Открытый урок по английскому языку "Путешествие в страну профессий". 5-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 5

Цели урока:

  • Актуализировать и совершенствовать имеющиеся у учащихся знания (произносительные и лексические) по теме "Professions".
  • Совершенствовать лексико-произносительные и грамматические навыки диалогической речи. повторить грамматические конструкции: формы настоящего простого времени глагола to be, оборота to be going to... в высказываниях о будущей профессии; совершенствовать навыки поискового чтения, совершенствовать навыки аудирования и говорения;
  • Создать ситуацию на уроке для целенаправленного развития логического мышления учащихся методами сравнения, обобщения и интуиции.

Развивающие задачи:

  • Средствами ролевой игры создать ситуации, имитирующие объективную необходимость высказывания в устной или письменной форме.
  • Способствовать формированию умения адекватного использования лексических единиц в устной речи.
  • Способствовать развитию умения корректировать работу одноклассников и свою собственную, оценивать уровень своей работы.

Воспитательные задачи: Способствовать воспитанию умения работать (общаться) в коллективе (классе, паре), терпеливо относиться к своим и чужим ошибкам. Собственно коммуникативная задача- актуализировать и совершенствовать имеющиеся произносительные и лексико-грамматические умения, формировать новые знания с целью корректного использования их в устной речи.

Средства обучения: УМК под ред. Биболетовой М.З.для 5-6 классов: учебник.

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент:

Teacher: Good morning, children! (Good morning!)

Teacher: How are you? (I’m fine. And you?)

Teacher: Fine, thanks. Who is on duty today? (I’m on duty today. Today is the 29 of January. Today is Tuesday. All are present.) Look at the pictures and tell me please, what is the topic of our lesson (I think, the topic of our lesson is about future jobs). Ex. 11 p. 45, read the occupations and jobs and match them with the pictures. Today we are going to travel and speak about Professions. We’ll visit a country of different people.Here’s the magic Engine. It will help you. But we should read  a special poem about it. Are you ready? Let's begin. 

2. Речевая разминка

A Magic Engine
Engine, Engine number nine
Going down Chicago line
See it sparkle, see it shine
Engine, Engine number nine

 Teacher: OK.  In order to make our Engine run fast we should write down your associations with these words! Use the words from ex. 11 p. 45 (Traits of character). Who will be the first?   Excellent work. Tell me, please, what characteristics are necessary for these jobs?

What should a teacher/driver/computer programmer be? A teacher should be sociable, attentive, responsible.

Now you are ready to do the next task I have prepared some riddles about different professions for you. Be attentive and try to guess them.

I get up very early. I go from house to house. I bring people letters and magazines. What am I?

Children: You are a postman. Pupil 1: Yes, you are right. I am a postman.

What must a postman be?

Children: He must be polite, sociable.

Teacher  I drive a car. I work hard. I take people to different places. What am I?

Children: You are a dirver.

Pupil 3: Yes, you are right. I am a driver. What must a driver be?

Children: He must be strong and brave.

T: I have a good sense of humor. I like children very much. I know many interesting things. I teach pupils. What am I?

Children: You are a teacher.

Pupil 4: Yes, you are right. I am a teacher. What must a teacher be?

Children: He must be polite, sociable, kind and creative.)

 3. Активизация навыков грамматики

  The first station is “ Magic  word”.  Unscramble  them,    please :

Corodt Doctor
Marnfie Fireman
Nesur Nurse
Fmerar Farmer
Liponceman Policeman

Thanks for a good job. And the next station is “Broken bridges”. Build them up. Use the forms of the verb “to be” and fill in the blanks.

  1. My sister ___ a doctor.
  2. You ____ a driver.
  3. I ____ a lawyer.
  4. We ____ students.
  5. His father ___ a policeman

This next station is called “Lost answers”

  1. Who writes poems?
  2. Who works with computers?
  3. Who helps children to learn?
  4. Who flies in airplanes?
  5. Who drives a car?
  6. Who helps sick animals?
  7. Who draws beautiful pictures?

4. Физкультминутка

I think you are tired, lets have rest. Stand up, please.

5. Совершенствование навыков изучающего чтения

This station is called “Riddles”.

We’ll listen to the stories about of man and a woman about their jobs. Guess what they do? Be careful.

Mr. Hopkins works out-of-doors almost the whole year. He works at the weekends. His family has some animals. His wife and two sons help him to take care of animals.

Mr. Hopkins likes his job.

What is Mr. Hopkins ?

How can you guess that Mr. Hopkins is a farmer?

Mr. Hopkins works out-of-doors almost the whole year. He works at the weekends. His family has some animals. He takes care of his sheep.

Who helped him to take care of animals?

His wife and two sons do.

Does he like his job?

Yes, he does.

There are a lot of different books and magazines at her work place. Mrs. Clifford works both with people and books. She helps people to find necessary books and magazines, tells them about writers and their novels. She thinks her job is very important.

What is Mrs. Clifford?

She is a librarian

How can you prove it?

There are a lot of different books newspapers and magazines at her work place. She works both with people and books

What does she do?

She helps people to find necessary books and magazines tells them about writers and their novels.

Does she love her job?

Yes, she does. She thinks her job  is very important.

6. Тренировка навыков устной речи

Let's revise the poem on page 22 Sonya read and repeat after Sonya, please.

You’ve met a lot of different jobs. Tell me please: “What are you going to be”?

“I’m going to be a/an ______ ”.

Well, you know a poem about your future professions. Who can recite it?

What Are You Going to Be?
What Are You Going to Be?
What Are You Going to Be?
I`ll be a teacher,
That`s the life for me.

What Are You Going to Be?
What Are You Going to Be?
I shall be a fireman,
That`s the life for me.

When I grow up, what am I going to be?
A brave captain, probably.
Captains sail from sea to sea.
So, a brave captain I am going to be.

Yes, to be a captain is good, but however
To be a teacher is much better.
Teachers teach us to solve problems right,
How to count, to read and to write.

Yes, to be a teacher is good, but however
It's hard to say what is better.
To choose now, what I am going to be
Is impossible, as you see.

And you will see, if you know me then,
I shall be a good and useful man,
When I am a man.  
Thank you.

Now write your own poem about your future profession

What Are You Going to Be?
What Are You Going to Be?
I`ll be a ...,
That`s the life for me.

And now open your students books on page 47 ex. 21 Say what you are going to be in ten years time. In ten years time I am going to be a doctor. Doctors help people and animals. Doctors should be kind and loving. Write it down in your copy-books.

 Thank you for a good work.

7. Итог урока, рефлексия.

Did you like the lesson?

What did you like most of all?

What do you remember from our lesson?

What professions do you know?

Here are your marks for today.

Your homework is to do ex.27 text 2 read and retell it. ex. 25 p. 49 in written form.