Урок английского языка "Кто такой настоящий друг?"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Тип урока: Урок систематизации и обобщения знаний и умений

Цель урока: научить описывать настоящего и плохого друга и выражать свое отношение к поступкам друзей.


  • развивающие – развитие способностей к анализу и синтезу, развитие умений логически мыслить, формулировать высказывание, аргументировать свое мнение, делать выводы;
  • воспитательные - осознание проблем, которые могут возникнуть во взаимоотношениях друзей, осознание необходимости иметь друзей и значимость дружбы как одной из общечеловеческих ценностей, развитие сотрудничества при работе в группах;
  • обучающие - повтор и активизация лексики по теме “Дружба”, развитие навыков словообразования, развитие навыков устной речи по теме;

Лексический материал: a real friend, a fair-weather friend, support, keep secrets, quarrel, let down, ignore, feel jealous, forgive.

Грамматический материал: First Conditional.

Оснащение: компьютер, раздаточный материал.

Ход урока Деятельность учителя Деятельность учащихся Формируемые УУД
1. Мотивация (самоопределение) к деятельности Учитель приветствует обучающихся на английском языке: Good morning, boys and girls. Glad to see you today. Are you ready to start? We’ll begin our lesson with a very famous melody.

(звучит мелодия песни “Настоящий друг”)

Do you know this song? So what are we going to speak about?

What makes you think so? What problems connected with our topic can we discuss?

Well, today we are going to discuss a very important question: What is a real friend?

Now look at your lists of self-assessment. What are we going to do today? (см. Приложение)

Обучающиеся слушают мелодию и формулируют тему урока.




- About friendship, friends.


- The song is about friends.

- The relationships between

friends, good friends and bad friends.

Обучающиеся формулируют цели урока.

Познавательные общеучебные, коммуникативные
2. Актуализация знаний What do we need for our work? Of course, you are right.

Look at the blackboard, please.

These words will help us today. Let’s read them.

Support, keep secrets, quarrel, let down, ignore, feel jealous, forgive.

Express the same, use your new words instead of the underlined ones.

1) Maybe he feels unhappy because

I got the job and he didn’t. (feel jealous)

2) It is very important for friends to help each other during a difficult time in their life. (support)

3) Mary and Kate don’t talk to each other. Kate has disappointed Mary. (let down)

4) Jane is very selfish. She is not interested in other people’s problems. (ignore)

5) We are best friends but sometimes we argue about little things. (quarrel)

6) “I’m really sorry. I didn’t want  to be rude. Don’t be angry with me.” (forgive)

7) My best friend Kitty will never tell anyone what I have told her. (keep secrets)

We need some words to discuss this problem.

Обучающиеся читают слова за учителем и заменяют подчеркнутые слова в предложениях словами из списка.

Регулятивные, познавательные
Friends, friendship. People sing songs, write poems and stories about it. Now I’d like you to listen and read a very good poem devoted to our friends. (см. Приложение) We’ll work in two groups. Your task is to fill in the table. But Group 1 will write out difficult situations and feelings, Group 2 will choose and write out the actions of a friend from the poem. One part of your table is already filled in.

Now let’s check your answers.

Look at your tables and answer my question, please. How can your friend support you in these difficult situations?

By the way, what can be difficult when we work with such sentences?

If you ..., your friend will...




Обучающиеся работают в группах, заполняя свою часть таблицы. Группы проверяют ответы друг друга.

Обучающиеся составляют условные предложения по опоре.



Учитель дает инструктаж по работе с такими предложениями.

Познавательные общеучебные, логические; коммуникативные, регулятивные коррекции, контроля
3. Обобщение и систематизация знаний. But our friends can be different.

Look at the screen and answer my questions. (фрагмент мультфильма “Маша и Медведь”)

What kind of friend is the Bear to Masha?

What kind of friend is Masha to the Bear?

Let’s make a portrait of a real friend and a fair-weather friend. Group 1 will choose the expressions to describe a real friend. Group 2 will choose the expressions to describe a fair-weather friend. Then you should glue them to these sheets of paper.

- quarrels with you about silly unimportant things

- ignores your interests

- supports you in difficult situations

- forgives you for being rude or unfair towards him/her

- is ready to listen to you if you need to talk

- keeps your secrets

- often lets you down

- feels jealous if sometimes you are more successful

- stands by you if you are alone

- wipes away your tears if you cry

- never helps you face your fears

- doesn’t share your worries

- tells the truth

- tells lies

Attach your sheets of paper to the blackboard, please.

