Урок-семинар на тему "Портрет двух стран: Великобритания и Россия"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель урока: формирование коммуникативной компетенции учащихся на основе изученных лексических единиц, речевых и грамматических структур по страноведческой тематике; формирование умения представить “портрет” стран на английском языке с опорой на визуальный материал.

Задачи урока

Образовательные задачи:

  1. Совершенствование лексических навыков по страноведческой тематике на уровне свободного высказывания в виде монологической и диалогической речи.
  2. Тренировка учащихся в умении вести общение на английском языке в предлагаемых ситуациях.

Развивающие задачи:

  1. Формирование и развитие коммуникативных умений и навыков (умение пользоваться речью: монологической, диалогической; умение слушать и слышать; умение участвовать в дискуссии);
  2. Формирование и развитие учебно-организационных умений и навыков (взаимоконтроль, навыки самостоятельной работы, умение участвовать в коллективной познавательной деятельности, умение обобщать и анализировать).
  3. Pазвитие умений осуществлять самоанализ своей деятельности и ее результатов

Воспитательные задачи:

  1. Воспитание чувства любви и уважения к своей стране.
  2. Развитие патриотических качеств личности школьника.


T1: «Россия! Слово-то, какое звонкое и чистое! Как родниковая вода! Крепкое – как алмаз! Нежное – как младенец… Дорогое, как мама!»

Т2: Россия … Сколько эмоций возникает у каждого из нас, когда мы слышим это слово. Необозримая ширь полей. Развесистые белоствольные берёзы. Неиссякаемые и полноводные реки. Обширные зелёные леса, высокие горы, блистающие вечными ледниками. Свет яркого солнца, отражающийся в снеговых вершинах. Широкие знойные степи, непроходимая глухая сибирская тайга, раскинувшаяся океаном. Просторные синие дали. Многолюдные и многочисленные города, люди, говорящие на многих языках, их звонкие и чудесные песни.

Т1: Необъятная, богатейшая по своим природным, культурным, интеллектуальным ресурсам, многонациональная – и единая, непредсказуемая, суетливая и спокойная. И это всё Россия.

Т2: По особенному звучит для нас это слово, полное глубокого смысла. Руки матери, Её песни у твоей колыбели. Душистый хлеб за праздничным столом. И это тоже – Россия.

Т1: Наша страна – гостеприимная и открытая. Узы дружбы связывают её не только с ближайшими соседями, но и со странами на других континентах.

Т2: Среди дружественных России стран есть и эта страна. Давайте послушаем как отзывались о ней знаменитые люди в разные времена.

Я говорю об Англии с такой же завистью, с какой говорит уличный мальчишка … о приличной барыне — матери своего случайного друга-барчука.
Михаил Шолохов

Я ничего не желал бы менять в Англии, кроме погоды.
Оскар Уайльд

Туманное прошлое российских олигархов, соответствует погоде ТУМАННОГО АЛЬБИОНА.
Дмитрий Кокаев

Не только Англия, но и каждый англичанин - остров.

“England has two books, the Bible and Shakespeare. England made Shakespeare, but the Bible made England.”
Victor Hugo

“This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England.”

Т1: История Российско-британских отношений насчитывает уже несколько столетий: в 1553 году между нашими странами были установлены дипломатические отношения.

T2: 460 лет в истории России и Великобритании… Какими были страницы этой истории? Давайте вместе вспомним день вчерашний, поразмышляем над днём сегодняшним.

T1: Весной 1553 года члены английской экспедиции, отправившейся в Китай и Индию, были вынуждены высадиться на берег неподалеку от нынешнего Архангельска. Как гласит русская летопись, позже они стали первыми официальными английскими послами, которых царь Иван Васильевич почтил «великим жалованием» и разрешил «учинити пристанище корабельное на Двине и торг по всему государству».

T2: Контакты между двумя странами становятся наиболее активными в годы правления Петра I и Екатерины II. Известно, что Пётр I изучал кораблестроение именно в Англии. Имидж Британии как торговой и морской державы был близок устремлениям российских царей. Россия обращает свои взоры на островное государство как на партнёра.

