Урок английского языка на тему "Экология и проблемы окружающей среды"

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Класс: 10

Технологии: ИКТ – компьютерные (с использованием интернет-ресурсов), групповые, здоровьесберегающие, технология коммуникативного обучения.

Цель: формирование коммуникативной компетенции.

Тип урока: совершенствование и комплексное применение умений и навыков.

Задача: расширить страноведческие навыки, развить умения аудирования, чтения, монологической и диалогической речи, формировать кросскультурную компетенцию.

Воспитательная задача: сформировать мировоззрение и межпредметные связи.

Вид урока: урок-конференция.


I. What do we know about Ecology?

ll. Современные технологии при обучении чтению и аудированию. Лингофонный кабинет.

lll. What have we known about environmental problems?

Этап 1. Организационный

Делим учащихся на три группы.

  • Journalists (J) - журналисты,
  • Ecologists (E) - экологи,
  • Scientists(S) - ученые

Фонетическая зарядка

Please, listen to the words and repeat them. Задача: развить умение произношения слов.


2.Environmental problems.

3. The human race.

4. Acid rains.

5. Healthy ecosystem.

6. The humanity.

7. Depletion.

8. Genetic.

9. Sulphur dioxide

10. Packaging.

11. Chemical fertilizers and pesticides.

Этап 2. Смотрим короткий фильм “Earth is in danger”

Речевая зарядка. Что такое природа? Кто хочет выразить свое мнение?

Слайд 3.

J- Tell me, please, what is it- Nature?

E- Nature is everything that exists in the world around us - plants and animals, earth and rocks, air and water, climate and weather.

J- What do you think? Is Man dependent on Nature?

E- At the beginning of his development man was very dependent on Nature, but with time getting more knowledgeable people ventured "to conquer" Nature. For many centuries man has been trying to solve Nature's mysteries, to discover its laws, to make it serve his necessities.

Этап 3. Воспроизведение умений и навыков монологической и диалогической речи

Слайд 4-18

J- And what’s happened?

E- Doing so people change the world.

J- Why do people spend so much time and effort drawing public attention to the problem of ecology?

E- New discoveries and inventions, new technologies make a dramatic impact on the planet which is our habitat. Great achievements of the human race have facilitated the life of people, but many of them have been harmful to the environment. Nowadays the humanity is trying to reconsider the results of its progress.

J - It's a wonderful world we live in. For thousands of years the Earth has given support to all forms of life - human beings, animals, birds, fishes, insects and plants.

But now human beings are killing our planet.

E - People have always polluted their surroundings.The most serious environmental problems are pollutions in its many forms (water pollution, air pollution, nuclear pollution), noise from cars, buses, planes, destruction of wildlife and others.

Many species of animals and birds have disappeared. Millions of animals die every year because man has polluted their natural homes. Besides, every year people cut down more trees, build more roads, and use more land for farming. This leaves fewer jungles, fields and forests for wildlife.

S - Wildfire is one of the most destructive natural forces known to mankind. While sometimes caused by lightning, nine of ten wildfires are human-caused. Put simply, "wildfire" is the term applied to any unwanted and unplanned fire burning in forest, shrub or grass.

E - On the one hand, fires are very important natural cleaning agents of change; they play a vital role in maintaining healthy ecosystems. On the other hand, they destroy wilderness, property and lives. As more homes are built in and around forest areas, wildfires are on the rise. The latest wildfires in the USA, Spain, Italy and Russia caused a lot of problems.

J- Forests the size of Belgium are destroyed every year. It's an international disaster. Even if new trees are planted, it takes many years for them to grow.

You know, pollution affects animals more than humans.

S - It is really so. Pollution affects animals more than humans. Humans have more conscious control over their own environment. They can make choices about where to live. They can also choose what to eat. Animals often get rubbish, plastic or wire pieces stuck in their jaws and they cannot easily be set free. As a result they cannot function properly, they die.

E - Air pollution is a very serious problem. One of the most alarming forms of air pollution is acid rain.

