Открытый урок по английскому языку "Супергерои"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель: повторить и систематизировать знания по темам «Характер» и «Косвенная речь».


  • формирование лексических навыков по теме «Характер»;
  • совершенствование грамматических навыков по теме «Косвенная речь»;
  • развитие навыков чтения с полным пониманием.


I. Организационный момент

II. Речевая разминка, определение темы урока

Good morning! How are you? Today we’ll have an unusual lesson! Look at the picture and tell me: Who is it? Who are they? What is the topic of our lesson?
The topic of our lesson is Superheroes, they will help you to learn some words on the topic Character and revise Reported Speech.
Answer the questions:

  • What are the comics?
  • Have you ever read comics? What did you read?
  • What are your favourite superheroes? Why?
  • Have you ever watched films about superheroes?

III. Знакомство с новыми лексическими единицами

Look at the slide! Today we’ll discuss positive and negative traits of character. Repeat the words after me! Let’s translate the words that you don’t know. As you see positive adjectives describe heroes and negative adjectives describe villains.

Работа с антонимами

In your worksheets find the antonyms to these words.


Now read the words in pairs.

Who can say this?

Now look at the board and the phrases. Think and say what kind of person can say such phrases?

Give full answers please.

Fill in the gaps.

Now as you know the words try to fill in the gaps using these words in your worksheets and on the board.

1. He's always telling lies! He is so ___________________.
2. Ann passed her exam. I think she is really _____________.
3. My friend gives some money to charity. It's so _________of him to do it.
4. Bob didn't do his homework yesterday and lied to the teacher. How_____________ of him not to tell the truth!
5. Don't be ______________. Lend me some money, please.
6. He always has fights with his classmates! He is really __________________.
7. Someone tried to poison our dog. Isn't it _____________!

Describing a character.

Now look at these characters. Can you describe them? What kind of people are they and why. Use the phrases given on the board.

IV. Чтение текста

We call Superman and Batman heroes and today we’ll read the text about a real-life hero. Look at the pictures and tell me what the text is going to be about.
Now let’ s read some necessary words and then the text.
Before you read make sure you know these words:

Funeral – похороны
Star – играть роль
Wheelchair – инвалидное кресло
Paralyzed – парализованный
Divorce – разводиться
Charity – благотворительность


«After the accident, Dana was told to say goodbye and people were talking about my funeral».

Not long ago, Christopher Reeve had everything. He was a successful actor, famous for the Superman films where he starred as a Superman, a person with great powers. But in 1995 his life changed dramatically and in 1996 he appeared at Hollywood’s Oscar ceremony in a wheelchair. 
The accident happened in 1995 when he fell from his horse and broke his back. The doctors didn’t expect him to live. At first, he couldn’t breathe without a machine but then he started to breathe on this own. However, he still couldn’t move and was paralyzed from neck to toes.
From their home, Christopher and his wife Dana spoke about their life since the accident.

Did you suffer from depression after the accident?

No, I didn’t. Four days after the accident, I realized my situation. Dana and I were in hospital and the doctor said I wouldn’t be able to walk or even move. But Dana said: “But you’re still you and I love you”. And these words saved my life. Of course, I sometimes have moments of feeling sorry for myself but then I see this beautiful woman next to me and thank God I’m alive.

How did your parents react to the accident?

They divorced when I was four. I think they’ve got closer after the accident.

What are your plans for the future?

I want to help people with the same problems. I will give money to the American Paralysis Organisation. I’m going to do everything to make my life worth the chance I was given after the accident.

And he did. Christopher Reeve raised a lot of money for medical research, visited hospitals and charity organizations. He died in 2004 at the age of 52. In his life he showed himself to be a real-life superman.

Answer the questions after the text:

1. What is Christopher Reeve famous for?
2. What happened in 1995?
3. What did the doctors say?
4. How did he feel after the accident?
5. Who has always helped him?
6. Why can we call Christopher Reeve A REAL-LIFE SUPERMAN?

V. Тренировка Косвенной речи

You see the interview of Christopher Reeve. Imagine that you were asked to write an article to your school magazine about this man. Report the dialogue, please.

VI. Самостоятельная работа по Косвенной речи

I hope you revised Reported Speech as it’s time for a quiz on Reported Speech.

Read the comics and report what the characters said.

Now work with the partner and write down the comics into your worksheet using Direct Speech.

Read the comics and report what the characters said.

Now work with the partner and write down the comics into your worksheet using Direct Speech.

Hand in your papers, please.

VII. Домашнее задание

At home makeup a dialogue between 2 characters (2 phrases each) and write a short character description of your favourite comic character.

VIII. Рефлексия

Did you like the lesson? Put a smile if you did. What did you learn? What else do you want to learn in this topic?

Приложение 1

Приложение 2