Развитие коммуникативной компетенции в работе с краеведческим материалом на английском языке

Разделы: История и обществознание, Иностранные языки

Цели урока:

- совершенствование иноязычной коммуникативной и социокультурной компетенции учащихся;

- воспитание патриотизма и гордости за страну, родной город;

- создание устойчивой мотивации к изучению иностранного языка.

Задачи урока:


- расширение и углубление знаний уч-ся об истории и культуре родного края;

- активизация изученного ранее лексического и грамматического материала;

- совершенствование навыков чтения, перевода, устной речи на базе прочитанного;


- расширение кругозора учащихся;

- развитие оперативной памяти, логического мышления, внимания, языковой догадки;

- развитие интереса учащихся к изучению иностранного языка;


- воспитание бережного отношения к историческому и культурному наследию своего народа;

- воспитание сплоченности коллектива, уважительного отношения к собеседникам;

- воспитание активности в решении познавательно-поисковых задач.

Форма урока: комбинированный урок с использованием ИКТ.

Оснащение урока: портрет Героя Советского Союза Прошенкова Н.И; аудиозапись песни “День Победы” (минусовка); компьютер, интерактивная доска, компьютерная презентация, выполненная в программе Power Point; раздаточный материал – тематический текст, разрезанный на отдельные предложения; распечатки с текстом; распечатки с заданиями к тексту.

План урока.

1. Сообщение темы и задач урока (2 минуты)

(Звучит песня “День Победы”)

T. Good afternoon, children. Glad to meet you. You know that in 2015 our country celebrates the 75th anniversary of the Victory of our people in the Great Patriotic War. About 27000 citizens of our native town of Vyazniki took part in the battles of the Second World War and about half of them perished at the front lines. Many of them were awarded the orders and medals. Our town is the Motherland of 26 Heroes of The Soviet Union. They freed our country from the Nazi invaders and glorified our town. We have already spoken about some of them. Do you remember their names?

P1. Alexandr Sergeevich Shornikov

P2. Ivan Stepanovich Malov

P3. Alexandr Fedorovich Moshin

T. Very good. And today you’ll learn some new facts about one more Hero of the Soviet Union born and lived in Vyazniki. It’s Nikolai Ivanovich Proshenkov. You can see his photo on the board. (Приложение №1, слайд №1)

So today we are going to:

- be able to speak about Nikolai Ivanovich Proshenkov;

- enlarge our vocabularies, develop our communicative skills;

- feel ourselves as a proud citizen of Vyazniki.

2. Речевая и фонетическая разминка (6 минут)

But first of all let’s revise the words on the topic and learn some new words (фронтальная работа и коллективная работа – один ученик переводит словосочетание на английский язык, остальные хором повторяют)

  • What is the English for
Великая Отечественная война

Аллея Славы

Герой Советского Союза

вражеский самолет

быть похороненным






заканчивать школу

учиться в аэроклубе

авиационная школа

присвоить звание


- Give the 3 forms of the following verbs

Be have forget become begin shoot
Graduate fight award make serve bury

- And now let’s read and translate some new words written on the board. Repeat after me, please

A peasant Civil war weaving factory lieutenant shoot down cemetery to be wounded a squadron a fighter regiment a guard major Nazi invaders a guard colonel

- Match the two columns, please (приложение №1, слайд №2)

1/ Civil war

2/ shoot down a plane

3/ weaving factory

4/ Nazi invaders

5/ honorable

6/ to be wounded

7/ a squadron

8/ а peasant

9/ a guard major

10/ a fighter regiment

a/ гвардии майор

b/ стрелковый полк

c/ быть раненым

d/ эскадрилья

e/ гражданская война

f/ сбить самолет

g/ ткацкая фабрика

h/ фашистские захватчики

i/ почетный

j/ крестьянин

Keys: 1e, 2f, 3g, 4h, 5i, 6c, 7d, 8j, 9a, 10b (приложение №1, слайд №3)

3. Работа с тематическим текстом (30 минут)

