Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку "О моем родном крае"

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Внеклассная работа, Патриотическое воспитание


  • формирование духовно-нравственной личности в процессе урока иностранного языка;
  • создание условий для становления нравственной позиции и гражданской компетенции; воспитание чувств любви и гордости за большую и малую Родину;
  • создание условий для познавательной деятельности учащихся;
  • совершенствование умения устной речи; активизация лексических и произносительных навыков;


  • использовать ознакомительное чтение для понимания основного содержания художественной литературы (стихотворения);
  • отработать умение монологической речи в виде самостоятельного высказывания.

Ход мероприятия

(Слайд 1) Teacher: Hello everyone! Welcome to Mirny! Nice to see you all! How are you this morning? Great! Hope we’ll have an enjoyable meeting today. We prepared some information for you and believe it will be useful for your personal experience, outlook and deeper knowledge and understanding the place you are visiting at the moment.

(Слайд 2-3) Student 1:

My native land with woods and forests,
The Tvertsa river flows through.
I love your fields with crops in lowlands,
Your wealth and charm is always true.

Teacher: We live in a small settlement. And it seems there isn’t anything attractive here, simple rural environment like in many other Russian provincial areas. Yes, but I’m sure you can find a lot of interesting and even striking things, that you didn’t expect to discover. At first, we would like to pay attention to historical background of our school.

(Слайд 4) Student 2:

From the history of Mirny Secondary Comprehensive School.

(Слайд 5) Let me tell you some facts from the history of our old school. Mirny Secondary school (the former name was Mozhaitsevskaya School) was founded on the 29th of October in 1878 by A.A.Voskresensky. At first it was a small village school with two classes for peasant children. A.A.Voskresensky was an outstanding person. He was a founder of Russian organic chemistry, a famous scientist and teacher. He was born in Torzhok, but spent the most part of his life in St. Petersburg. A.A.Voskresensky made a lot for supporting and maintaining the school.

(Слайд 6) The first teacher of the school was Phoydor Michailovich Pankov. He carefully carried out all the affairs and paid a lot of attention to the development of the school library of that time.

(Слайд 7) There were many headmasters in our school since 1878 till 1976. Now our school is headed by Stredinina Klavdiya Pavlovna, the teacher of Mathematics and the Honored teacher of Russia.

(Слайд 8) Our school is one of the oldest schools in Torzhok District and has a very long and interesting history. The history of Mozhaitsevskaya School is inseparable from the history of our state, the terrible events which fell to the Tver Land lot (выпало на долю). The school life, as we know, is connected with the lives of different people, who worked there, did their best to develop school business. How many destinies were connected with school! 

(Слайд 9) In 1941, when the Great Patriotic War started a lot of teachers went to the front, many of them died in the battles. During war years the teachers and pupils of the school made all possible to bring the victory nearer.

(Слайд 10) In the early 1960’s the old building of Mozhaitsevskaya school fell into decay (обветшало). In those years the collective farm “Peace” was building the settlement Mirny. According to the general building plan school was built as well as the House of Culture and the house for teachers. In 1962 the teachers and students gave a house-warming party and in 1966 the school in Mirny became secondary.

(Слайд 11) A great number of good, handsome, intelligent and skillful teachers work at school.

(Слайд 12) The head of studies at secondary school is Pushkina Galina Borisovna. She masterfully organizes all school activities and carries out the main school business affairs.

(Слайд 13) This year (2015) our school celebrates its 137th anniversary. The administration and the teachers of the school try to keep abreast with the times.

(Слайд 14) Teacher: Thank you very much. Dou you know something about the founder of our school, A.A. Voskresensky? His contribution to the organization and maintaining the school is meaningful.

