Урок по теме "Автобиография". 11-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 11

Level: Upper Intermediate

УМК “New Opportunities” Russian edition by Michael Harris, David Mower, Anna Sikorzynska, Irina Larionova, Oksana Melchina, Irina Solokova.

Модуль 1 “Identity”. Урок 1 “Autobiography”

Количество учащихся: 14

Задачи урока:

  • Практическая: научить учащихся употреблять лексику по теме “Identity” (прилагательные, описывающие черты характера – 29 ЛЕ до уровня предложения) ; совершенствование навыков словообразования.
  • Воспитательная: воспитывать умения работать в команде, толерантное отношение к мнению партнёра.
  • Образовательная: расширять общий и филологический кругозор учащихся.
  • Развивающая: развивать умения сравнивать, делать умозаключения при описании картинок; развивать субъектный опыт учащихся.

Оснащение: раздаточный материал для учащихся с текстами и  заданиями, таблицы с фразами речевой поддержки, фотографии Анны Франк и Хелен Келлер.


10.00. 1. Речевая подготовка

1) Организационный момент. Разминка.

T.: Good morning,everybody. I’m so happy to see all of you. I’ve missed you so much! How are you today?
T.: OK.I’ll write two words on the whiteboard. Can you explain the difference between these words. (BIIGRAPHY and AUTOBIOGRAPHY).Any guesses about the origin of these words?
T.: As you may guess, today we are going to talk about autobiography,  identity,  personal experiences.

10.03. 2) Разминка:

As you see, the word AUTOBIOGRAPHY is written on the board. As a warm-up I’ll give you two minutes to work in pairs, making as many words from the letters of “AUTOBIOGRAPHY” (e.g. biography, graph,auto) don’t count.
(ученики составляют как можно больше слов из букв, составляющих слово «автобиография)
T.: Thanks a lot! You were really creative and now I suggest you looking into association card. Try to continue the sentence using your ideas and share your ideas with your partner on your left. (Приложение 2)
(ученики выполняют задания по ассоциативной карте, обмениваются мнением с партнёром)
T.: Thanks a lot, I think you’ve enjoyed this activity. Let’s go on. For our next task we need to split into pairs. I’ll give you the cards. Try to match the adjective and the context in which it can be used. So, will you, please, stand up, you can mix and mingle.
(ученики получают карточки с прилагательными и предложениями для подстановки, находят пару, свободно перемещаясь по классу) (Приложение 1)
T.: OK, perfect!

10.10. 2.Основной этап. Работа с текстом

a) Pre-reading activity:

T.: First of all, I’ll show you two photographs. Please, try to compare and contrast them with your partner. (Приложение 3)
If you have some problems with arranging your ideas, consult the supportive poster on the wall of this classroom to revise the strategies of picture comparison. (Приложение 5)
(ученики сравнивают фотографии, используя фразы поддержки)
b) Чтение текста, обсуждение.
T.: OK, thank you so much for your ideas. Are there any guesses as far as personalities on the pictures goes?
(ученики высказывают предположения о личностях на фотографиях)
T.: We’ll clarify this point a little bit later. Now I’ll give you two texts and two individual cards  for each pair. First of all, skim you text quickly to get a general idea of the text.
(ученики просматривают текст, пытаясь понять основную мысль)

Текст 1.

The weather’s been wonderful since yesterday and I’ve perked up quite a bit. My writing, the best thing I have is common along well. I go to the attic almost every morning to get the stale air out of my lungs. This morning when I went there, Peter was busy cleaning up. He finished quickly and came over to where I was sitting on my favourite spot on the floor. The two of us looked out at the blue sky, the bare chestnut tree glistering with dew, the seagull and other birds glinting with silver as they swooped through the air, and we were so moved and entranced that we couldn’t speak. He stood with his head against a thick beam, while I sat. We breathed in air, looked outside and both felt that the spell shouldn’t be broken with words. We remained like this for a long while, and by the time he had to go to the loft to chop wood, I knew he was a good, decent boy. He climbed the ladder to the loft and I followed; during the fifty minutes he was chopping wood, we didn’t say a word either. I watched him from where I was standing could see he was obviously doing his best to chop the right way and show off his strength. But I also looked out of the open window, letting my eyes roam over a large part of Amsterdam, over the rooftops and on to the horizon, a strip of blue so pale it was  almost invisible. “As long as it exists,” I thought, “this sunshine and this cloudless sky, and as long as I can enjoy it, how can I be sad?’’.
Unless you write yourself, you can’t know how wonderful it is; I always used to bemoan the fact that I couldn’t draw, but now I’m overjoyed that at least I can write. And if I don’t have the talent to write books or newspaper articles, I can always write to myself. But I want to achieve more than that. I can’t imagine having to live like Mother, Mrs van Daan and all the women who go about their work and are then forgotten. I need to have something besides a husband and children to devote myself to! I don’t want to have lived to vain like most people, even those I’ve never met. I want to go on living even after my death! And  that’s why I’m so grateful to God for having given me this gift, which I can use to develop myself and to express all that’s inside me!

Текст 2.