Т1: Наши страны становятся в ряд основных игроков в лабиринтах европейской политики, последовательно, а порой и весьма жестоко отстаивая свои национальные интересы. Контакты приобретают насыщенный и разнообразный характер. Взаимное влияние всё больше сказывается в сфере культуры, науки, образования, туризма. Неуклонно растёт число россиян в Британии. В Санкт-Петербурге образуется британская община.

T2: Сегодня между Россией и Великобританией развиваются не только торговые, но и политические отношения. Крепнут связи в сфере здравоохранения, государственного управления и юриспруденции.

T1: За прошедшие столетия русские и британцы и дружили и враждовали друг с другом. Британцы, которые всегда страдали от нехватки земли на острове, поражались огромным запасам России – территориальным и человеческим. Но они никогда не забудут, что именно Россия помогла Великобритании выжить и победить в тяжёлые годы войны.

T2: Одни британцы видели в России просто хорошего торгового партнера, а другие, более образованные, черпали вдохновение в русской музыке и литературе.

T1: Английская и шотландская промышленность, культура и стиль жизни занимали особое место в душах россиян. Некоторые из тех, кому пришлось покинуть родину, обрели в Британии второй дом.

T2: Наш урок мы решили посвятить этим двум близким для нас странам.

T1: The theme of our lesson today is: “The Portraits of two countries: the Russian Federation and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”. What countries are they? How do you imagine them? Are there any similarities between them? Today we will try to answer these questions.

T2: All of you were divided into three groups: Historians, Sociologists and Researchers. Now the Researchers and the Sociologists will be given a set of symbols of each country. We would like you to get ready to make posters with typical icons of these two countries. What these two countries are like today. Before you start to work, discuss different images and choose only 5-6 symbols. When you talk to each other, speak English and be active. We hope it won’t take you much time.

T1: Some time ago each group got a task and had been working on it. While the two groups are choosing the symbols, the Historians will tell us everything they have learned about the similarities between the Russians and the British.

Выступление “What unites Great Britain and Russia”

The Historians: The history of the Russian-Britain relations goes back to the middle of the 16th century, when Russia was ruled by Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible and Edward VI was the king of England. In 1553 explorer and navigator Richard Chancellor arrived at the port of Arkhangelsk in northern Russia. In 1555 the Moscow Company was established in the very heart of the Russian capital to become England`s first trade mission in Russia. Since then Moscow and London have remained involved in an intense bilateral trade partnership.

In 1697-1698 Russian Tsar Pyotr I stayed in England on a three-month Grand Embassy diplomatic mission, learning the ABC of the shipbuilding industry. Russia and Britain have hardly seen a day of lull in their relationship since then. In addition, the two countries` ruling dynasties became related after the daughter of Alexander II Maria married Alfred Ernst, the Duke of Edinburgh, Queen Victoria`s second son. Later, Victoria’s granddaughter Alice, the Princess of Gessen-Darshtadsk, married the last Russian Emperor Nikolai II. She converted to Orthodox Christianity and changed her name to Alexandra Fedorovna. It means that the living members of the British Royal family are relatives of the Russian Romanov dynasty.

Probably, blood ties between the two monarchies led to few military conflicts between Russia and Britain, although it would be a mistake to say that there have never been any difficulties in their bilateral relations. The 20th century was particularly difficult in that sense: the British government was very sensitive to the Communist ideology. Although both countries were members of the anti-Hitler coalition during WW II, a chill in the Moscow- London relations happened as soon as the war was over, shortly after Winston Churchill`s speech on 5 March, 1946, which marked the beginning of the Cold War.

