Этапы | Деятельность учителя | Деятельность учащихся |
Входной | Hello! I’m your teacher of English for today. My name is __. Sit down,
please & let’s begin our lesson. Today we will work in three teams I want you to
greet me at first. Touch my hand & say “Hello!” Look at the screen, please. You’ll see some video. Now can you tell me what will be the topic of our lesson? You can find the name of our lesson on your desks. Show it to each other. Today if you work hard you will learn something new on our lesson. On your desks you can find a red file. Take it. There you’ll find paper with missed words. Try to put given words into the sentences. Then you’ll see our work for today. (1 minute) Read, please your sentences. I’m going to put it on the blackboard so we can see at the end of the lesson if we achieve our aims. |
Дети занимают места, здороваются. Здороваются со мной, когда я подхожу к каждой группе. Смотрят видео. Говорят тему урока. Берут с парт название, поднимают, показывают. На листах А4 вклеивают пропущенные слова, таким образом, получаются поставленные задачи на урок. Читают получившиеся предложения. |
Актуализация знаний | Now we are going to speak about your favorite day. Have you got any favorite day? What day is it? You can say about some holiday or may be the day of the week. | Отвечают на вопрос: “Есть ли у тебя любимый день? Какой это день?” |
OK, good of you. On your desk you can see yellow file. Take it. There you’ll see some word combinations. Your task is to make a plan of a perfect day. Choose only suitable word combinations & glue it on your sheets. The first group will work on a perfect morning, the second – on a perfect afternoon, the third group – on a perfect evening. I give you only 1 minute to do this task. | Работают в группах, выбирают подходящие
словосочетания и клеят их на лист А4. Дают на проверку соседней команде. |
Your time is over. Read your sentences, please. Now I want each team to exchange sheets of papers. The 1st group will give their sheet to 2nd group, the 2nd group will give their task to 3rd group & the 3rd group will give to the 1st group. | Зачитывают выбранные выражения. | |
You should check this task. And put a sweet if the task is right. Then
you will return papers. One member from each team should put their paper on the blackboard. |
На доске прикрепляю получившиеся записи вокруг надписи Perfect day. | |
Here we made a plan of a perfect day. Now tell me please about your
perfect day. What is your perfect morning, afternoon, evening. Make up sentences. For example, I get up at 11 o’clock on my perfect morning. |
На доске высветить это предложение. Составляют свои предложения по образу (устно) | |
Thank you for your answers. Look at our plan one more time. And look at the screen please. What is it? Is it a text? And can we say that our plan is a text? Compare them please. What should we add here in our plan? |
На доске текст из упр 1 стр 40 | |
Введение новой темы | Look at the text one more time & name the words that are link sentences
in the text. Read them loudly. Let’s read them altogether, repeat after me (...) Who
want to read this words loudly? (...) OK thank you. I put these words somewhere in the classroom. Find them please & read loudly. Look here! It is a letter! The address of your school! This letter is for you! I want to read it! Oh! It’s from Ann Smith. She asks to help her and write an article to her school newspaper about perfect day of Russian pupils On your desk you can see green file. Take it. Your task will be to add missing words. (3 minutes) Your time is up. One pupil from each group will put sentences on the blackboard. So thank you, can we say that we could write an article? So at home you will try to write small topic about your favorite day. |
Находят в тексте связующие слова: then,
after, that, when, later, проговариваем слова вместе. Ищут слова в классе, читают громко. Письмо! (Листы А4 с напечатанным) текстом вставляют нужные слова в текст. Прикрепляют листы к доске под словами An article for Ann Smith |
Рефлексия | Look at the blackboard again. Tell me please could we achieve our aim?
Could we do all the tasks? Can you use linking words now? Now put these candles on the cake. The lower part means “I know it but I can’t use it”. The second part means “I know it & I will use it”. Thank you for the lesson. I really enjoyed working with you. Good bye. |
Отвечают на вопрос: Достигли ли мы тех
задач, которые ставили? На тортик ставят свечки. |
Разработка урока "My favourite day". 6-й класс
- Гатауллина Резеда Альбертовна, учитель английского языка
- Магеррамова Диляра Фаридовна, учитель английского языка
- Валиуллина Айгуль Фанисовна, Учитель английского языка
- Гадельшина Альсина Хасановна, учитель английского языка
- Газымова Алсу Вильдановна, учитель английского языка
Разделы: Иностранные языки
Класс: 6