Олимпиада по английскому языку для 1-го курса

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Внеклассная работа

1. Choose the right variant: (10 p)

1. When _ in London?

a) have you arrived

b) did you arrive

c) you have arrived

d) you arrive

2. You have never been to the U K, _ ?

a) isn’t it

b) is it

c) haven’t you

d) have you

3. We’ll be late if the bus _

a) doesn’t arrive

b) won’t arrive

c) come

d) didn’t come

4. I _ to help a stranger to get to the police station

a) can

b) had

c) must

d) have

5. She __ help me to do my homework

a) has

b) is

c) must

d) have to

6. Port Nakhodka ... by many foreign countries.

a) is visited b) is visiting

c) visits d) visited

Who ..... to take part in this competition?.

a) does want

b) want

c) do want

d) wanted

8. He ... some foreign languages

a) is speak

b) is spoke

c) speaks

d) speak

9. It often.... in autumn in our region

a) rains

b) rainy

c) is raining

d) was rained

10. Who ...America .... by?

a) was discover

b) will discover

c) was discovered

d) discovers

2. Write the words in the correct order to make sentences. Translate (10 p)

  1. to, if, invites, me, he, I, go, party, the, will
  2. exams, their, will, taken, in, be, June
  3. homework, yet, done, hasn’t, he, his
  4. they, spoken, just, to, have, our, mother
  5. yesterday, watched, she, film, this

3. Ask different types of questions. Translate (20 p)

  1. They study at the Maritime College. (special)
  2. He is going to give her a present. (disjunctive)
  3. He goes to the lyceum every day. (alternative)
  4. It is raining. (general)
  5. She played the piano half an hour ago. (special)
  6. They were having a rest the from 4 till 7yesterday. (subject q)
  7. The cadets will sail on board the cargo vessel in two months. (alternative)
  8. You have not done your homework. (disjunctive)
  9. He had read the book by 5 o’clock yesterday. (general)
  10. Her granny has been cooking a pie for half an hour. (subject q)

4. Open the brackets. Translate into Russian (15 p)

  1. It (to rain) the whole day yesterday.
  2. We (to travel) abroad this year.
  3. We (to do) still our homework when he (to come)
  4. By the end of the year he (to read) about two hundred pages
  5. She (to translate) the text since 10 o’clock
  6. My friend (to study) at the college.
  7. The students (to write) a test in grammar in a month

5. Translate from Russian into English (20p)

  1. Он говорит на английском языке хорошо.
  2. В их квартире две комнаты.
  3. Брат Ника – курсант.
  4. Она не знала иностранных языков несколько лет назад.
  5. Сегодня прохладно и идет снег.
  6. Вчера они ездили за город.
  7. Он работает в училище уже 5 лет.
  8. Они уже написали контрольную работу.
  9. Когда он вышел из дома, шел дождь.
  10. Если завтра будет солнечно, мы пойдем в парк.

Ответы на олимпиаду 1 курс 2016

1. Choose the right variant

  1. b – did you arrive
  2. d - have you
  3. a – doesn’t arrive
  4. b – had
  5. c - must
  6. a - is visited
  7. d – wanted
  8. c - speaks
  9. a – rains
  10. c – was discovered

2. word order, translate

  1. I will go to the party if he invites me. – Я пойду на вечеринку, если он меня пригласит
  2. Their exams will be taken in June – Их экзамены будут сдаваться в Июне
  3. He hasn’t done his homework yet – Он еще не сделал д.р.
  4. They have just spoken to our mother - Они только что поговорили с нашей мамой
  5. She watched this film yesterday. – Она смотрела этот фильм вчера

3. Questions + translation

  1. Where do they study?
  2. He is going to give her a present, isn’t he?
  3. Does he go to the lyceum every day or...?
  4. Is it raining?
  5. What did she do?
  6. Who was having...?
  7. Will the cadets sail... or...?
  8. You have not done your homework, have you?
  9. Had he read...?
  10. Who has been cooking?

4. Verb forms + translation

  1. Was raining
  2. Have travelled
  3. Were doing, came
  4. Had read
  5. Has been translating
  6. Studies
  7. Will write

5. Translation

  1. He speaks English well
  2. There are two rooms in their flat.
  3. Nick’s brother is a cadet.
  4. She didn’t know foreign languages some years ago.
  5. It’s cool and snowing today
  6. They went to the country yesterda
  7. He has been working at the college for 5 years.
  8. They have already written the test.
  9. When he left the house, it was raining.
  10. If it’s sunny tomorrow, we’ll go to the park