The most important day I remember in all my life is the one on which my teacher, Ann Sullivan, came to me. It was three months before I was seven years old. On the afternoon on that day, I knew that something was happening. I went outside and waited on the steps of the house. I could feel the sun on my face and I could touch the leaves of the plants. Then I felt someone walking towards me. I thought it was my mother and she picked me up and held me close. This was my teacher who had come to teach all things to me and, above all, to live me. The next morning, the teacher took me into her room and gave me a doll. When I was playing with it, Miss Sullivan slowly spelled the word “d-o-l-l” into my hand. I was interested and I imitated the movements with my fingers. I learned a lot of words like this, but only after my teacher had been with me for several weeks did I understand that everything has a name.
One day, I didn’t understand the difference between “mug” and “water”. I became angry and threw the doll on the floor. In my quite, dark world I didn’t feel sorry for doing it. Then my teacher took me out into the warm sunshine. We walked down to the well where someone was drawing water. My teacher put my hand under the water and spelled the word “w-a-t-e-r” at the same time in my other hand. Suddenly I felt an understanding. The mystery of language was revealed to me. I knew that then that “w-a-t-e-r” was the wonderful cool something flowing over my hand. That living word awakened my soul, gave it light, hope, set it free!

T.: Well, what are these both texts about?
(ученики высказывают мнения об основном содержании, приходят к выводу, что тексты представляют собой воспоминания о неких событиях в их жизни)
T.: Fine, and now try to find answers for the questions below. Then address your partner and ask him questions about the text under his consideration. Share your ideas.
(ученики находят в своём тексте ответы на поставленные вопросы к своему тексту и задают вопросы, касающиеся второго текста своему партнёру. Приём jigsaw reading)

Read the text №1 and answer these questions:
  • What time of the year do you think it is? Why?
  • Who do you think Peter is? How do you think the diary writer feels about him?
  • How old do you think the writer is? Give your reasons.
  • What do you think is unusual about the writer’s situation?

Then ask your partner to help you answer the questions about the text № 2:

  • How was the girl different from other children?
  • Why was the teacher so important for her?
  • How did she learn new words?
  • Why did she feel happy when she understood the meaning of the word “water”?

Карточка к тексту 2.

Read the text №2 and answer these questions:
  • How was the girl different from other children?
  • Why was the teacher so important for her?
  • How did she learn new words?
  • Why did she feel happy when she understood the meaning of the word “water”?

Then ask your partner to help you answer the questions about the text №1

  • What time of the year do you think it is? Why?
  • Who do you think Peter is? How do you think the diary writer feels about him?
  • How old do you think the writer is? Give your reasons.
  • What do you think is unusual about the writer’s situation?

c) Выполнение упражнений Post-reading activities:

T.: OK. Tell me ,please, what do you think happened later to these two writers?
(ученики высказывают свои предположения о судьбе авторов предложенных отрывков, используя фразы поддержки)
T.: I’d like to give you some brief information about them. (Приложение 6). May I ask you only one question –  What do you feel now? Why? Does this information justified your expectations?
(ученики описывают своё эмоциональное состояние и видение прочитанного после информации, предложенной учителем)

T.: Thank you so much. I deeply appreciate your opinions. If you are interested in finding more information about these outstanding personalities, I’ll address you to some sites. While you were reading these texts, you might have spotted a lot of words with prefixes and suffixes and our next stage is aimed at revising some material concerning word-building and spelling, as we should remember our exams. I’ll give you the cards with some tasks.I hope you won’t find them extremely difficult. If you have any problem, let me know, I’ll willingly help you. I’ll monitor your activity and help with vocabulary where necessary.
(ученики выполняют задания по карточкам, затем следует проверка и обсуждение)

Приложение 4

T. OK, Remind me, please, what kind of photos did you compare?
(ученики вспоминают Анну Франк и Хелен Келлер.)
T. Let’s divide into groups of four. I shall give you a list with a name of our authors, try to write as many adjective, describing their characters. You have only two minutes at your disposal.
(ученики записывают прилагательные, описывающие характер Анны Франк и Хелен Келлер)
T. OK, Now we shall see whether you have something in common ?
T. What kind of example did they give us?
( ученики высказывают свою точку зрения о нравственном уроке, который можно извлечь, узнав о жизненном пути данных личностей)
T. My final question for today is as follows: How can we call the type of texts, giving the description of events in the life of any person and is written by that individual?
Предполагаемый ответ (хором) – autobiography!

10.43. 3. Завершение урока

1) Подведение итогов

T.: So, today we have leant   some new facts about outstanding personalities, we have discussed some important questions concerning identity , memories and revised strategies of describing pictures. Thank you for your hard work.

Выставление отметок + устное оценивание

2) Домашнее задание

T.:  Now I’d like to say a few words about your homework. Choose a memory from your life. Write a short story about these things (200-250 words): your age, place and time, who you were with, what happened, how you felt, what happened in the end. Please, don’t forget about usage of past tenses. Don’t miss the linking phrases you’re quite familiar with. It was a real pleasure to see you. I hope this lesson was rather useful for you. See you!