Открытый урок английского языка по теме «Youth Subcultures». 9–й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Презентация к уроку

Презентация к уроку

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Урок проводится по актуальной и интересной для старшеклассников теме, материал которой позволяет активизировать, направить, расширить компетентность и языковую культуру учащихся.


  • Образовательная: формирование коммуникативной компетентности учащихся,
  • Развивающая: развитие самостоятельного мышления на иностранном языке, развитие механизма языковой догадки, памяти, воображения, внимания, стремления к самовыражению,
  • Образовательная: расширение активного и пассивного словарного запаса, эрудиции, кругозора
  • Воспитательная: продолжить формирование у учащихся толерантного отношения к представителям иных субкультур как предпосылки формирования толерантного поведения в обществе.


1. Создать условия для активного обсуждения тематики занятия, используя материал презентации.

2. Развивать умения вести монологическую речь на основе проблемного обсуждения материалов.

3. Совершенствовать умения аудирования на основе аутентичных текстов.

4. Активизация лексики по видам деятельности: чтения и письма.

Тип урока: комбинированный с видеоподдержкой


  • Ноутбук
  • Интерактивная доска
  • Компьютерные презентации
  • Аудиомагнитофон
  • CD диск
  • DVD диск

План урока

1. The beginning of the lesson

Good morning, dear pupils! I'm glad to see you today. The topic of our lesson today is “Youth subcultures”. (Слайд 1)

We are going to speak about different groups and movements.

The plan of our lesson is: (Слайд 2)

At first we’ll discuss why young people unite in youth organizations. Then we’ll give the definition of subcultures and name their structure. After that we’ll repeat some vocabulary items. Afterwards we shall see whether you are aware of main differences between subcultures. We will also see the video film about gothic festival and do some tasks. And at the end of our lesson we are going to listen to your presentations.


2. Warm up

Give your opinion about the following ideas or comment on them.

Young people tend to unite in groups or organizations because they enjoy being together.

Wearing the same clothes or uniforms, listening to the same music and sharing the same ideas make membership of such organizations or cultures more attractive; give young people a sense of belonging.

Young people are very impressionable and it is not so difficult for adults to use their enthusiasm to their own ends.

Young people should be very careful about their choice of organizations as it is a great responsibility.

Political organizations for young people should not exist at all because children are not experienced enough to foresee the results of their activities.

There are very few youth organizations in Russia at the moment and they are mostly adult-led political organizations.

Youth cultures or cults usually annoy adults and they have a good reason for that.

Some youth cultures can be dangerous for their participants.

2. Some teenagers join different groups to express themselves and to get their message across. We call these groups – subculture. What is it?

- What do people of one subculture have in common?

- What subcultures are popular in Russia?

3. Vocabulary

Find the word which is different.

a) to protest, to reject, to rebel, to conform

b) violent, liberal, aggressive, shocking

c) helpful, voluntary, rebellious, kind

d) classic, reggae, techno, punk

e) pioneer, punk, scout, Komsomol member

4. Cultural awareness

Match the youth group and its most distinguishing features. There is one extra feature you don’t need to use.

A member of a youth group/movement Feature
Punk Brightly coloured hair
Hippie Haircut: short on top and longer around the sides
Chelsea girl Love for all people
Biker Loyalty and responsibility
Raver Concern about nature
Hacker 2 or 3 wheeled motorized vehicle
Environmentalist Coats in the style of the beginning of the century
Scout All-night dancing “Wizards” of the computer world

5. Watch the documentary and order the things the journalist does (a-e).

a) He goes to the party in Goth clothes and make-up

b) Two Goths put make-up on him and change his hair

c) He feels relaxed with his appearance

d) He travels to Whitby for a Goth weekend

e) He interviews some Goths

6. Watch again. Match the descriptions (1-5) with the people (a-d).

a) Journalist(2)

b) Goth man

c) Goth woman

d) Goth musician

1 has been a Goth for a long time

2 usually feels different from other people but not in Whitby

3 is worried about dressing up like a Goth

4 doesn’t like the journalist’s clothes

5 now feels confident in Goth clothes

7. Speaking

Let’s have a look at and describe some of youth subcultures.

Students represent their projects.

8. The end of the lesson

I like your activity at the lesson very much. Your marks are....  Our lesson is over.

List of used literature:

1. O.V. Afanasyeva, I.V. Mikheeva “English-9. Student’s book”

2. V.P. Kusovlev “English 10-11. Student’s Book”.

3. V.P. Kusovlev “English 10-11. Teacher’s Book”.

4. V.P. Kusovlev “English 10-11. Activity Book”.

5. Michael Harris, Anna Sikorzynska, Maria Verbitskaya “Choices Intermediate Student’s Book”.

6. Emma Szlachta “Choices Intermediate Teacher’s Book”.