Урок английского языка "Clever animals". 3-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 3

Учебник: Spotlight 3 (V. Evans, J. Dooley, M. Pospelova).

Оборудование: постер “ Animals big and small”, карточки для фонетической зарядки, flashcards “ Animals”, магнитофон, диски, презентация (у автора), проектор.

Цели и задачи:

  1. Развивающая: развивать навыки говорения, аудирования, чтения.
  2. Обучающая: учить употреблять глагол canв речи и на письме , учить работать в парах и группах, учить находить соответствия и делать выводы.
  3. Воспитательная: воспитывать ответственное отношение к животным, любовь к четвероногим друзьям.

Межпредметные связи: с естествознанием.

Метапредметные связи: бережное отношение к животным в зоопарках, театрах зверей и дома.

Использование современных педагогических технологий:

  • проектная технология;
  • игровая технология;
  • технология работы в группах;
  • арт-технология.

План урока:

  1. Приветствие.
  2. Фонетическая зарядка.
  3. Развитие навыков говорения.
  4. Физкультминутка
  5. Просмотр и обсуждение презентации.
  6. Развитие навыков чтения.
  7. Игра.
  8. Обучение работе в группе.
  9. Рефлексия, подведение итогов урока.

Ход урока

Т: Good morning, girls and boys! I’m fine today and how are you?

Ps: We are fine too!

T: I’m glad to hear that. Let’s begin our lesson. Today we have a very interesting theme. We are going to speak about clever animals and about animal theatre in Moscow. But what day is it today?

P1: It’s Wednesday.

T: Right you are. What season is it now?

P2: It’s spring, it’s March.

T: Good! What’s the weather like today?

PS: It’s cool! It’s sunny! It is not windy!

T: Yes, it’s a perfect morning today! And now look at my cards and repeat after me:

  • \ \: theatre, animal theatre, thin, thin legs.
  • \ \: they, this, this is, these, these are, there is, there are, this theatre.
  • \ \: visiting, going, playing, a long tail.
  • \ \ : an animal -animals, an ant-ants, a cat- cats, a parrot- parrots.
  • \e\: a pen- pets, a hen- hens, a man-men .

T: And now take these flashcards and let’s name the pictures :

Ps: A fat body! A short tail! A small nose! A small head! Big eyes! Big ears! Thin legs! A long tail! A thin body!

T: Very good! Oh, we have two funny guests today! Look! Do you know them?

P1: Yes! They are Luntik and Ladybird!

T: Right! Time to play! Let’s divide our pupils into two groups and each group will say a sentence to describe our guests. If you say a right sentence you will have a point. Let’s see who will be the winner!

P1: Luntik has got a fat body and a small head!

P2: Luntik has got big eyes and big ears!

P3: Ladybird has got small eyes and small ears!

P4: Ladybird has got thin legs!

P5: Luntik has got a small tail!

P6: Ladybird has got a small nose but Luntik has got a big nose! ( The teacher gives a point if the sentence is correct and the group which has more points is the winner.)

T: Great! Clap your hands for our winners! Thank you! And now stand up, please! Let’s recite and act out our animals rhyme. (Children stand up and act out the rhyme):

What can crawl?
A spider can! (show)
What can fly?
A bird can!
What can jump?
A rabbit can!
What can swim?
A seahorse can!
What can walk?
A tortoise can!
What can talk?
A parrot can!

T: Well done, children! Now I want to tell you about an animal theatre in Moscow- Grandpa Durov’s Wonderland. (The teacher shows the presentation and tells about the theatre and animals).

After the presentation the teacher gives the children the pictures of animals from the animal theatre. The pupils in pairs discuss what animals can do:

P1: Parrots can talk and fly. They are cute.

P2: Bears can ride a bike. They are clever.

P3: Monkeys can swing. They are funny.

P4: Elephants can dance. They are lovely.

T: Great! Let’s play! A game “ Show me!”. ( The teacher says: Fly like birds! Show me!- the pupils repeat after the teacher the sentence but they are allowed to act out only after the words “ show me!”)

T: Well done, children! You work hard today. Thank you very much for being so active! How do you feel now? If you feel OK and like our lesson take badges with a smile and raise your hand. I am happy that you all liked our lesson. Your marks for today are…

Let’s write down your homework on Friday: SB p.146 ex.2,3.

Our lesson is over. Good-bye!