What can you say about a real friend?

What can you say about a fair-weather friend?



- A real friend.

- A fair-weather friend.

Обе группы получают одинаковый набор фраз. Одна группа выбирает фразы для характеристики настоящего друга. Вторая группа выбирает фразы для характеристики ненадежного друга. Обучающиеся наклеивают выражения на листы ватмана с портретами героев мультфильма. Затем каждая группа зачитывает то, что у нее получилось.

Познавательные общеучебные, логические; коммуникативные, регулятивные
4. Применение знаний и умений в новой ситуации.


1) Развитие навыков словообразования

Is it easy to destroy the bonds of friendship? When will it be possible?

Now I want you to read the text about two girlfriends. Make it complete with the help of the correct forms of the words in capital letters.

“Once upon a time there lived two girls, Kitty and Vicky. They lived next door to each other and (1) BE _________ very close friends since their early childhood. There were two gardens in front of (2) THEY _________ houses but there was no fence (забор, изгородь). It looked like one big garden. Kitty enjoyed (3) WORK ____________ there. Vicky didn’t like gardening very much, but she always kept Kitty company, reading something aloud or just talking to her.

One day Kitty returned from the garden (4) ABSOLUTE _______ happy and very proud. A (5) WONDER ______ bright flower had grown there. She was sure that nobody else had ever had a flower like (6) SHE ____ ; it was unique.

Since that day Kitty spent all of her time in the garden. She watered the flower, took care of it and even talked to it. Vicky (7) NOT READ ___________ in the garden any longer, saying that it was cold and that she preferred reading in her room.

One day Kitty went out to say “good morning” to her flower and found it broken and lying on the ground, dead and faded (увядший)...”

Check up your answers:

1 had been

2 their

3 working

4 absolutely

5 wonderful

6 hers

7 didn’t read

- I think not, but it will be possible if your friend tells lies. Познавательные общеучебные, логические; коммуникативные; регулятивные планирования, саморегуляции
2) Развитие навыков монологической речи. As you can see the story is not completed. Every group will get a scheme as a plan. You can choose one of the possible variants of what could happen next to complete the story. (см. Приложение)

Group 1, tell us your story, please. Group 2 should listen to your classmates, analyze the story and say if they are real friends or not, why.

Now, Group 2, tell us your story, please. Group 1 should listen to your classmates, analyze the story and say if they are real friends or not, why.

I think...

In my opinion...

In my view...

I’m sure that...

It seems to me that...




Обучающиеся представляют свои варианты окончания истории с опорой на схему.

Группы слушают друг друга, анализируют ситуацию и высказывают свое мнение.

3) Развитие навыков диалогической речи. You’ve made a portrait of a real friend. Is it your portrait? Let’s find it out.

Now you’re going to do a questionnaire. Let’s interview one of your classmates and see if you can call him or her a real friend.

“What kind of friend are you?”

  Yes No
1. Do you often quarrel with your friend about unimportant things?    
2. Can you keep your friend’s secrets?    
3. Do you always tell the truth to your friend?    
4. Are you ready to listen to your friend at 5 a.m. in the morning?    
5. Can you forgive your friend for being rude or unfair towards you?    
6. Can you let your friend down?    
7. Do you support your friend in difficult situations?    
8. Do you sometimes feel jealous if your friend is more successful?    

Now I want you to interview your partners and tell us about him or her.

Judging by the results of the questionnaire you’re good friends. It means that friendship is important for you and you value your friends.

Обучающиеся задают вопросы одному школьнику, считают его положительные ответы и делают вывод. Затем они работают в парах и рассказывают о своих партнерах. Коммуникативные, познавательные логические, регулятивные
5. Домашнее задание. At home I want you to complete the following essay about your best friend. Use the phrases and sentences from the boxes. (см. Приложение)   Познавательные, регулятивные, коммуникативные
6. Рефлексия. Подведение итогов урока. Did you like our lesson today? I’d like you to assess your achievements. What can you do after our lesson? What mark are you going to get? Обучающиеся оценивают свою работу по схеме самооценки. Регулятивные оценивания, коммуникативные