Student 3:

Alexander Abramovich Voskresensky (1808 – 1880)

“The father of Russian chemistry”, Alexander Abramovich Voskresensky, was born on the 7th of December in 1808 in Torzhok.
The talented boy from the very childhood showed a great interest to knowledge, he learnt oneself to read and write. The boy was sent to Torzhok theological school where his uncle Cholschyovnikov worked. Due to the help of his uncle young Voskresensky could continue his education at Tver Theological Seminary. There he also showed his talents and skills. Alexander Abramovich graduated from Seminary in 1832. A lot of opportunities were opened before him. He could start theological career, and get a good and profitable (доходный) parish (приход), or he could enter Theological Academy and continue his education.
But the young Voskresensky was not so interested in theological (богословский) problems but in new experimental researches in the sphere of physics and chemistry. He also wished to devote himself to the field of education.
So in 1832 A.A. Voskresensky entered the Central Pedagogical Institute in St. Petersburg. Alexander Abramovich was successful at the Institute though he had to suffer a lot of difficulties and hardships. He finished studying in 1836 and got the gold medal “For success in studying”. After graduating from the Institute Voskresensky was sent to Germany to continue his education.Voskresensky studied the details of the chemical methods of investigation. Very soon A.A. Voskresensky became an acknowledged scientist and researcher.

(Слайд 15) A.A. Voskresensky was not only a prominent scientist and researcher but also a skillful teacher. He lectured Chemistry at St. Petersburg University. He organized one of the best chemical laboratories. Alexander Abramovich was a hardworking and diligent (усердный) toiler (труженик).

(Слайд 16) A.A. Voskresensky is known to be an outstanding administrator and organizer of science as well. For some years he filled a post of the rector of St. Petersburg University (from 1863 till 1867). During those years a lot of talented professors lectured there and the number of students grew very quickly. A.A. Voskresensky’s brilliant student was Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev. Mendeleev was very grateful to his teacher. He devoted a rich content (содержательный) article in a famous encyclopedia to A.A. Voskresensky.

(Слайд 17) In the second part of the 19th century a lot of progressive people of Russia opened schools for peasant children and taught in them. In 1878 A.A. Voskresensky left St. Petersburg and decided to spend his old age in native place. So he returned to Torzhok and settled for some time in his estate “Melenki” which was in 12 km from Torzhok.
Alexander Abramovich paid a lot of attention to the arrangement of two forms school for peasant (крестьянский) children in the village Mozhaitsevo. The school in Mozhaitsevo was opened on the 29th of October 1878. 96 pupils, parents and the representatives (представители) of the Novy Torg Zemstvo were present.
This day became meaningful for the teachers and students of Mirny Secondary School.

(Слайд 18) A.A. Voskresensky, outstanding scientist and chemist, supported and maintained the school. He died in 1880 and was buried in Spas not so far from Mirny.

Teacher: Thanks for your story. We are proud to realize that such a prominent person gave life and development to our school. We will always remember the founder of the school and try to bring fame, success and further progress.

Teacher: As it has just been said A.A. Voskresensky was buried in Spas. There is a church and a cemetery there. 

Student 4.

The virtual excursion to the Spas church

(Слайд 19) We invite you to an exciting virtual excursion to the Spas church. 

(Слайд 20 - 21) Now we are in the village Spas at the footsteps of the church of the Transfiguration [,trænsfigə’reɪ∫n] of our Lord Jesus Christ. According to the documents Spas dates back to the 14th century. Probably during that period Spas church was founded.

(Слайд 22 - 26) In these slides you can admire the sights of the temple in various periods of time.

(Слайд 27) The modern image of the church strikes (impresses) with its greatness and splendor [‘splendə]. The history of its developing is very interesting. There is data that Spas temple is the biggest (largest) one in the Torzhok District in the amount of visitors.
Spas temple keeps its unique image and originality up to the present days. The construction of the building was finished in 1804.

(Слайд 28) The unique features of our church are the ancient paintings.
Would you like to join us and take part in a short excursion about this beautiful building?

(Слайд 29) It would be better to start from the summer church where the majority of paintings were saved. The dome of the temple represents the painting named “Motherland”. You can see the image of the God Father (God the Savior [‘seivjə]).

(Слайд 30 - 31) The design of the painting is made in a unique technique which is called Grisaille [ɡri'zail] (гризайль). It was performed on the wet plaster.

(Слайд 32 – 34) The central part of the painting is damaged and requires restoration. It goes without saying that it’s necessary to raise funds to carry out further restoration work. In the summer of 2010 - 2013 students of College by Venetsianov from Tver worked in the temple. They sketched paintings and made a plan of restoration work. Partially some of the paintings were restored. But the full restoration of these unique paintings requires long-term hard work and financial costs.