Animals suffer a lot from acid rains. Burning certain fuels produces sulphur dioxide. This mixes with rainwater and causes acid rain. This gets into rivers and causes fish to have genetic defects or die. In fact, fish and other sea animals are poisoned because factories and plans have a lot of useless and harmful things while making their production. Acid rain is killing forests in Canada, the USA and central and northern Europe. And in some rivers you can even see a thick foam (пена) caused by chemical waste.

J - I would like to say that some years ago the coast of northern Spain became very badly polluted, because one of the oil tankers passing by accidentally lost the oil it was carrying and it went into the sea. Although some were saved, many birds lost their lives due to being covered in oil. The ecosystem of the area is likely to be affected for up to ten years.

S - I fully agree that for many animals places where they live have become dangerous. The food chain can be affected by pollution in the places where certain species have been living for many years and are used to being fed on certain food.

E - In my opinion animals suffer from the so-called greenhouse effect, too. Heat is trapped in the Earth's atmosphere, it can't escape. This causes the Earth to heat up and in some cases rainfall decreases and in other cases it increases causing flood. This means some plants cannot grow. Unless the plants grow many animals in the countries especially in the developing world have less to eat and become endangered or die out. This is a particular problem in the Amazonian rain forest. Depletion of the ozone layer is very dangerous too. The ozone layer protects the earth from the sun's ultraviolet rays. Depletion of the ozone layer increases the risk of skin cancer, weakens the immune system of people.

S - The seas are in danger. They are filled with poison: industrial and nuclear waste, chemical fertilizers and pesticides. The Mediterranean is already nearly dead, the North Sea is following. The Aral Sea is on the brink of extinction.

J - And what about the Dead Sea?

Is the Dead Sea in danger?

S - The Dead Sea, the saltiest body of water of the earth and a wonderful natural treasure, is becoming smaller and smaller because of decisions by people to use part of its waters.

The Dead Sea is located at the lowest point of the earth, almost 400 metres below sea level. It is 50 kilometres long. Just 40 years ago it stretched 80 kilometres in length.

One of the main reasons for the sea's shrinking* is lack of water. 90% of the waters that flow from the Jordan River, which traditionally goes into the Dead Sea, is taken for drinking and agriculture in Israel and Jordan.

E - Besides, local industry adds to the Dead Sea's problems. They use the water for getting necessary minerals. It's a real disaster for the Sea.

Now hundreds of thousands of tourists come to the Dead Sea every year. Its water is so salty that a man can read a newspaper comfortably while lying on his back on the water. Tourists treat their bodies with the black mud, but they don't think about the Dead Sea's troubles.

It can be saved - but time is running out.

S - An even greater environmental threat is nuclear power stations. . The catastrophes in Chernobyl and than in Japan have affected the destinies of millions of people.

Scientists have made predictions and they are alarming.

J -Go to the seaside and you'll see the pollution around you. There is a lot of litter on the beaches. Some of it was left by people and some was brought by the water.

Pollution is very dangerous for people, wildlife and the environment.

J -We live among litter and wastes which we have created ourselves - fumes of cars, throw away packaging. These are some of the world's most serious environmental problems. What will happen if we don't try to solve these problems?

E - Many countries bury and forget about millions of tons of rubbish every year. It is known that in one year, a European family with two children throws away about 50 kilos of paper (that's six trees), and about 60 kilos of plastic.

The Green World reports say that in one year the average person throws away: about 70 food cans. 34 cans of pet food and about 70 drink cans.

J -What can people do with rubbish instead of just throwing it away? Why is recycling important nowadays?

S -But we don't have to throw away all our waste paper, glass, metal and plastic. We can also burn or recycle a lot of it. In fact waste can be wonderful stuff. Many things that we throw away can still be useful.

J -How much of recyclable material is actually recycled?

S- In fact it's possible to recycle 80% of domestic rubbish. We can recycle most kinds of paper, glass, metal and plastic. But only 4% of recyclable material is actually recycled. Recycling is expensive. But it saves trees and energy and protects the environment from pollution.

J - Why does some packaging become litter?

