Здоровый образ жизни по учебнику “Starlight”. 10-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 10

Цели и задачи урока:

  • Воспитание здорового человека
  • Консолидация лексики по теме
  • Умение выражать и аргументировать мысли

Необходимый лексический материал:

Пословицы и поговорки:

  • healthy mind in a healthy body
  • an apple a day keeps the doctor away
  • a sound mind in a sound body
  • health is above wealth
  • fit as a fiddle (здоров как бык)

Идиомы и выражения:

A doggy bag talk turkey
A bad egg pig out
A good egg eat like a horse
Go Dutch eat like a bird


the secret of longevity health benefits
To be overweight locally grown food
Lose weight (get rid of fat)
Keep to a diet
Eat slowly
Eat plenty of fish, fruit and vegetables
To be a veg
Eat low-fat food
Products high in protein and vitamin
To burn calories
Severe eating disorder
Lead to cancer, diabetes, heart disease, bulimia, anorexia
Nutrition: apathy
Nervous breakdown

Give up smoking, eating junk food

Jogging (walking)

Doing sports

Sleeping for 4 hours

Stay active

Грамматический материал: Модальные глаголы

Ход урока

Teacher: Is there anything more important than health? I rather doubt it. And you? What`s your personal idea of this problem? (use lexics above and provebs on the topic)

- Revision of some words, suitable for the issue.


Dairy products



Abstain from

Cooking utensils


Giving derivatives










Making up dialogues on the following situations:

Your friend wants to lose weight. Give possible hints.

Your parents want you to go in for sport. You are against. Give possible arguments.

Vegs have found the secret of good living. How do you understand? Give your ideas.


T.:- Boys and girls, let?s relax! Stand up and repeat after me.

Ребята поднимаются и повторяют движения за учителем под стишок:

Stand up, please!
Hands up, hands down,
Hands on hips.
Sit down, stand up,
Hands on sides,
Bend left, bend right.
Hands to the shoulders,
Sit down.

- Imagine that your teacher suffers from all possible ailments. Give possible advice how to be healthy using:

- You should

- You shouldn`t

- You have to

- You ought to

- Auding p.51 ex. 6(b)

(Type of food they eat, reasons they give)

- Reading ex. 4 p.40-41

Live long and prosperous

Talk: Choose the correct parts of the sentence to complete gaps 1-6.

Conclusion: What`s necessary to do to be a centenarian according to Japanese? (children`s version)

H/T: What should we do to live longer? Spend three minutes writing about the topic.
