Урок-викторина "St.Valentine's Day"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель урока: развитие положительной мотивации обучения,  знакомство с обычаями и традициями страны изучаемого языка.

Задачи урока:

  • Обучающие:
  • активизировать лексику по теме « St.Valentine’s Day»
  • развивать умение применять материал в практических ситуациях
  • познакомить учащихся с традициями и обычаями празднования Дня Святого Валентина.
  • Развивающие:
  • способствовать развитию творческой деятельности, инициативы у обучающихся
  • развивать логическое мышление, память, внимание,  языковую догадку
  • Воспитательные:
  • поддерживать  интерес к изучению английского языка
  • воспитывать у обучающихся уважение к культуре и традициям других народов
  • воспитывать чувство взаимной ответственности, прививать навыки работы в коллективе.

Подготовительная работа. Дети учат стихотворения и песни, отрабатывается  произношение и интонация. Заранее готовится раздаточный и наглядный материал к викторине.
Оборудование: компьютер, проектор,  раздаточный материал:


1. Организационный момент

Teacher: Good afternoon, dear girls and boys. Today we’ll speak about a beautiful holiday –St Valentine’s Day. This happy holiday celebrates friendship, love and romance. People on this day tell each other about love, present each other valentines, sweets and flowers.  Today we’ll have a competition. Divide into two teams and choose the name for your team. I wish you good luck.

2. Основной этап урока (Приложение 2)

Task 1. Use the code key to find the secret message. (Приложение 1. Слайд 2)

(I heartily hope you have a happy Valentine’s day)

Task 2. Unscramble the words     Слайд 4

Use some of the words to write a mouse’s Valentine story

1) soume_________                6) rhaet ________      11) pucdi __________
2) erpesnt________                 7) vloe  _________
3) figt     _________                8) ncayd_________
4) erd     _________                 9) aveelntni___________
5) alce___________                10) naormce___________

(mouse, present,gift,red,lace,heart,love,candy,valentine,romance,cupid)

Task  3. Complete the sentences        Слайд 5

Red love  February  year  January sell  pink  more week  season  make friends


  • Valentine’s is in________ (February)
  • February is the second month of the_____________.(year)
  • We give our _____________pretty Valentine’s card.(friends)
  • It is fun to get ____________Valentine cards than our friends.(more)
  • Some people ____their own cards instead of buying them at the store.(make)

Task  4. Match the famous couples   Слайд 6

1. Napoleon            a. Yoko
2. Romeo                b. Lyudmila
3. John Lennon       c. N.Goncharova
4. Adam                  d. Scarlet O’Hara
5. Shrek                   e. Isolde          
6. The Beauty          f. Fiona
7. A. Pushkin           g. Eve
8. Ruslan                  h. the Beast
9. Tristan                  i. Josephine
10. Rhett Butler        j. Juliet  
Teacher: There are a lot of beautiful poems about love. Let’s have a rest and recite poems!

Ученики читают разученные ранее стихотворения.

Task 5. Find some mistakes   Слайд 7

Deer, Sue!                          
On that cpecial Falentine list,
You’re et the top, mi friend.
I lave you, and I knows for shure,
Our friendhip will never and!
Happy Velantine’s Dai!!!!
From yor Valentine, Tom

Task 6.  Test  Слайд 9

1. St. Valentine’s Day is  celebrated on the…

a) March, 8  
b) January, 1  
c) February, 14

2. St. Valentine’s Day is a holiday of…

a) lovers
b) teacher
c) soldiers

3. Which Roman God is one of the symbols of St Valentine’s Day?

a) Eros
b) Cupid
c) Apollo

4. Valentine was …

a) king
b) a priest
c) God of Love

5. Valentine fell in love with the…

a) prisoner’s daughter
b) queen
c) nurse

6. Where did St Valentine live?

a) In Greece
b) In Rome
c) In Great Britain

7. According to a popular belief, why was St Valentine beheaded?

a) because he secretly married young couples
b) because he ran away with Emperor Claudius’s daughter
c) because he was always in love with someone

8. Valentine wrote his lover a letter and signed it..

a) “to my sweetheart”
b)” from your Valentine”
c) “Love”

Task 7. Valentine’s poems.   Слайд 10
Teacher: It’s time to do the last task of our competition
Put the lines in the correct order to make a poem.

I’ll make a nice one                             I am sending out today.  
And send it to you                               With the message, “I love you”
Red, white and blue                             Hoping that you love me, too
Valentines, Valentines                         Valentine so bright and gay,

Write a poem!

… day,
… say,
 … you,
… too.

Teacher: Songs about love are very popular all over the world. We love these songs very much, because in these songs we can express different feelings and emotions. You will easily recognize a love song, even if you don’t understand the language of it. Now let’s sing all together.


  • “I just called to say….”(Stevie Wonder)
  • “Love is…”(Greg Sceisa)

Teacher: It’s time to finish our competition. Let’s count our points.

Учитель вместе с учениками подсчитывает результаты и объявляет победившую команду.

Teacher: The lesson is over .Thank you for your participation! I can give you only good and excellent marks today. Happy Valentine’s Day! Good-bye

Примерные стихотворения, посвященные Дню Святого Валентина

Valentine Smile

On Valentine's Day we think of those
Who make our lives worthwhile,
Those gracious, friendly people who
We think of with a smile.

I am fortunate to know you,
That's why I want to say,
To a rare and special person:
Happy Valentine's Day!

                                (By  Joanna Fuchs)

My Valentine

I have a little valentine
That someone sent to me.
It’s pink and white
And red and blue,
And pretty as can be.
Arc round the edge,
And tiny roses, too; and
Such a lovely piece of lace.
The very palest blue.
And in the centre
There’s a heart
As red as red can be!
And on it’s written
All in gold,” To You,
With love from Me.”
                                (By Mary Catherine Parsons)

Compatible Valentine                                         

On Valentine's Day, I think about 
The people who are dear,
How much they add to life's delight
Whenever they are near.
You've always been a total joy,
Such pleasant company,
I very much appreciate
Our compatibility!

                                             (By Joanna Fuchs)
A Valentine to Catherine                                

If you will be my True-Love, 
I'll tell you what I'll do,
I'll ask a little bluebird
To sing a song to you. 

When first you see a violet
And softly pricking through
The garden-bed come crocuses
And golden tulips, too,

Then watch! for he'll be coming,
The little bird of blue;
He'll sing, "I love you, Sweetheart,
It's true, true, true!"

                                (By Evaleen Stein)

Информационные источники:

1. Н.И.Красюк, В.В.Красюк Праздники и будни с английским. Ростов-на-Дону, «Феникс», 2012.

2. http://sgcgo.com/valentines-day-poems/