Открытый урок английского языка "Pets and other animals"

Разделы: Иностранные языки



  • развитие лексического навыка
  • развитие навыка чтения
  • развитие навыка аудирования
  • развитие навыка диалогической и монологической речи


  • формирование познавательного интереса к учению
  • формирование умения в заданном темпе
  • приемы уверенности в своих силах, умение владеть собой


  • экологическое воспитание (бережное отношение к животным)
  • воспитание толерантного мышления

Тип урока: совершенствование знаний, навыков, полученных ранее, и целевого применения усвоенного.

Формы работы:

  • индивидуальная
  • фронтальная
  • парная
  • групповая

Оснащение урока: компьютерная презентация, видеоролики, карточки, магнитная доска.

План урока

  1. Организационный момент.
  2. Целеполагание.
  3. Актуализация лексики через повторение (через игру – загадку)
  4. Активизация лексики.
  5. Физкультминутка.
  6. Поисковое чтение текста с повторением прошедшего времени.
  7. Вопросно-ответная работа на базе прочитанного текста.
  8. Видеоролик (развитие навыка аудирования)
  9. Видеоролик (подготовленное монологическое высказывание).
  10. Рефлексия.
  11. Подведение итогов.
  12. Домашнее задание.

1. Организационный момент.

Teacher (T) –Good morning, children! Let us begin our lesson.

2. Целеполагание

Children, look! It’s a dinosaur. He wants to know what we know about animals. In the end of the lesson, he will know everything about you.

T. _Look at the screen and try to guess what are we going to talk about?

Pupil (P) – About Pets and animals.

T. You are right, we are going to talk about the most exciting world – the world of Pets and Other Animals.

T. Фонетическая зарядка.

Звуки: T,D,W,TH,.....

3. Актуализация лексики.

(Учитель бросает мяч и задает вопросы, а учащиеся отвечают)

T. Have you got a pet?

P1. Yes, I have.

T. And you?

P2 No, I don’T.

T. Let’s see how well you know the animals. Look at the parts of the bodies and guess the animal.(активизация лексики, презентация в программе “ Power Point”,разработанная учителем)

(Slide 1 – a picture of a rabbit’s ears that widens into the rabbit)

T.Whose ears are these?

P – These are rabbit’s ears.

(Slide 2 -- a picture of the elephant’s trunk that later widens into the elephant)

T. Whose nose is it?

P.- It’s the elephant’s nose.

(Slide3 - a picture of a crocodile’s tale that widens into the crocodile)

T. Whose tale is it?

P. It’s a crocodile’s tale.

(Slide 4 - a picture of a giraffe’s neck that widens into the giraffe)

T. Whose neck is it?

P. It’s the giraffe’s neck.

4. Развитие лексического навыка.

T. Now look at the photo of different animals and complete the table.(Slide 5)(презентация в “Power Point”)

(The pupils look at the photo of animals and classify them into wild animals and domestic animals, then they underline the descriptive adjectives: head/kind/hungry/wild/angry/thirsty/teach/dirty/funny/nice/cleverer/tail/favourite/happy/domestic/long/fast/sad/nose/bigger/beautiful/

Then pupils exchange their cards and check if their choice is correct .P1- reads up the names of domestic and P2 -wild animals.)

T. Where can you see these animals in our city?

P. At the Zoo.

T. Who looks after them at the Zoo?

P. Zookeeper does.

T. Which of them live in Russia?


5. Физкульт. пауза.

T. Stand up, please. If you agree Clap your hands, if you disagree tap.

Lions eat grass. (Pupils tap)

The monkey has long ears. (pupils tap)

The dog can bark (pupils clap).

The elephants live in Africa (pupils clap).

The dolphins live in the in the forest (pupils tap).

6. Развитие навыка чтения.

T. Children, now you are going to read the text about very unusual animals, which lived millions of years ago.

Look at the picture and say what are they?

P. Dinosaur.

T. Read the text and decide if the statements are TRUE or FALSE.(Развитие навыка чтения. Учащиеся выполняют задание по индивидуальным карточкам).

(Before reading the text, the pupils learn how to pronounce the names of dinosaurs

Sauropods, Pletosaurs, Saltopus, Kronosauus)

After reading, the children compere their answers with the answers in the screen. (the pupils exchange their cards)

T. And now discus the text answering the questions (pair-work).(работа в парах)

  1. What did the dinosaurs eat?
  2. What could they do?
  3. Where did they live?
  4. What they look like?

T. Look at the toy dinosaur and describe it...

P. describes the toy dinosaur.

7. Аудирование (group work)(видеоролик).

T. Our next task is listening but before listening let’s put some new words into the basket of new words: extinct, dream, disappear.

The pupils watch a short cartoon and then answer the questions.-5 quest. (Download from YouTube)

Watch the film and choose the correct answer.

1. What did the boy see in his dream?

a) a dinosaur

b) a dog

2. Why did the dinosaurs die?

a) there was no food to eat

b) there was no water

3. What did the dinosaurs eat?

a) meat

b) meat and plants

4. When did the dinosaurs disappear?

a) 75 million years ago

b) 65 million years ago

5. Where can you see dinosaurs now?

a) in the museum

b) at the Zoo

Extinct – вымерший

Dream – сон

To disappear - исчезать

T. Did you like the film?

What did the children feel about the dinosaurs – are they happy or sad?

P. Sad.

8. Развитие навыка монологической речи.

T. I know many children have got pets at home. Vlada made a video about her pets. Watch it very attentively and do the task.(Видеоролик, творческая работа ученицы 3 кл.)

Р-s watch a video filmed by one of the pupils (the p. makes the presentation of her pets and then she asks the questions and the individuals answer them

P. 1 .How many pets have I got?

2. What pets have I got?

3. What food do my cats like to eat?

4. What colour is my dog?

5. Where do they like to walk?

T. Did you like the film? Why?

Why does she like her pets? Answer to this question in a written form in one sentence.

Why do we like our pets?

9. Рефлексия.

1. What did we learn at the lesson?

2. What do our pets need?

2. Do you think our Dino liked our lesson?

10. Итоги урока. Выставление оценок.

11. Your homework is: (Домашнее задание)

  1. Draw any dinosaur you want and make up a story about it (5-10 ) sentences
  2. Do the animal crossword- for the cleverest ones.