Открытый урок английского языка на тему "Рождество" в 5-м классе

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Презентация к уроку

Презентация к уроку

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Цель урока: формирование целостного представления о культуре, традициях разных народов мира на примере празднования Рождества в Великобритании.

Задачи урока на уровне наблюдаемых действий обучающихся:

  • Рассказывают о национальных традициях на английском языках.
  • Демонстрируют учебные компетенции на русском и английском языках:
  • в монологической и диалогической речи;
  • в чтении вслух и про себя;
  • в переводе небольшого текста с английского языка на русский;
  • в написании письма Дуду Морозу.

Воспитательные задачи урока:

  • воспитание у учащихся интереса и уважения к культуре и традициям страны изучаемого языка и родной страны;
  • развитие навыков общения в группе, толерантного понимания других людей.

Образовательный продукт урока:

  • Исследовательская сравнительная деятельность национальных традиций празднования Рождества в Великобритании, а также затрагивают некоторые мировые столицы.
  • Письмо Деру Морозу.

Оборудование урока: компьютерная презентация к уроку, проектор, дидактический материал о Рождестве, эмблемы команд, аудиозапись песни “ Jingle Bells”, видео ‘We Wish You a Merry Christmas”, некоторые символы Рождества (ёлка, гирлянды, письмо, игрушки).

Ход урока

1. Оргмомент.

Good morning, children and our guests!

Today we’re going to have a quiz – lesson. Sit down according to your teams! You will do some exercises. Each right answer is one point to your team. The team which gains more points will be the winner.

Начало урока. Приветствие учащихся. Краткая беседа о теме урока. Учитель читает стихотворение при помощи учащихся, что помогает догадаться, о чём пойдёт речь.

Santa Clause стучится к нам в дверь:

“Open, open поскорей!”

Ему дети говорят: “Please, come in”.

Он очень рад.

Видит он a Christmas tree,
И гирлянды, и шары.
А на самом на верху
Видит он a star- звезду.

“Do you like it? – Yes, I do!”
Merry Christmas you and you!”

На доске слайд 1 (рождество) начинается музыка Silent Night

Are you ready for the quiz - lesson?

Let’s see: who is the captain of the 1st team?- Masha is the captain and the name of the team is “Snowflakes”.

Who is the captain of the 2nd team? - Nick is the captain and the name of the team is “Snowmen”.

So, captains, do you know any poems about the winter months? Приложение 1

- Yes (капитаны по очереди читают стихи о зимних месяцах):


December comes, so white and cold,
With snow it stops the rain.
It comes and draws trees young and old
On every window-pane.


Little January
Is always full of fun;
Today we coasted down the hill,
Until the set of sun.

Now we are going to listen to some poems about the teams’ names.

OK. Thank you very much. But before starting a quiz here is a warm-up minute - some questions about Christmas: Слайд 2

When do people celebrate Christmas Day in Europe? –

Snowflake 1: The 25th of December is Christmas Day in Europe .Christmas is always the happiest day of the year. Children like to think of it as their own holiday. But for everyone it is a very special time. The fun starts the night before, on the 24th of December, Christmas Eve. Traditionally this is the day when people decorate their trees. Children hang stockings at the end of their beds hopping that Farther Christmas will fill them with toys and sweets.

What do people usually send to their friends on Christmas? –

Snowman 1: People usually send greeting cards to all their relatives and friends. Christmas is a religious holiday. We celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. We celebrate Christmas on the 25th of December. There are a lot of traditions connected with Christmas. Every year the people of Norway give the city of London a present. It’s a big Christmas tree and it stands in Trafalgar Square. Most families write Christmas cards. In England almost every family receives more than 60 Christmas cards.

What do people usually do on Christmas Eve? –

Snowflake 2: On Christmas Eve people usually put their presents under the tree. Relatives usually meet for the big Christmas dinner.

What food do people usually eat for Christmas dinner?