Student 5.

The virtual excursion to the Spas church

(Слайд 35) The Church was consecrated in honor of the holiday the Transfiguration [,trænsfigə’reɪ∫n] of our Lord Jesus Christ. This holiday is celebrated on the 19th of August. In Russia Jesus Christ is often called the Savior [‘seɪvjə], so our Church and the village were also named Saved or Spas. The full name of the temple is in the name of the Transfiguration of our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.

(Слайд 36 - 37) The Central iconof the altar- the icon of the Transfiguration of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is located on the Royal gates.

(Слайд 38) In the temple, where the service takes place, our attention is drawn by the icon of Michael the Tver and Ann of Kashin.

(Слайд 39) To the right of the altar there is another icon "Under the canopy". This is the image of the Mother of God “The Queen of all".

(Слайд 40 )And next to it you can see the image of Christ's Crucifixion.

(Слайд 41) In front of the altar you can see a lectern [‘lektən]. There are icons of the Saints on it in whose honor the temple has Limits. These are the icons of St. Barbara, Paraskeva of Friday, Nicholas Thaumaturge [ˈθɔːmətɜːʤ] and Great Martyr [ma:tə] Panteleimon.

(Слайд 42 ) In the early 19th century believers were mostly illiterate, so the main stories of the Bible were presented on the walls of the temple in the form of paintings. You can see the following paintings on biblical themes:

(Слайд 43) "The Pharisee and the Publican",

(Слайд 44) "Widow's Mite",

(Слайд 45) "Jesus and the Samaritan",

(Слайд 46) "The Resurrection of Lazarus",

(Слайд 47) "The Myrrh-bearing women [mɜː]".

(Слайд 48) And the central painting of the church "Christ Blessing the children" is special and meaningful. In 30s the Church was closed and turned into a warehouse.

(Слайд 49) The restoration of the temple began in 1994, when students of Mirny school began the work on restoration together with Father Victor Rizhko.

(Слайд 50) We believe that the future of our Church is in the hands of the current kids.In our day the service in the Church is carried by the priest Father George.

(Слайд 51) We wish a Lot of the summers (long years) to the believers of our Church and the Church of the Transfiguration itself.

Teacher: Thank you very much. Sometimes we can hear that there is nothing interesting or special, extraordinary in simple rural areas like ours. But let us disagree with it. We live not far from Torzhok, magic ancient town, that is widely – known for its unique architectural beauty.

(Слайд 52) Student 6:

Torzhok ancient and new

Torzhok may be called an open-air museum: its old architectural ensembles and modern buildings blend wonderfully to form a single whole.

(Слайд 53) The exact date of Torzhok’s foundation is still unknown. A Novgorod chronicle mentions it under the year of 1139. The ancient town was founded by Novgorod merchants. The location was convenient, at the intersection of trade routes [ruːts]. No one passed by, every traveler bought or sold something, and no one left without miraculous gold embroidery.

(Слайд 54) From its very foundation Torzhok was involved into the mainstream of economic and political life of Old Russia, mostly due to its favourable position on the wide and navigable Tvertsa River.

(Слайд 55) The role of the town as an important trade centre grew in the time of Peter the Great. Torzhok supplied the newly born capital (St. Petersburg) with wheat [wiːt], flou, hemp (пенька), leather, timber (лесоматериалы), as well as with articles of morocco leather (сафьян) decorated with gold and silver embroidery.

(Слайд 56 - 57) The town is famous for its embroidery in gold. This artistic industry has existed in Torzhok since the 13th century. Embroidery in gold was used for decorating clothes, objects of interior design and things used for cult purposes. The country’s only institution that trains masters of gold embroidery is Torzhokart school. Torzhok still maintains and develops the traditions of goldwork masters.

(Слайд 58) The coat of arms of Torzhok represents six pigeons.You can see three silver and three gold pigeons in red collars in a blue field.

Student 7:

(Слайд 59) Torzhok has a lot of sights which attract visitors not only from Russia but foreign tourists as well. More than thirty churches, cathedrals and monasteries have been preserved in Torzhok.

(Слайд 60 - 61) The most famous of them are the Saviour’s Transfiguration Cathedral (1815-1822), and the complexes of Boris and Gleb and Resurrection Monasteries.

