Отработка и закрепления лексического и грамматического материала на этапе начальной школы по теме 'My flat'

Разделы: Иностранные языки

План урока

Тема: My favourite house.

Подтема: Rooms and furniture.


практические: к концу урока учащиеся смогут:

- делать собственные высказывания и составлять диалоги
- Вести беседу в гостинице о комнате;
- умение использовать НЛЕ в монологе и диалоге;


- Закрепление словарного запаса;
- расширение общего кругозора
- расширение филологического кругозора учащихся;

- знакомство с домами в Англии и правилами поведения;
- Формирования интереса к предмету:
- домашний этикет;

- Умение работать в паре, читать тексты с полным пониманием;
- развитие памяти и мышления и воображения;
- развитие языковой догадки;

Языковой и речевой материал

There is/are, There is no..., Is there...? Are there...?
home, a flat, a hole, a lift, a hall, a room, a living room, a kitchen, a bedroom,
a wall, a floor, a window, a door, a chair, a fireplace, a mirror, a lamp, a shelf,
a picture, a sofa, TV set, a table, a bed, an armchair, a carpet, a clock,
to share, in, on, in the middle of, above, under, behind, in front of, next to,
between, in the left corner, in the right corner.
- стихотворение для фонетической зарядки;
- текст для аудирования;
- текст для чтения;

Оснащение урока: - компьютер; - мультипроектор; - интерактивная доска; наглядный материал (картинки дома и квартиры); схема конструкции(there is/are); -учебник.


I. Подготовка учащихся к иноязычной речевой деятельности

1. Приветствие.

T. Good morning, kids. I am glad to see you.How are you today?
P. fine, OK.
T. what is the weather like today?
P. It's windy.
P. It's cloudy.

2. Сообщение задач урока.

T. Today, we will speak about the house, flat, rooms and furniture; how to decorate the rooms with furniture and describe the pictures of the flats.


3. Фонетическая зарядка. слайд № 1

- ОЗУ. Кids, do you like poems? Look at the board, it's a very nice poem.
Listen to it and repeat after me.
There is a mouse in the house.
There is a cat in the flat.
There is a fox in the box.
There are a books on the table.
There are armchairs in the room.
- прослушивание стихотворения
T. Now listen to the poem and answer my questions.
Where is a mouse?
P. in the house.
T. where is a fox?
P. in the box.
T.Well done. Thank you.
- ОЗУ. Kids, we have learned to use the construction There is/are.Please, ask questions to these sentences, for example (Is there a mouse in the house?)
P1 Is there a mouse in the house?
P2 There is a mouse in the house.
P1 Is there a cat in the flat?
P2 There is a cat in the flat.
T. Well done, thank you.

4. Речевая зарядка.

Лексическая игра.

ОЗУ. Kids, we worked hard and you are tired. Do you want to play a game now?
Look at the board and click on the correct English equivalent! We will divide on two groups.

слайд № 4


T. That's very good. You have remembered words about rooms and grammar(there is/are).
Let's put our flat right!

II Отработка раннее введённого языкового материала и овладение видами
речевой деятельности.

1. Аудирования текста.

ОЗУ. We will listen to the text about flat and put pictures right in the chart then we
will tell about it? The text is very easy.
- прослушивание текста.
T. listen to the text attention!
The house is big and nice. It has 5 rooms. The first room is a kitchen.
The second room is bathroom. The third room is a living room.
The fourth room is a dining room. the fifth room is a bedroom.
The sixth room is a hall.
T. Please, put the pictures right!
P. They put pictures and tell about flat ( 2-3 ученика)
слайд № 2

2. Работа в группах

T. Great. Thank you. Your story of flat is very nice.
Look at the board and you can see two rooms and a text. Let's try to describe one of the rooms. Write the sentences one of the rooms down and read them!
слайд № 3
T.. write the sentences down
P1 There is one window in my room. Under the window there is a desk.
There's a vase on it. There is a computer to the left of desk.
On the wall behind the computer there is a calender.
There is a bed next to the wall and a lamp above it.
There are pillows on the bed.
P2 There is one window in my room. There are white curtains on the window.
There is a vase of flowers on the floor next to the lamp.
There is a picture between the lamp and the door.
There is a lamp above the picture.
There is a sofa next to the door and a cat on it.
(читает один ученик из каждой команды).
T. Thank you, kids!

3. диалог-расспрос

ОЗУ. I think we can make dialogues about a flat. Imagine(вообразите) that you go abroad and stay at one of the hotels. What questions do you ask?
T. Look at the board and ask the receptionist(администратор) about the room!
слайд № 6
P1 Hello, I would like to have a room in your hotel.
P2 Hello, please, what room would you like to have?
P1 May I ask questions to you?
P2 Please, I listen to you.
P1 Is there a table in the room?
P2 Yes, there is a table in the middle of the room.
P1 Is a carpet in the room?
P2 Yes, there is a carpet under the table in the room.
P1 Is there a sofa in the room?
P2 Yes, there is a sofa next to the TV-set in the room.

III Заключительный этап урока.

1. Запись и объяснение домашнего задания.
2. Подведение итогов.
T. Мы научились использовать правильно слова в нашей конструкции,
описывать комнату, рассказывать о своей комнате и вести диалог расспрос
в гостинице и задавать друг другу вопросы.
3. Сообщение и комментирование оценок.
4. Организованный конец урока.

Goodbye, everyone/