Урок английского языка по УМК М.З.Биболетова на тему «Мой дом». 4-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Презентация к уроку

Класс: 4

Презентация к уроку

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Место урока в теме: урок-закрепление.

Цель: совершенствование лексических и грамматических навыков по теме “My house”.

Задачи урока:


  • актуализация лексических единиц по теме “My house”;
  • развитие навыков чтения;
  • развитие лексико-грамматических навыков говорения.


  • развитие коммуникативных навыков;
  • развивать умение понимать иноязычную речь на слух;
  • развитие логического мышления;
  • развитие памяти.


  • развитие интереса к изучению иностранного языка;
  • развитие уважительного отношения к другим людям;
  • развитие моральных качеств: толерантности, вежливости;
  • развитие уважительного отношения и любви к родному дому.

Оснащение: ноутбук или компьютер, проектор, экран или интерактивная доска, презентация.

Формирование групп: учащиеся с разными способностями

Расстановка парт: деление на 3 группы


1. The Beginning of the lesson

слайд №1

T: Good morning, children. Glad to see you.
S: Good morning, teacher. Glad to see you too.
T: Sit down, please.

2. Warm-up

слайд №2

T: How are you....?
S: I’m fine, thanks, and you?
T – S1 – S2 – S3...
T: What day is it now?
S: It’s Monday.
T: What month is it now?
S: It’s February.
T: What season is it now?
S: It’s winter.
T: What’s the weather like today?
S: It’s sunny. It’s cold.
T: Where do you live?
S: In Russia, in Moscow.

T: Do you live in the city, or in a town?”
S: In the city.

T: Do you live in a flat or in a house?
S: In a flat

T: We live in the flats, in the houses, in towns and in the cities, in Russia or other countries. The places of our living are different, but there’s the place where all the people in the world live. This is our planet which is called...What’s our planet’s name?
S: The Earth

T: You are right.
S: But today we leave our planet and will visit other planets, the planets in the world of English words and sentences. The theme of our lesson is “My house”. We’ll divide into three teams

3. Phonetic exercises

слайд №3

T: But at first let’s prepare for our travelling. Listen and repeat.

[i:] Pete green street

[p, t] Pete Pat pretty

[w] where why white

слайд №4

T: Let’s pronounce the poem.

Where do you live, dear Pat?

I live in a big flat.

Where do you live, Mrs.Hottage?

I live in a green cottage.

Where do you live, pretty mouse?

I live under the house.

Where do you live, dear Pete?

I live in Rainbow Street.

T: Your points are...

4. Translating

слайд №5

Т: Have a look at our first planet- the Planet of English Proverbs. Translate into Russian

слайд №6

My house is my castle. (Мой дом – моя крепость)

слайд №7

There is no place like home. (В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше)

слайд №8

Home, sweet home. (Нет ничего лучше родного дома)

T: Your points are...

5. Listening, reading

слайды № 9-13

T: I see you know English Proverbs. Let’s fly to another planet the Planet of English dialogues. Your task is to make a dialogue “My house”

T: But before you do it let’s revise these words... Look at the screen. Listen, read, translate and pronounce them all together.

T: Your points are...

6. PT exercises

слайды № 14-18

T: Tell me please do you like to clean the house?

S: Yes, we do

T: Let’s do it. Show me how to sweep the floor, wash the floor, water the flowers, vacuum the rooms, wash up.

7. Reading and writing

слайд № 19

T: Well done, let’s go on our travelling and we’re in the Planet of English sentences. Make up sentences in these lists of paper.

Where you live do

have got I two bedrooms

do Which floor live you on

How many there rooms are your in house

favourite What room is your

слайд №20

T: The time is over. Now take red pens and let’s check your answers

(Children read the answers and correct the mistakes)

слайд №21

T: If you have no/1 mistake – you have 5 points

If you have 2 mistakes – you have 4 points

If you have 3 mistakes – you have 3 points

If you have 4 mistakes – you have 2 points

T: Your points are...

8. Dialogue speech

слайд №22

T: Now it’s time to make your own dialogues

(Children make dialogues using prompts on the screen)

- Hello

- Hi

- Where do you live?

- I live in....

- What rooms have you got in ...?

- I have...

- Do you like to clean your...?

- Yes, I...

- Can you sweep...?

- Yes, I...

- Can you ... the flowers?

- No, I...

T: Your points are...

9. Listening

слайд №23

T: OK. Let’s fly to another planet. The planet of pictures. You will listen to the text, then you should draw the house which is described. Translate please: downstairs, upstairs.

T: Your points are...

10. Home task

T: Now it is time to come back to our planet the Earth.

At home you should make your own crossword “My house”

11. The end of the lesson

T: Let’s count your points. The winners are ...

12. Reflexion

T: You have worked very well today. And did you like the lesson? What was the most interesting for you?

Your marks are... Thank you. Good-bye.