As far as the current Moscow-London relations are concerned, they are pragmatic rather than friendly. Nevertheless, business ties between the two countries are developing smoothly. In 2012 trade volume between Russia and the UK stood at $21.2 billion, 33% more on the year. Russia received $22 billion in accumulated British investments last year, 15% more than in 2011. As of today, there are about 600 British companies operating in Russia, while Russian companies prefer placing their shares on the London Stock Exchange

The UK has been experiencing a kind of a Russian boom recently, with more than 300,000 Russians currently residing in the country. They are not all oligarchs like the owner of Chelsea Football Club Roman Abramovich, many of them are middle-class Russians. Cultural and tourism exchange is also on the rise between our countries. Thousands of students arrive in Britain from Russia every year to study and practice their English. Apart from this, a new chance to find common ground has emerged for the countries since London hosted the 2012 Summer Olympics and Russia is preparing to host the 2014 Winter Olympic Games in Sochi. In other words, Russia and Great Britain have all the opportunities to successfully develop their relations further on.

T2: Thanks, the Historians, for your work. You have done everything perfectly, but I would like to pay your attention to the fact, that the tutor of the future tsar Nicholas II was an Englishman, Mr. Charles Heath, for whom Nicholas had great respect and affection. Mr. Heath frequently reminded his imperial pupil of the English saying that aristocrats are born but gentlemen are made. The Heir had been to London several times and in 1893 he wrote to his mother that he had never thought he would like the city so much.

T1: Another Englishman Charles Sydney Gibbes was a British academic who served as the English tutor to the children of Nicholas II. When Emperor abdicated the throne Gibbes voluntarily accompanied the Imperial family to the Siberian village of Tobolsk. After the family was murdered Gibbes returned to the UK and eventually became an Orthodox monk, adopting the name of Nicholas in commemoration of Nicholas II.

T2: The first railway in Russia between Tsarskoye Selo and St.Petersburg was served by Stephenson’s trains, which were bought in Great Britain in 1837. Only the British trains could work at any weather and were suitable for harsh conditions of our climate. The first trams and cars were also from the UK.

T1: It’s time to make our posters. Don’t forget to comment them. Who will be the first?

Выступленияучащихся Images of Great Britain & Russia poster projects

T1: Do you think these images really symbolise Great Britain and Russia? What’s your opinion about the poster? As for me, I like it, but I would like to add: The British Government spent £1 million on an Internet project called Icons of Great Britain. Not everybody agrees with the results, but they are often fascinating. Take food, for example. The whole world knows about the British fish and chips or roast beef, but some people might not expect chicken tikka masala to be one of the symbols too. Three cars appear to be in the list of icons. They are: the Rolls Royce, the Land Rover, the Mini. Two very different items of clothing appear as British icons. First, is the bowler hat, and then they have the mini-skirt.

T1: It would be very interesting to learn what the British think about us, and we know that the Sociologists have interviewed some Englishmen and they are ready to make a report on it.

The Sociologists: Our group got the task to find out how what the British imagine when they think of Russia.

Trying to answer this question, we explored periodicals, watched some TV programs, surfed the Internet.

It was disappointing to get to know that most foreigners imagine Russia as an uncivilized country with very severe winters, a lot of them suppose that the Russians are very simple people living in a big village.

It was pleasant to learn that those who once visited Russia associate it with the beauty of ancient towns, the hospitality of Russian people, the gilded domes of the cathedrals.

Then we got an idea to ask real British with the help of social networks. We have interviewed twenty people of different ages. The answers we got surprised us a lot.

According to the interviewers, all of us should wear big fur hats like in Dr. Zhivago film, eat cabbage soup, drink a lot of vodka, not to be cold in snowy winters, like in Anna Karenina film. We are either very poor or very rich, live in buildings which look like the Kremlin or a big concrete power stations. We never smile, talk without opening our mouths very much.

But at the same time we were very pleased to learn that bears don’t walk along our streets any more, our girls are beautiful, we are quite powerful, there are a lot of beautiful landscapes. Our country is worth visiting.

We have analysed the information and found out that … a lot of foreigners think of Russia in stereotypes, there is no truth in most of these images, not many of foreign people have true images of our country.

We came to the conclusion that foreign people do not know much about our homeland, that’s why it is a country of mystery for them.