(Слайд 62) The Ascension Church (17-18th centuries) deserves special attention as a paragon of wooden architecture, at present rarely found somewhere outside museums.

(Слайд 63 - 65) The town council and market rows (18-19 centuries), Rotunda (1814), Kamenny (1774) and Petrovsky (1851) bridges, Jerusalem Church (1717), Putevoi Dvorets (Road Palace), Pozharsky’s Hotel, and other architectural monuments have been also preserved.

(Слайд 66 – 67) The places of cultural, historical, and religious interest include also the Museum of Russian Wooden Architecture, the Golden Embroidery School and Museum, and the Pushkin Museum. The town is also known as a place associated with Alexander Pushkin: the poet stayed here more than twenty times.

(Слайд 68) Nowadays Torzhok has become an important industrial and cultural centre. Torzhok has twenty-two large and medium-sized industrial enterprises.

(Слайд 69) Torzhok is getting younger and at the same time it is deeply rooted in its long history. This combination of old and new, ancient and modern, natural and man-made constitutes the unique beauty of the town.
Popular tourist routes pass through Torzhok and lead to Valdai, Novgorod, St. Petersburg, Moscow, Ostashkov, to the pearl [pɜːl] of the Upper Volga region – Lake Seligger.

Teacher: If I’m not mistaken you’ve visited some places of interest inTorzhok. Can you remember these picturesque sights? Could you name the most famous of them? (Slide show of some well-known Torzhok’s attractions. Answers of the visitors.)

(Слайд 70 - 73)
Teacher: Thank you very much, you were absolutely right.

(Слайд 74) Torzhok District land keeps its natural beauty and originality. This area is full of magic places and fantastic sights that wait its attentive visitors, guests and friends. There’s so much to be discovered and learnt! This land belongs to the famous Gold Ring of Russia! Come and see, explore and admire!

(Слайд 75) Student 8.

My native land, my sweetest homeland
I’d like to tell you “I love you”,
Your fields of crops, your woods and meadows
Your all year round wonders too.
My native land and people living here,
We help each other feeling hearts with pride.
Your friendly image clear and sincere
Forever be in our hearts and minds.

Teacher: And now as we have time, I’d like you to remember some poems about our Motherland. They are written by famous Russian poets and I suppose it won’t be so difficult for you to find the author of the poem and the translation of it in Russian language. Is everything clear? Let’s go! (Учащиеся и гости мероприятия получают варианты стихотворений о России, русской природе и др. на английском и русском языках; задача соотнести два варианта – русский и английский и назвать автора стихотворения).

Teacher: Thanks a lot. To sum up I’d like to ask you a question. Could you tell me/ please, what the Native land begins from?

Students: The Native land begins from…

- The family, my dearest people and friends.
- Native land begins from such feelings as: love, proud, devotion for your country.
- From my favorite school and teachers.
- From the habitual things.
- From pleasant natural sights.

Teacher: All your answers are true because Homeland for each person means something special. Did you like to be here today? Did you get something useful and important for yourselves? Glad for you! Hope to further communication and cooperation. Good luck and health to everyone, take care of yourselves and your families!

Free time: questions and speaking with guests.


Could you tell what impressed you most: people, architectural variety, natural beauty of Torzhok land?


What foreign languages do your students study? It is interesting to know what foreign languages your students study?


Could you tell if the Estonian students pass the Unified State Exams like in Russia?


I’m interested to know if there is a special course in your school where students study local lore material?


How many days a week do Estonian students study?


What subjects do the children study?


When does the school year start and finish?


Did you taste traditional Russian dishes? Did you enjoy them?


What are your impressions of rural environment?


Did you have a chance to communicate with Torzhok land native people?


What more information would you like to get? What sphere of knowledge would it be?


What would you recommend us to improve speaking English?


It is interesting to learn some symbols or emblems of Estonia. Could you tell us about this?


I wonder what the climate and weather in Estonia is?


Could you express your feelings and thoughts connected with your journey?


Would you like to visit more places of interest in Russia? Will you imagine rural places or world-famous cities?


Is it your first visit to Russia? Were your guesses, expectations right?


Приложение 1

Приложение 2

Приложение 3