Урок английского языка по теме "Animal World". 3-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 3

Тип  урока:применение и закрепление полученных знаний и умений.

Форма урока – стандартный с элементами игр (лексических), применение здоровьесберегающих технологий (динамическая пауза, смена деятельности, игры).


  • наглядные средства обучения (карточки, раздаточный материал);
  • компьютер с доступом в интернет;
  • интерактивная доска или проектор.

Цели и задачи


  • Проверить знание изученного грамматического материала. (Present Simple).
  • Отрабатывать диалог-расспрос о животных.
  • Активизировать лексику и выражения, необходимые для описания животных.
  • Проконтролировать умения школьников понимать и обсуждать небольшой текст.
  • Совершенствовать фонетические навыки учащихся в английском языке.
  • Проконтролировать умение детей работать с лексическими единицами.


  • Развивать внимание, память, воображение.
  • Развивать речь, мышление (умение выделять главное).
  • Научить детей сочетать учебные, физические и релаксирующие упражнения.
  • Научить совместной работе в небольших группах
  • Научить самооценки и взаимооценки.

Описание урока: целью урока является формирование навыков самостоятельного построения учащимися фраз с использованием лексических единиц заданной темы урока, а также проверка знаний изученных грамматических структур. Проконтролировать умения школьников понимать и обсуждать небольшой текст. Научить детей совместной работе в небольших группах и умению давать адекватную оценку результатам своей деятельности на уроке, а также правильно оценивать работу одноклассников. Урок состоит из шести этапов: организационного момента, этапа подготовки учащихся к активному усвоению новых знаний, этапа усвоения новых знаний, этапа обобщения и систематизации, этапа закрепления материала и рефлексии, объяснения задания для самостоятельной работы учащихся дома.

Stage Notes Pupils do Teacher does/says
1. 5 min


oV_idfKcCdQ Children listen to the song “At the zoo”
Greet the teacher, listen to the song

Fill in the chart (appendix 1)

Greets the students, makes a check if students are ready to start the lesson and shows the video with the song.

The teacher asks the pupils to fill in the chart.

2. 5 min


Introducing the theme to the class, leading them into the lesson Say the theme of the lesson, define the aim Defines with the students the theme and the aim of the lesson
3. 25 min

Study and practic

1) Video excursion


Make a virtual excursion to the London Zoo Tells the students about the London Zoo (appendix 4)

Asks the questions

Organizes and controls

Teacher says: Now, children, let’s do exercises for eyes.

One, two, three, four.

Look at the window, look at the door,

Look at the ceiling, look at the floor.

One, two, three, four.

  2) Divide into three groups (4-5 students). Each team gets a name (Giants, Big Cats, Wings), studies a group of animals (Giants – elephants and giraffes, Big Cats – jaguars and lynxes, Wings – swans and flamingoes) and fill in the chart in which they write where the animals live, their colour, the food they eat. Ask and answer the questions. Divide into three groups (4-5 students). Fill in the chart (appendix 2) with the help of the text (appendix 3), say what they have learned about the animals, ask and answer the questions. Controls and corrects (if needed) the work in groups.
3) Stay in groups, look at the blackboard, where they can see the pictures of adult and baby animals, and the cards with the words (foal, calf, lamb, kid, joey, kitten, puppy, piglet, duckling, chick, cub) Listen and repeat after the teacher The teacher says: We know that all animals have babies, sheep and cows, cats and dogs, kangaroos and lions. On the blackboard you can see the words. Let's pronounce them.
4) Listen to the song “Baby animal”


Listen to the song “Baby animal”, learn the new words. (horse – foal, cow – calf, sheep – lamb, goat – kid, kangaroo – joey) Match the picture of the animal and the word on the blackboard. Organizes and controls
5) Video Moscow Zoo


Answer the teacher's questions. What animals can you see at the zoo in Moscow and in London? What words help us describe the animals? What animals are big? What animals are clever? Do you like to go to the zoo? What do you know about the London zoo?
4. 10 min


6) Home task: Composition “My visit to the zoo” Reflection Comments on the student's work at the lesson, asks what aim each of the tasks has, give marks to the teams and explain how to do the home task.

Appendix 1

hippo, flamingo, monkey, giraffe, tiger, elephant, lion

Appendix 2




Страна обитания









Appendix 3

The Giraffe Samson was born at the Leningrad Zoo in 1993 and came to the Moscow Zoo as a baby.  He has always been friendly towards people who love him and take care of him, and very popular with the zoo visitors.  He is always ready to meet your hand half-way and take anything you might be offering him.  Please, do not abuse his trust, and do not give him any bread, cookies or candy.  He will eat them eagerly, but the yeast and sugar that they contain are very bad for him.  At the Zoo, Samson receives a healthy daily diet of grass, browse, grain, carrots, beets, apples, bananas and grapes.  So please, just watch this lovely animal and offer him nothing but a smile. The coat has dark patches (which can be orange, , brown, or nearly black in colour. Giraffes come from Africa

Elephants are the largest living animals which live in Africa and Asia. African elephants are larger than their Asian cousins. African elephants stand 3–4 meters tall and have big ears. Asian elephants stand 2–3.5 meters tall and small ears.

Elephants eat leaves, twigs, fruit, bark and roots. They can consume as much as 150 kg of food and 40 L of water in a day. Their skin is grey.

Another large cat that is famous for its beautiful skin is the South American jaguar. The pattern of spots help the animal to hide in the forest. The jaguar can climb trees with ease, and even jump into the water.  His body and strong paws make him a good hunter. It eats only meat.

Lynxes have got a short tail and tufts of black hair on the ears, large paws for walking on snow and long whiskers on the face. The Moscow Zoo is home to a pair of lynxes, which are the wild cats that come from America, Asia and Europe. They hunt in the dusk. They eat hares and birds. They are grey-brown with black hair on the ears.

The swans’ close relatives are geese and ducks. The swans are the largest members of the waterfowl family, and are among the largest flying birds. They come from Australia, New Zealand and America, Asia and Europe.

Swans feed in the water and on land.

Their colour can be white, black or grey.

Flamingoes are very unusual birds. The beautiful colour of these birds is produced by the pigment carotene that is contained in their food. Flamingos eat carrots, tomatoes, and red peppers. When they eat these vegetables they get their bright pink colour. They also eat shrimps (креветки) and plankton. They come from Africa, Asia and America.

Appendix 4. Приложение 1

Приложение 2