S - These days, people usually do shopping in supermarkets. Nearly everything is packed in paper or plastic containers. Every year in Britain each person produces about 57 kilograms of plastic waste. Disposing of all this plastic is an expensive problem. But that's not all. Making plastic causes pollution.

E - Unfortunately, some of this packaging doesn't reach the bins. It becomes litter instead. In the town their litter looks horrible. But fortunately someone clears it away.

In the country side, it remains in the fields and on the roadsides unless the people who live nearby pick it up. It can kill or hurt farm animals.

E – Tell me, please, what can we do to save our planet? Let’s think all together.

Этап 4. Применение умений и навыков письменной речи

Journalists - You are just one of 6,000 million people, who live on our Earth. So can our actions really make a difference to its future?

The answer is yes, we certainly can. Because if you try to live in a way that will save the world rather than destroy it, you won't be alone. Our example will encourage our friends and our and our families to do the same. Then they will tell their friends and families about helping to care for the environment.

Here are some ways in which we, our friends and our family can begin trying to save the Earth right now.

1. Keep yourself informed about environmental problems.

2. Take as much rubbish as you can to local recycling centers.

3. If you have a choice avoids buying packaged goods.

4. Walk or cycle whenever possible.

5. Never drop litter.

6. Put out food for wild animals in winter.

Here are several points towards saving the Earth. It won't always be easy to follow them. Your friends and family may not always agree with you. And if you can manage to carry out at least some of them, you will know that you are contributing towards saving the Earth.


There are a lot of organizations in the world, they want to save the Earth and animals:

1. The mission of Kids for A Clean Environment (Kids F.A.C.E.) Kids F.A.C.E. started in 1989. Today there are more than 300,000 individual members. The organization is the world's largest youth environmental organization.

2. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is one of the largest animal rights organizations in the world. It has more than a million members and supporters. Founded in 1980, PETA is dedicated to establishing and protecting the rights of all animals.

3. Invasive Species Specialist Group (ISSG) aims to reduce threats to natural ecosystems and the natural species they contain by increasing awareness of invasive alien species.

4. The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (the RSPCA) has been working since 1824 promoting kindness to animals, trying to prevent cruelty to them. In 1840 the Society's work was held in such high regard that Queen Victoria gave her permission for the SPCA to be called the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

5. Greenpeace is an international organization whose members work actively to protect the environment from damage caused by industrial processes or military activities. Greenpeace has been campaigning against environmental degradation since 1971.

6. The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) is one of the world's most experienced independent conservation organizations, with almost five million supporters and a global network active in more than 100 countries.


Here are some ways in which you, your friends and your family can begin trying to save the Earth right now.

1. Try not to waste energy. Don't stand with the fridge door open while you wonder what to eat - make your mind up before you open the door. The fridge warms up when the door is open and it takes extra energy to make it cold again.

Before you throw anything away, stop and think. Might someone else have a use for it? Charities are often pleased to have old books, clothes and toys.

Don't waste paper. When you are writing, use both sides of the paper.

Before you buy anything, ask yourself if you really need it. You don't need everything adverts say you do. Try to avoid buying things you really don't have any use for.

Help to clean up your local environment. There is probably a group in your area which spends weekends cleaning up ponds, rivers, parks and woods.

Try to reduce noise pollution. Don't take your radio outside - other people may not want to hear it.

- Please, listen to me.

- What's up?

- We are going to arrange a "clean-up day" in the small park behind the cinema next weekend. Would you like to join us?

- Not a bad idea. We'll join you with pleasure. The park is the place where litter is a real problem, isn't it?

- Could you draw design a poster reminding people about pollution? We'll put it in the park when all the litter is cleared. People will see the clean park and our poster. Maybe they'll ask themselves why they drop litter for other people to clear up!

- I'm afraid, they won't ask themselves this question. Anyway I'll try and do my best. What time has the group arranged to meet?

- We have arranged to meet at 10 a.m. at our cinema.

- All right. Can I take my friends with me?

- Sure! They'll have fun as well as helping the environment.

