Система образования в США и Британии

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель урока: ознакомление учащихся с системами образования в Великобритании и США.


1) Совершенствовать навыки поискового чтения

2) Развивать внимание, память, логическую догадку учащихся

3) Формировать лингвострановедческие ЗУН, интерес к странам изучаемого языка

Материал: УМК Афанасьевой О.В. “English 8”, Майк Тируман “Совершенствование качества преподавания в РТ”, дополнительный материал из сети интернет.

Оборудование: Managemats, номера столов, раздаточный материал: тексты, схемы, карточки с заданием.

Ход урока

I  Начало урока

1. Приветствие

- High five! (Сигнал тишины) Take your seats.

So, children, I’m very glad to see you. Let’s greet each other. Please, wave to your face partners, smile to your shoulder partners. Well, let’s begin our lesson.

2. Организационный момент (беседа с дежурным)

- Who is on duty? What date is it? What day of the week is it? Who is absent today?

- Thanks a lot. Sit down, please.

3. Сообщение задач урока

- So, boys and girls, today we’ll learn more about education abroad (I mean UK and USA). Clear? Then let’s start.

4. Речевая зарядка

- Look at the blackboard, please. The proverb says: “Live and learn”(Век живи, век учись). You are to discuss and prove it. Use structure Timed-Pair-Share. Work with your face partner. Person, whose hair is longer, begin, please.

- Well, who wants to share his opinion?

- All right, thank you.

II  Центральная часть

1. Активизация имеющихся знаний

- Now we’ll use the structure AR Guide. Each of you was given a sheet of paper with the following table.

Task: Put pluses (+) or minuses (-)

before statements after
  1. At the age of 3/4 children go to nursery school in the US.  
  2. Children in the UK have a chance to attend a reception class at the age of 5.  
  3. Primary school in the UK is divided into infant and junior.  
  4. The sixth form in the UK lasts one year.  
  5. Pupils can attend a university at the age of 16 in the UK.  
  6. Elementary school in the US consists of 5 years.  
  7. A first year student of college in the US is called a fresher.  

Here are the statements according to education system in the UK and USA. Now you are to fill in the first column with pluses or minuses, having read each statement. Is it clear? You have 3 minutes.

- Class! – Yes!

Your time is over. Now take the following scheme. (приложение 1)

Look it through and fill in the last column. Compare your answers before and after.

- Class! Let’s check this task. Table 2, person 3A, please. Read and comment the statements.

2. Совершенствование навыков изучающего чтения

- Now, let’s check your hometask. Please, take your worksheets with the texts.(приложение 2)

You are to read and translate them in your groups using the structure Round Robin. You have 15 minutes. Person 1B begin, please.

- Well, your time is up. I hope you have understood the texts.

3. Активизация лексики по теме “Образование” в устной речи

- Find exercise 2. Read the task, please. You have 5 minutes to mark the sentences. (приложение 3)

- Now you will discuss them using the structure Quiz-Quiz-Trade. But before person 2B, take clean sheets, fold them in this way, now again, divide it and give each member of your team.

You are to fold your pieces of paper once more. Write any sentence from the list here and the answer here.

Now stand up, take away your chairs. Find a pair, discuss the sentences and change your sheets.

Class! – Yes! That’s enough. Take your seats, please. Now let’s check your answers. Table3, person 1A, please.

III  Завершающая часть

1. Постановка домашнего задания

- Our lesson is coming to its end. Open your diaries, write down your hometask. You are to write a letter to a British penfriend about our schools or education system in Russia.

2. Оценивание

- You were rather active. Today I’ll give a 5/4 to ... .

Thank you for the lesson. Good-bye.