Snowman 2: People usually eat turkey, potatoes with green vegetables, a pudding with tea for Christmas dinner. The traditional Christmas dinner is roast turkey with vegetables and Christmas pudding. In England people make Christmas pudding before Christmas. Everyone in family stirs the pudding and makes a wish. It’s a traditional meal, which people cook for Christmas party. When the pudding is hot they put 5-penny pieces in it, a button or a ring. If you find a button in your piece of pudding you will be rich, a ring – marriage.

2. The 1st task for the teams.

Pupils, you are to continue a chain in a logical order (учитель включает (презентация 1 – слайд 2):

Continue a logical chain:
Yellow, green, red, ... (white)
Presents, Santa, sleight, ... (reindeer)
January, February, March... (April)
Spring, summer, autumn... (winter)
Morning, Christmas, presents... (Box)
Ten, eleven, twelve... (thirteen)

3. The 2nd task for the teams.

Children, now you should make as many words as possible from the word “DECORATIONS”. Each right word is one point to the team.

You have 2 minutes to do this task.

Учащиеся получают лист со словом и записывают свои варианты (слайд 4):

4. Now I’d like you to declare some poems about winter, winter time and Christmas.

Учащиеся выходят в центр класса и декламируют стихотворения о зиме (приложение 1.2).

5. The 3rd task is to find the definitions of the words. Each right answer is one point to the team. It should take you 1/5 minutes (слайд 5):


cards a) It is on the 26th of December
Santa b) Now it is the highlight of Christmas dinner.
Boxing Day c) English family sends and receives a lot of them
A present d) On Christmas Eve people like to light them
Christmas Pudding e) he brings presents to children
candles f) you get it on birthday and Christmas day


Boxing Day a) It is on the 26th of December
Christmas Pudding b) Now it is the highlight of Christmas dinner.
cards c) English family sends and receives a lot of them
candles d) On Christmas Eve people like to light them
Santa e) he brings presents to children
A present f) you get it on birthday and Christmas day

6. The 4th task is to guess the riddles about winter and winter time.

Each right answer is one point to the team  (слады 7-18):

Clean, but not water,
White, but not snow,
Sweet, but not ice-cream,
What is it? (sugar)

What kind of ball doesn't bounce? (Snowball)

The wind is blowing,
The snow is falling.
When all is white,
Short day and long night. (Winter.)

We usually put them on, but once a year we hang them for the presents? (stoking)

A special Xmas song which is sung during Christmas time. (A carol)

7. Now dear pupils, I want you to stand up in the chain and wish something our guests.

Children, let’s wish something bright and special to our guests.Учащиеся встают по очереди и желают что-то хорошее нашим гостяму:

I wish you love - > I wish you be healthy - > I wish you good luck - > I wish you good holidays - > I wish you to get good marks...

Когда все закончат высказывать свое пожелание, они поют песню “We wish you a Merry Christmas”(слайд 19)

8. The 5th task for the teams’ captains. (слайд 21)

Captains, please, come to me and choose one of the cards with the text. These texts are about celebrations Christmas in different countries. Your task is to read the chosen text and guess the country.

The texts:

1. In this city a lot of people gather in Times Square and watch the “Big Apple” fall. The “Big Apple” isn’t a real apple. It’s a moving picture of an apple on a side of one of the big buildings in Times Square.

Madrid, New York, Moscow

Ответ - New York

2. This country is sometimes called “the upside down world”. It lies in the Southern Hemisphere. During the Christmas holidays people often sunbathe on the beach or swim and surf in the ocean.

Egypt, Ireland, Australia

Ответ - Australia

9. The 6th task is to solve the Christmas crossword.

10. Children, it’s the time to count the gained points.

“Snowflakes” gained more points (20) than “Snowmen”. So they are the winners! Our congratulations!!!

HOMETASK: Your homework for the next time is to write the letter to THE FATHER CHRISTMAS (SANTE CLAUSE)! (Домашнее задание – написать письмо Деду морозу на английском языке)

11. Заключение

And the final part of our game is a song “Jingle Bells” (слайд 22 ).

Now it’s time to dance and sing “Jingle Bells”. Учащиеся танцуют и поют песню “Jingle Bells”.

Let’s sing it together!!! Thank you for the quiz - lesson. Good-bye.