Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку для 2-х классов начальной школы «Wonderful Adventures of Aline – Caterpillar»

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Начальная школа, Внеклассная работа

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку включает веселый спектакль с песнями и стихами в исполнении детей – учащихся 2-х классов. За основу взят сюжет детской книги Т.А.Благовещенской “Aline-Caterpillar and Her Friends”, дополненный веселыми песенками из УМК Spotlight для 2 класса и стихами. Цель мероприятия: повышение мотивации к изучению английского языка, активизация учебных умений и навыков, развитие творческого потенциала и индивидуальных личностных качеств участников, создание условий для познавательной активности и потребности в практическом использовании английского языка, развитие способности работать в коллективе и чувства ответственности за результат.

Ведущий: Hello, our dear guests: mums and dads, boys and girls! We’re glad to welcome you at our holiday and show you what our pupils have learnt this school year. We’ll show you a fairy tale “Wonderful Adventures of Aline – Caterpillar”.

Let’s begin our holiday!

Once upon a time there lived a very clever caterpillar. Her name was...

Caterpillar: Hello! I am Aline-Caterpillar. I am long. I can crawl, I can sing songs. I have many friends.

Caterpillar: Oh, look: who’s that under the tree? Hello!

Frog: Hello! I am Frog. I can jump, I can play games. Let’s play together.

They sing and play:


Can you jump?
Can you jump?
Can you jump?

Caterpillar: No, I can’t!


Can you crawl?
Can you crawl?
Can you crawl?

Caterpillar: Yes, I can!


Can you jump like a frog?
Can you crawl like a snake?
Can you crawl?

Caterpillar: Yes, I can!

Frog: Can you jump?

Caterpillar:  No, I can’t! [2, p. 69]

Caterpillar: You are so funny! Good bye!

Frog: Good bye!

Ведущий: Aline-Caterpillar crawls and crawls and sees a pond with a fish in it.

Caterpillar: Hello!

Fish: Hello! I am Fish. I can swim. And you? Can you swim?

Caterpillar: Oh, no. But I can ask a riddle. Can you guess?

Лапки есть, нет рук и ног Любитель молока и котлет
У лягушки нашей ... frog. Мягкий и пушистый ... cat.
Очень длинный поводок Маленькая мышка ... mouse
У моей собаки ... dog. Живет в домике ... a house.

Caterpillar: You are so clever! Good bye!

Fish  Good bye!

Ведущий:  Aline keeps on crawling and meets a mouse.

Caterpillar: Hello!

Mouse: Hi! I am Mouse. I have a big family. Let’s sing a song about my family together:

Come and meet
my family!
Mummy, Daddy,
my brother and me!

Come and meet
my family!
Mummy, Daddy,
my sister and me!

Come and meet
my family!
Grandma and Grandpa
are coming for tea! [2, p. 25]

Caterpillar: You are so friendly. Good bye!

Mouse: Good bye!

Ведущий: Aline-Caterpillar carries on along the path and sees a cat.

Caterpillar: Hello!

Cat: Hello! I am a cat. I can play a game “The cat and the mouse”.

The cat and the mouse
Play in the house.
The cat is red,
The mouse is grey.
They like to play.

Let’s play together. / Game “The cat and the mouse”/.

Caterpillar: It was great! Thank you, Cat. Good bye!

Cat: Good bye!

Ведущий: Aline goes on her way and meets a dog.

Caterpillar: Hello!

Dog: Hello! I am Dog. I can bark. I can sing the Alphabet song. And you?

Caterpillar: I am Caterpillar. I can sing songs too.

Dog: Let’s sing together.

Song: “The ABC song” [2, p. 17]

Caterpillar: Well done! Good bye!

Dog: Good bye!

Ведущий: Who will Aline meet next? Look! It’s a rabbit!

Caterpillar: Hello!

Rabbit: Hello! I am Rabbit. I am fast. I can run. Can you run?

Caterpillar: Oh, no! I am Caterpillar! I can crawl. Good bye!

Rabbit: Good bye!

Ведущий:  Who’s hiding in the grass? Is it a ladybird? Oh, yes!

Caterpillar: Hello!

Ladybird: Hello! I am Ladybird. I am clever. I can count. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten flowers. I can see ten flowers. Can you count?

Caterpillar: Yes, and I know a song about numbers. Let’s sing together!


“One little, two little, three little aeroplanes”:
One little, two little, three little aeroplanes,
Four little, five little six little aeroplanes,
Seven little, eight little, nine little aeroplanes,
Ten little aeroplanes flying high!
Ten little, nine little, eight little aeroplanes,
Seven little, six little, five little aeroplanes,
Four little, three little, two little aeroplanes,
One little aeroplane flying high! [3]

Ведущий: And who’s there in the tree watching our friends? Let’s listen to their dialogue.

Bird: Hi!

Caterpillar: Hi!

Bird: I am Bird. I can fly. Can you fly?

Caterpillar: No, I can’t. I am Caterpillar! I can crawl.

Bird: No! You are Butterfly! You can fly too. Try!

Caterpillar: Oh, really!? I can fly! Oh, yes! I can fly! Now I am Aline-Butterfly! Hooray!

Bird: You are so beautiful!

Ведущий: All Aline’s friends are glad for her, because now she can visit them more often. They like to come together, play games and sing songs. Let us sing with them!

Song: “Are you Happy?”

Are you happy, happy, happy?
Clap your hands!
Are you happy, happy, happy?
Clap your hands!

Are you happy, happy, happy?
Yes, we’re happy, happy, happy!
Are you happy, happy, happy?
Clap your hands!

Источники (Sources).

1. Благовещенская Т. А. “Aline-Caterpillar and Her Friends”. – М.: Айрис Пресс, 2016.

2. Быкова Н., Дули Д., Поспелова М., Эванс В. УМК “Английский в фокусе” для 2 класса. – М.: Express Publishing: Просвещение, 2016.

3. http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/songs/ten-little-aeroplanes