We’ve also interviewed pupils and teachers of our school and the majority of our pupils associate Britain with Big Ben, the Queen and, of course, tea. But only a small number of pupils connect Great Britain with football and traditional English buses.

T1: As you can see, the Russians know much more about Britain than the British about Russia. How can you explain this fact?

T2: Among the words on the portrait there are the names of famous foreigners, who once came to Great Britain and stayed there forever, for example: Freddie Mercury. Why do so many people wish to live in this country? Let’s ask the Historians.

The Historians: It is believed that since the collapse of the Soviet Union about 200 thousand Russian citizens moved to the Great Britain. In the streets of London you can hear Russian language and Russians themselves are everywhere: working as salespeople, waitresses, teachers, doctors.

So, who are those Russians moving to Britain?

According to popular stereotype, Great Britain is a shelter for Russian millionaires and their wives. When we talk about Russian oligarchs, first name that comes to our mind is Roman Abramovich. To be honest, British people don’t grant him, because of his infamous reputation and questionable way of making a fortune. Therefore, many Britons transfer his characteristics to Russian immigrants and beforehand have negative attitude towards them. For example, there are many cases of unfair treatment of Russians when “on hearing a Russian accent, the selling price would go up.”

It is a great prejudice that the only Russians living in Britain are superrich businessmen, looking for political refuge. However, we can’t blame British for thinking this way, because even many Russians would agree with that.

There are many great Russians in Britain, who contribute to its prosperity. Examples include Sergei Fyodorov, Russian icon painter, Peter Ustinov, actor and winner of numerous awards, Konstantin Novoselov, Nobel-Prize winning physicist and Natalia Vodianova, model. And this list goes on and on. According to Russia Now, many Russians are moving to Britain “for the long haul.” British economic commentators even joke that if the Russian money disappears, England will fall into crisis.

But why do people wish to come to Great Britain?

It is possible that Russians come seeking freedom because It is easy to start a business in a multicultural tolerant society with low criminal rate and strong arts expressions. There are better career opportunities with free healthcare and famous welfare system. And of course, Britain is famous for its universities and education. Thanks a lot. It was interesting for us to learn how many Russians connected their lives with Great Britain now, and a lot of them are outstanding once.

We have made a brochure with some of these people. Look at it. At the back of the brochure you will find some useful information for those who are going to follow these people’s example.

T1: Three of the 10 richest people in the UK are Russian. And they all loom large on the London business scene. Roman Abramovich owns Chelsea Football Club. Alisher Usmanov holds a chunk of Arsenal. Leonard Blavatnik chairs industrial mega-group Access Industries from his home in Kensington Palace Gardens as well as New York.

Т2: Our lesson is coming to an end. Thanks a lot for your work. It was pleasure to deal with you. Our guests and I could see today that you love and know a lot about our Motherland and Great Britain. We hope you liked this kind of work and will continue having such lessons.

Т1: Умом, талантом и отвагой своих представителей Россия и Британия оставили немеркнущий след в мировой истории. Воистину, нам есть чем гордиться: Пушкин – Шекспир, Ломоносов – Дарвин, Нахимов – Нельсон, Жуков – Монтгомери, Айвазовский – Тёрнер. Это лишь краткий список имён, символизирующих значимость российского и британского вклада в развитие цивилизации.

Т2: История наших отношений была сложна и отмечена этапами как взаимного притяжения, так и отчуждения. У нас были общие враги и общие победы. Были и времена открытого противостояния. Мы вступили в XXI век стратегическими партёрами. Нам приходится совместно решать сложные проблемы, искать ответы на новые вызовы времени.

Т1: 15 марта министры иностранных дел России и Великобритании Сергей Лавров и Уильям Хейг подписали в Лондоне совместное заявление о проведении перекрестного года культуры в 2014 году. По мнению министров, это соответствует динамике развития межгосударственных отношений и позволит «укрепить связи британского и российского народов».

Т2: С уважением относясь к урокам истории, мы с оптимизмом смотрим в будущее наших отношений.

T1: Большое спасибо за внимание. До новых встреч!