street

Teacher: It’s a wonderful world we live on.  Now open your books on page 135. Read the text and say why The Earth is in danger, what ecological problems you can see in this text.

(работа с текстом «The Earth is in danger», дети читают текст и выбирают предложения, связанные с экологическими проблемами и делают выводы)

- There is a lot of water on our planet and at the same time there is little water on it, because very little water on Earth is good for drinking.

- Sometimes people cannot swim in the sea because the seas are not clean.

- People cut down trees to build farms, homes and roads.

- Many animals and plants lose their homes.

- Modern plants and factories send a lot of smoke into the atmosphere, that’s why it’s difficult to   breathe in big cities.

Teacher: As you see the Earth has many problems today. They are: global warming, pollution of air, pollution of water, killing animals, drop litter, forests are cut. To save our planet for the future is our main task.

5. Работа с лексикой

Teacher: Look at the screen again. Now your task is to finish the sentences (закончить предложения)


P1: We live in a …  (for example, beautiful land)
P2: We should fight against …
P3: We can help the environment if …
P4: We should keep our planet …
P5: If we want to help animals we should… 

Приложение 1

Teacher: Look at the screen again. Your task now is to match the parts of the sentences.

(найти к каждому предложению свой конец, на партах карточки)


1. The environment would be cleaner…
2. We wouldn’t have ecological problems…
3. The air would be fresh and clean…
4. The rivers and lakes would be full of fish…
5. We would save animals….
6. Many species of animals wouldn’t have disappeared …
7. Our streets would be much cleaner …
8. We wouldn’t live among litter and waste…   

Приложение 2

Работа в парах (вопрос – ответ)

Teacher: What do you think? Can we help our environment? Ask your classmates.


P1: What can we do to help our environment?
P2: To help our nature we can plant trees.
P3: To help our nature we can protect wildlife, plants and trees.
P4: To help our nature we can put out food for wild animals in winter,
P5: To help our nature we can put litter in the bin.
P6: To help our nature we can keep off the grass.

Teacher: - Now we know that environment has a lot of problems, but what should people do to protect nature?

Please, make up sentences using "People should" or "People shouldn't".

(составить предложения, используя структуру «Людям следует», «Людям не следует»)

People should

  • Create national parks
  • Pass antipollution laws
  • Recycle wastes
  • Display signs saying "Protect nature!"
  • Take care of nature
  • Reduce air and water pollution
  • Leave food for birds in winter

People shouldn't

  • Leave fire in the forest
  • Smoke, take alcohol, junk food
  • Cut down trees
  • Drop litter
  • Kill animals
  • Take flowers and plants
  • Disturb wild animals
  • Damage the banks of the river

Teacher: Well, all people should remember about these rules.

6. Работа в группах.

Teacher: Now I’d like you to make four groups. The task for each group will be to make pictures about ecology and the importance of keeping the environment clean. The name of your works may be:”Take care of nature” or “Protect nature”.

(Учащиеся формируют группы и создают рисунки об экологии и о сохранении окружающей среды чистой).

7. Рефлексия.

Teacher: You worked very well at the lesson. Now I’d like you to say what you did successfully and what you liked at the lesson. (дети высказывают свое мнение о том, что им понравилось и не понравилось на уроке, в чем они преуспели)

P1: I think we made sentences well.
P2: I think we worked hard in groups.
P3: I think we made good pictures.
P4: I liked the film.
P5: I knew what to do to save our Earth
P6: I knew what people should and shouldn’t do to protect nature.

8. Подведение итогов.

- Well, our lesson is over. We’ve spoken about ecology and the importance of keeping the environment clean. Pollution is getting worse and worse. But I’m sure that you’re real friends of our planet. We all must do our best to keep air, water and land clean. I’d like to finish the lesson with very important words:

Don’t kill the world!
Don’t let the Earth down!
Do not destroy the ground!
Don’t let the Earth die!
Help Earth to survive!
Don’t kill the world!  

Приложение 1

Finish the sentences

1.We live in …….
2. We should keep our planet …..
3. We should fight against ….
4. If we want to help animals we should ….
5. If we want to help fish we shouldn’t ….
6. Our environment is …..
7. We mustn’t drop …..
8. People mustn’t cut down ….

Приложение 2

Match the parts of the sentences

1. The environment would be cleaner…
2. We wouldn’t have ecological problems…
3. The air would be fresh and clean…
4. The rivers and lakes would be full of fish…
5. We would save animals….
6. Many species of animals wouldn’t have disappeared …
7. Our streets would be much cleaner …
8. We wouldn’t live among litter and waste…

1. If we didn’t drop litter.
2. If people hadn’t polluted the planet.
3. If people didn’t use so much chemicals.
4. If we plant more new forests.
5. If we took care of our planet.
6. If we cut down fewer forests.
7. If we didn’t pollute our rivers and lakes.
8. If we were clever and careful.