Урок английского языка на тему "Семья в современном мире"

Разделы: Иностранные языки


  • обучение навыкам дискуссии,
  • обучение навыком групповой работы,
  • развитие монологической речи,
  • развитие диалогической речи,
  • развитие логического мышления,
  • воспитание уважительного отношения к семье,


  • раздаточный материал (тексты, материалы с лексическим материалом)
  • компьютер, телевизор
  • канцелярские товары
  • учебник “New headway. Intermediate”

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент. Приветствие.

2. Объявление темы, целей и формы урока.

Today we are going to talk about family and try to understand what is the family in the modern world. We discuss this problem in groups.

Make comments on the quotation given on the first slide (Slide 2).

3. Warm-up activities (Slide 3).

Express your opinions on the following terms:

  • Divorce
  • Two-career families
  • Working mothers
  • Single-parent family

- Express your ideas on the statements below and back up your opinion:

  • Healthy families are our greatest nationals resource
  • The great advantage of living in a large family is that early lesson of life s essential unfairness
  • Every family is a “normal” family – no matter whether it has one parent? Two or no children at all (Slide 4).

4. Pre-reading.

  • Look at the words and phrases and try to explain their meaning:
    • Industrialized societies
    • Irretrievable breakdown of marriage
    • Proposed laws
    • Welfare
    • Adultery
    • Socially acceptable
    • The rise in the divorce rate
    • Break-up of a marriage (Slide 5).

5. Reading (Slide 6).

- Read the text and list two possible reasons for the divorce rate rising sharply since the Second World War. (manipulative material) (Appendix 1).

6. Work with your partner.

  • Look through the questions and share your ideas with the partners (Slide 7)
  • Work with the text (Appendix 2):
    • Divide the text above into logical parts and give each part a title.
    • Prepare a summary of the text.
    • Give a direct translation of the underlined parts of the text (Slide 8).

7. Work in groups (Slide 9).

8. Speech.

9. Reading (Slide 9).

The Whiniest Generation (from: Newsweek. February 17/2003) (Appendix 3).

10. Work in groups (Slide 10).

Discuss the relationship between different generations in Russia.

11. Vocabulary practice.

Match the words in the left column with their definitions in the right column. (Slide 11, 12).

12. Work in groups:

- In your groups discuss the issue of “working mothers” in Russia (Slide 13).

13. Reflection.

- Try to write the sinquan (Slide 14, 15).

14. Recitation.

15. Home work: (Slide 16).

- Student book “New headway. Intermediate” p. 108 ex. 1,5.