- Look at the picture (приложение №1, слайд №4) and try to say

- what troops Nikolai Ivanovich served during the Great Patriotic War

- what for he could be awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union

- if he came back home from the battlefields or perished

- Well, later we’ll see if you are right or wrong. Today you, not me, will write his biography. Each of you has a sheet of paper on the desk. Each of you has 2 sentences to read and to translate into Russian. Do, please. (Приложение №2) (текст разрезается на предложения, уч-ся получаются по 2 предложения с тем учетом, чтобы в дальнейшем в каждой группе получился один абзац текста)

- Work in groups, please. Put the sentences in the logical order. After read the texts (работа в группах) (получится 3 части текста, каждая из 8 предложений)

- Let’s put your texts into the logical order.

So, now we have the biography of our countryman, Hero of the Soviet Union, Nikolai Ivanovich Proshenkov. (Приложение №1, слайды №5, 6)

Read the text again and find the English equivalents: (приложение №1, слайд 7)

один из почетных жителей города

простые крестьяне

вернулся с войны без ноги

мужская работа легла на плечи Николая

сбил первый самолет

был ранен дважды

за смелость и героизм

- Fill in the blanks (приложение №1, слайд 8)

Peasants honorable was awarded weaving factory shot down citizens was born Great Patriotic War guards major Hero of the Soviet Union.

Nikolai Ivanovich Proshenkov is one of the … of the town of Vyazniki. He … on the 7th of January,1918 in the village of Putyatino near Vyaznik. His parents were … . In 1918 the boy graduated from school and began to work at the … . In 1939 he graduated from the Chkalov aviation school and became a pilot.

Soon the … began. By May, 1945 N. I. Proshenkov … 19 enemy planes. For courage, bravery and heroism … Prosenkov Nikolai Ivanovich … the title of … .

- Say, if it is right or wrong. If it’s wrong, correct, please. (приложение №1, слайд 9)

1. Nikolai Ivanovich Proshenkov is one of the 26 Heroes of the Soviet Union born in Viazniki.

2. His parents worked at the weaving factory.

3. After graduating from school Nikolai went to the front.

4. He studied at Tambov aviation school.

5. During the war he fought very bravely.

6. He took part in 79 battles and shot down 5 enemy planes.

7.. He served as the commander of the squadron.

8. He was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union in 1944

9. After the war Nikolai Proshenkov came back to Vyazniki.

10. Proshenkov died in 1956 and was buried at the Kiev cemetery.

- Answer the questions, please

1. When and where was Nikolai Ivanovich Proshenkov born?

2. Who were his parents?

3. What did he do after graduating from school?

4. When did Nikolai become a pilot? Where did he study?

5. What fronts did he fight?

6. How many enemy planes did Proshenkov shoot down?

7. When was Nikolai Ivanovich Proshenkov awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union? What for?

8. Did he continue to serve in the air forces after the war? Where did he live?

9. When did Nikolai Ivanovich Proshenkov die?

10. Where is he buried?

Complete the sentences, please. (приложение №1, слайд 10)

N.I.Proshenkov was born in … in … .

His parents … .

He became a pilot … .

He went to the front … .

Proshenkov fought in … fronts.

He made … and shoot down … .

For … he was awarded the title of … .

After the war Nikolai Ivanovich … .

He died… .

He is buried … .

Speak about N. I. Proshenkov using the plan (работа в парах). (Приложение №1, слайд 11)

…was born … .

… parents … .

… became a pilot … .

… went to the front … .

… fought in … fronts.

… made … and shoot down … .

For … was awarded … .

After the war … .

… died… .

… is buried … .

4. Подведение итогов (2 минуты)

T. So, children, I think that today you have learnt something new about our countryman Nikolai Ivanovich Proshenkov. Let’s be proud of him and other Heroes of the Soviet Union, born in Vyazniki. Let’s be grateful to those who has freed our country from the Nazi invaders. Don’t forget their names and their dids.

And now I thank you for your work at the lesson. Good bye.