A Lesson Plan «Let’s Colour a Flower!»

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Презентация к уроку

Презентация к уроку

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While without grammar little children can be conveyed,
without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed.
David Wilkins

Skills: Practicing vocabulary and speaking



  • To learn active vocabulary
  • To use active vocabulary in oral speech
  • To revise the words on topic “Colours”.
  • To train words and expressions concerning on the theme and practice them in students’ speech
  • To improve speaking confidence


  • To develop children’s memory by repeating some difficult words for children
  • To develop and practice speaking skills
  • To develop children’s activity on the lesson
  • To develop children’s interest in learning English

Grammar Structures:

Questions: “What colour is it?”


New Language:

black, blue, red, brown, white, yellow, orange, pink, green, grey.

Bringing - up aims: to bring up in students’ interest by doing exercises, to bring up love and respect to the native language and foreign language.

The type of the lesson - getting new information. Methods of teaching: explanation, complex work, individual work, listening, translating, work in pairs and work in clusters.

The kind of the lesson: mixed lesson

Expecting result: a person who understands the meaning of words

By the end of the lesson the children will be able to colour and describe the flower after teacher’s dictation.


Inter-subject connection: Russian, Music, Fine arts, practice of speech, practical grammar.

Methods of teaching: demonstration, exercises, instruction, practice.

Visual aids: Cards, pictures, text-book, whiteboard, presentation, placards, blackboard, pupil’s book , activity book, didactically materials, pictures, posters

Resources: an interactive board, slides, computers

Methodical accompaniment of the lesson: phonetic drill distribution materials. The lesson plan may be used for any course book: students’ book “Rainbow English”, 2 form, Afanasyeva, students’ book by Kuzovlev, etc.

Procedure of the lesson “Let’s Colour a Flower!

Stage of the lesson Teacher’s activity Aims Time Students’ activity Comments
1. Organization moment Teacher greets students:

Good morning,
Good morning,
Good morning to you,
Good morning,
Good morning,
I’m glad to see you!

Dear children! Let’s begin our lesson.

Preparing pupils to the lesson 2 Good morning,
Good morning,
Good morning to you,
Good morning,
Good morning,
We are glad to see you too!
(Slide 1)
2. Presentation of the theme Teacher asks students:

“What theme do these words refer to? ... Right, today we will speak about colours.”. Today we’ll learn new words and then we’ll write “a dictation” - colour and describe a flower.

To develop students’ activity on the lesson 2 I think ... To my mind ...

“ Colours...”

(Slide 2)
3. Warm up Students, let’s repeat the words after the tape!

Teacher asks students:

“Look here, students. I have got a puppet: Follow the puppet’s instructions and repeat what the puppet says”. Key words: black, blue, red, brown, white, yellow, orange, pink, green, grey”.

“And now read my lips: Move your lips or whisper the words - let’s recite a poem about colours:

The rose is red,
The grass is green.
Gold and silver
Dress has queen.
What is white?
White is milk.
What is brown?
Brown is silk”.

Improving of the sounds pronunciation

Studying new vocabulary




Improving of the new vocabulary





Students look at the board, read the words and repeat the words.


Students look at the board, read the words and repeat

what the puppet says: black, blue, red, brown, white, yellow, orange, pink, green, grey. .

Students move their lips or whisper the words.


(Slide 2) (The tape)





The teacher have got a puppet on the hand

“The activities with a class puppet help to create a positive climate which encourages participation in English and makes learners feel secure.

Children concentrate on teacher’s mouth movements and repeat what you say”.

4. Grammar: question: “What colour is ..?” Today we’ll learn new question: “What colour is ..?” and adjectives (black, blue, red, brown, white, yellow, orange, pink, green, grey).

Look at the board and see some pictures of meaning these words.

And now, students match the words to pictures

Orange, sun, bear, plum, apple, Christmas tree –

Orange, yellow, brown, purple, red, green.

Grammar rules explanation

Grammar rule fixation

Vocabulary fixation

5 Students look at the board and try to name the pictures.




“Matching words to pictures: students match words to the corresponding picture”.

Words and pictures are seen on the board and students match them.

(Slide 2).





(Slides 3,4,5).

5.Adjectives Pre-story








Good for you!

Look at the board. Here you can see some pictures and some groups of words. Try to circle the correct word in each group of words.

Are you tired, students? Let’s do physical exercises (ESO-ESO).

Vocabulary fixation



Physical exercises - ESO-ESO







Students look at the board, read those words and circle the correct word.

Students do physical exercises (ESO-ESO).


(Slide 6)




Very nice!

Now, look at the board. Here you can see colours crossword. Can you name these pictures and write the complete words for the colours there (in the correct order) and then put the words into the grid.


Vocabulary fixation 5 The students name the pictures and write the complete words for the colours there (in the correct order) and then put the words into the grid.


(Slide 7)





(Slide 8)


Now, look at the board. Here you can see colours word search. Search for the words. They are hidden left to right and down.


Students, let’s repeat the words - colours.

Good for you!

And now, students I’ll give you sheets of paper and read the poem. Work in pairs and put (+) where it is necessary.

Vocabulary fixation


3 The students are searching for the words




The students listen to a poem and put (+) where it is necessary.

(Slide 9)


(Slide 10)

(Slide 11)

What colour are they?

True False

1.The lemon is yellow +

2.The sky is blue +

3.The crocodile is red +

4.The snow is white +

5.The bluebells are black +

6.The foxes are white +

7.The rabbits are grey +

8.The moon is yellow +

9.The trees are blue +

Now, I’ll give you the cards, where you can see a flower. Can you paint it? You have 4 minutes. Picture dictation:

Colour the flower. Colour number 1 - red, сolour number 2 - blue, сolour number 3 -pink, colour number 4 - green, colour number 5 - orange, сolour number 6 – purple.

To develop listening skills for detail 5 Students colour the flower The teacher gives instructions, focusing on specific vocabulary. (Slide 12)
Post-story Are you ready? Will you go to the blackboard with your picture and describe the flower?


Good for you, students!

To check understanding


To develop speaking

  Students go to the blackboard with their pictures and describe the flower: number 1is - red, number 2 is - blue, number 3 is -pink, number 4 is - green, number 5 is - orange, number 6 is – purple.

Then they display their coloured flowers on the board and compare them.

6. Giving the home task Now, I’ll give you coloured and black and white cards. Your home task will be “Colour the cards” and learn the new words.

Is everything clear for you? Please, ask questions, who didn’t understand.

Home task explanation 2 Write down the home task. (Slide 13)
7. Conclusion Well, students, today we learnt a lot. We learnt some new words and grammar material. I hope you like today’s lesson. Thank you for your activity. How clever of you!

The lesson is over. Have a nice day. Good-bye.

Sum up 1 Good-bye. (Slide 14)

Список использованных источников.

  1. English Puzzles 1, Heinemann Games Series
  2. English Puzzles 2, Heinemann Games Series
  3. Word by Word picture dictionary, by Steven J.Molinsky, Bill Bliss (+Audio)
  4. Л.Н.Струкова, В.И.Лапшина, “Современные формы и методы обучения английскому языку детей младшего школьного возраста”
  5. Чернякова Елена Николаевна, “What Colour is It?”, www.ns.portal

Приложение 1

Приложение 2