Этап 5. Домашнее задание: С.109 у.15

Этап 6. Релаксация

Now, please, try to relax. (Смотрим и слушаем шум моря)Close your eyes and imagine the following:

The sun is shining brightly.

There is a light wind of breeze blowing.

The sea is calm and the water is blue and crystal clear.

Этап 7. Развитие навыков аудирования и чтения с использованием лингофонного кабинета

Аудирование. Задача: развить умение аудирования (запись 15), выполнение теста 1, правильные ответы, самооценивание.

Test 1

Ex. 7.p.104

Listen to the interview with Mr Riner, an ecologist (No 14), and complete the following statements in the right way.

1. Tropical forests are_____the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn.

a) beyond

b) close to

c) limited by

2. Tropical forests cover about _____of land on our planet.

a) ?

b) 1/5

c) 1/6

3. The term "tropical forest" _____"rain forest".

a) excludes

b) includes

c) is equivalent to

4. In rain forests it is _____.

a) dark, hot and humid

b) light, hot and humid

c) dark, hot and dry

5. Tropical forests are destroyed by

a) loggers

b) farmers

c) loggers and farmers

6. Rain forests are cut down to ______.

a) raise livestock

b) make room for houses

c) build new towns

7. The Food and Agriculture Organization's statistics shows that _______ km2

of rain forest is cut down annually.

1a) 8,000

b) 180,000

c) 180,000,000

8. Developed countries try to improve the situation by________.

a) asking for guarantees that tropical forests will be restored

b) giving money to restore the forests

c) not demanding their money back in return for preserving tropical forests

Interviewer: Mr Riner, you are one of the most celebrated scientists working to study and protect tropical forests. What are tropical forests and where can they be found?

Mr Riner: Tropical forests are a belt of vegetation growing on either side of the equator. Strictly speaking, any forest between the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn can be called "tropical forest".

Interviewer: How big is this territory?

Mr Riner: At the moment tropical forests cover about 35 million square km, which is close to one fifth of the Earth's land.

Interviewer: Do the terms "tropical forest" and "rain forest" mean the same?

Mr Riner: Not exactly the same. In fact, rain forest is only one part of tropical forest. It is closest to the equator. Most of the plants that grow in it are evergreen. This forest receives a lot of rainfall with no dry season and average temperatures between 21 and 27 °C. Trees in rain forest grow very close to each other and compete with each other to reach the light. That's why trees in such forest are very tall and thin with leaves at the top where the light is.

Interviewer: Why are tropical forests so much in the focus of public attention?

Mr Riner: Tropical forests have a great variety of wildlife and plants. Their number is so large that tropical forests explorers can count on many fascinating discoveries. It is common knowledge that tropical forests play a very important role in balancing the world climate and supplying the planet with oxygen to breathe.

Interviewer: It is clear that tropical forests everywhere are in danger. How bad is the situation and what is the reason for it?

Mr Riner: The disappearance of tropical forests has two main causes. The first is commercial loggers, people who cut down trees. They are attracted by valuable hardwood trees, worth up to a thousand dollars each. The second reason is farmers who come from cities and towns. In South America alone they are responsible for the burning of 25,000 square km of forest annually to make room for tropical grassland.

Interviewer: You mean grassland to be used as pastures?

Mr Riner: Exactly. They need grassland for their cattle which is sold to European and North American markets. The grass on such lands grows well only for two or three years, after which farmers have to move to new places and more trees get cut down and burnt. Behind them such farmers leave a landscape known as "Greek Desert", areas that are ugly and commercially valueless.

Interviewer: And how quick is this process?

Mr Riner: Figures from the Food and Agriculture Organization show that 180,000 square km of tropical rain forest is cleared every year. The destruction is so rapid, that as scientists believe, by the year 2020 all rain forests will have disappeared.

Interviewer: Don't people living in those countries see the danger?

Mr Riner: They may do, but the problem is that developing countries, deep in financial crisis, want a quick return of their money. They claim that they have to think about their population in the first place.

Interviewer: Yes, but in the long run they are going to lose anyway. Is there no hope at all?

Mr Riner: Great hope has been placed on the new system under which developed countries from the northern hemisphere agree to write off the developing nations' debts. It means that they say officially that the poor countries don't have to pay them back the money they once borrowed. In return they want a guarantee that tropical forests will be preserved. Unfortunately this policy doesn't always work.

Interviewer: Well, Mr Riner, thank you very much for your time and the valuable information you've shared with us.

No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Test 1 Your answer                
Correct answer                
Test 2 Your answer                
Correct answer                

Развитие навыков чтения с использованием лингофонного кабинета.

Чтение текста, тест 2, правильные ответы, самооценивание.

Test 2

Read the text and match the titles with the paragraphs (P.108ex.71Biboletova).

a) The global community has to make a crucial choice.

b) Several ways people influence nature.

c) Will the scientists’ prediction come true?

d) People can help the Earth maintain its balance.

e) A biologist’s opinion.

f) A scientist’s prediction about the new nature of our planet.

g) Human creativity will help to lessen human impact on the Earth.

Human impact on the Earth. How do we lessen it?

1. Nearly 70 years ago, a Soviet geochemist made a surprising observation: through technology and great human numbers, he wrote, people were becoming a geological force, shaping the planet's future just as rivers and earthquakes had shaped its past. Eventually, the scientist, Vladimir Vernadsky [CG], wrote that global society, guided by science, would soften the human environmental impact, and the Earth would become a "noosphere" - a planet of the mind, "life's domain ruled by reason",

2. Today, a broad range of scientists say that part of Vernadsky's thinking has already been proved correct: people have significantly altered the atmosphere and are the dominant influence on ecosystems and natural selection. The question now is whether the rest of his vision will come true.

. Humans have realised the environmental damage of the last century. With the aid of satellites and supercomputers, they now have a real chance to balance economic development with the environment beginning with sustaining the Earths ecological systems.

4. We've come through a period of finally understanding the nature and effect of humanity's transformation of the Earth," said William Clark, a biologist at Harvard University. "Having realised it, can we become clever enough to be able to maintain the rates of progress?" he asked. "I think we can."

5. Some scientists say people can't understand the living planet well enough to know how to manage it. But this problem attracts world leaders and thousands of other participants to summits where they discuss ways of sustainable development. Communities and countries face choices that are likely to determine the quality of human life and the environment well into the 22nd century.

6. Human activity has such a great influence on the planets ecology that it is no longer possible to separate people from nature. Emissions of carbon dioxide, whether from an Ohio power plant or a Bangkok taxicab, contribute to global warming. Shoppers in Tokyo seeking inexpensive picture frames send people deep into Indonesian forests.

7. Experts conclude that the same inventiveness that accelerated human development can be used to soften human impact.

No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Test 1 Your answer                
Correct answer f c d e a b g  
Test 2 Your answer                
Correct answer c b b a c a b c


Этап  8. Оценки. Подсчет учениками количества баллов

Слайд № 19. Выставление отметок.


1. Problems with the health of the environment are still with us. But by knowing about them, we can do something. Humans can care for the environment so it will be a healthier place for all living things.

2. If people want to survive they must solve these problems quickly.

3. Some progress has been already made. А lot of members of the UN hold conferences discussing ecological problems and take practical urgent measures to avoid ecological catastrophe.

4. There are numerous public organizations such as Greenpeace. They are doing much to preserve environment.

5. Scientists, politicians, ecologists and the majority of common people must grow up and fast enough to be able to protect Mother Nature.

6.Politicians should change their ways of thinking and think globally instead of securing their own national interests.

7. New technologies should not be used unless they are proved to be ecologically save.

8. Our conference was interesting and very useful.


Слайд № 20.

Список литературы, использованной для подготовки урока.

1. Учебник английского языка “Enjoy English” 10 кл. М.З.Биболетова, Москва 2014

2. Учебник английского языка “English-Х” О.В.Афанасьева, И.В.Ми хеева, Москва 2014

3. Аудиокурс на СD (МР3) к учеб. англ. яз. “English-IX” О.В. Афанасьева, И.В.Михеева, Москва 2014

4. Интернет-ресурсы images.yandex.ru