Урок английского языка по теме "A High-Tech Life. What are Pros and Cons?". 10-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 10

Представленный мною урок разработан по учебнику «Spotlight» для учащихся 10 класса общеобразовательной школы.
Урок является третьим в системе уроков восьмого раздела учебника (Unit 8) и направлен на тренировку и закрепление материала в цикле уроков по теме «Изобретения, которые потрясли мир».
Познавательной целью урока  являлось знакомство учащихся с мнениями людей о высоких технологиях.
Развивающей целью являлось развитие способности к обобщению, развитие логичности и доказательности.
Воспитательная цель урока – формирование уважительного отношения к мнению другого человека, потребности в высказывании собственного мнения.
Учебная цель урока – совершенствование монологической речи по теме.
Так как современные подростки хорошо осведомлены в области новых технологий и  лексика, используемая на уроке, была изучена  ранее, на уроке была организована практика учащихся в  чтении текста по предложенной теме с полным пониманием прочитанного и извлечением заданной информации с последующим выходом в  устную  монологическую  речь по теме «High-Tech Gadgets. What are pros and cons?».
Методы преподавания, активизации познавательной деятельности учащихся, поддержания интереса и внимания были выбраны с учетом подготовленности класса (достаточно сильные учащиеся), личностных и возрастных особенностей (подростки 16 лет интересуются разнообразными техническими средствами)
В уроке представлены примерные сообщения нескольких учащихся о пользе современных гаджетов (компьютер и мобильный телефон).
Одним из несомненных плюсов данного урока является тот факт, что на уроке большую часть времени говорили учащиеся. Они решали задачи, используя активный лексический и грамматический материал, опираясь на жизненный опыт.

Цель урока:

  • совершенствование навыков чтения текста с полным пониманием прочитанного, развитие речевых навыков (монологическая речь) на основе прочитанного текста.
  • развитие способности к обобщению, развитие логичности и доказательности;
  • расширение кругозора учащихся в области высоких технологий и их применений, знакомство с мнениями людей о пользе новых технологий и их недостатках.
  • формирование уважительного отношения к мнению другого человека, потребности в высказывании своего собственного мнения.

Технологии, применяемые на уроке: ТРКМ (технология развития критического мышления )

Оборудование:  презентация «High-Tech Gadgets in Our Life», раздаточный материал.


I. Организационный момент

T: Look at the blackboard. Are these things familiar to you?

На экране появляются изображения компьютера, мобильного телефона, компьютерного диска, телевизора.

T: What are we going to speak about today?

Ответы учащихся.

Name the new gargets you know

Учащиеся называют. Используется приём КЛАСТЕР

II. Этап вызова. Методы приёма мозгового штурма

T: You are quite right. There are a great number of technological appliances that make our life easier every day: computers, calculators, digital recorders, CD players, and all of the other gadgets that have become so commonplace. Without a doubt, many of these technological toys have become popular in your class and family. They can make our job and study easier, get us information faster, and keep us connected with friends and family.

T:  Now I want you to answer some questions:

Учащиеся выбирают вопрос и задают его своим товарищам.

Ответы: I think…   As far as I am concerned…  To my mind…

– What inventions are more important for people and what  are less important?
– Can technology ruin the society or not?
– Are we too dependent on electric and electronic gadgets and machines?
– Which inventions are invaluable for you?
– Which inventions are junk for you?
– What piece of technology could not people live without?
– Why are they important for these people?

T: Try to guess some riddles:

1) What is it that does not ask questions but must be answered? (A telephone )
2) When I go, I do not speak. But when I stop, I lie. What am I? (A clock or a watch)
Do you know:
– That the oldest working clock in the world is in Salisburg Cathedral, England. It dates at least 1386.
– That the oldest watch is one made of iron by P.Hell in Nurnberg, Germany,1504. Now the watch is in the Memorial Hall, Philadelphia, theUSA.

III. Этап осмысления

T: Look at the items on the blackboard and match them to the notes (A-D). Then make sentences using appropriate linking words/phrases:

In my opinion…
For one thing…
For example…
Apart from this…
One reason … are especially useful is…
To sum up…

1) TV
2) Computer
3) CD
4) Mobile phone

– useful for both computer/music system –can store information easily
– long-lasting, high quality – the production improving all the time
– make calls from anywhere – vital to busy people
– especially useful in emergency (e.g. in car, traveling alone)
– essential tool in business – you can access data quickly
– contact with World-Wide Web – find out about almost anything
– learn about the world around you – get latest news, see places you can visit
– great entertainment – watch whatever/whenever you like, in the comfort of your own home

(Key: 1– D       2 – C          3 – A       4 – B )

Работа с презентацией «High-Tech Gadgets in our Life»

T: Look at the screen and name the gadgets. What does each item do? Which one(s) would               you use to:

  1. Record your lessons at school?
  2. Tell the time?
  3. Send a picture message to a friend?
  4. Film a friend s birthday party?
  5. Listen to music?
  6. Send e-mails?
  7. Keep a record of your spending?
  8. Watch a DVD?
  9. Look up a friend s address?
  10. Edit your essay on the bus?
  11. Do some Internet research for a project?
  12. Show photos to your friends?
  13. Burn songs onto a CD?
  14. Listen to the news?
  15. Plan your day/week?

T: Now read the text «Mobile Revolution»  (Приложение 1)

Task 1

Choose the correct ending (a, b, c, d) to complete the statements 1-5

1. The group with the highest number of people who own a mobile phone is

A – teenagers.
B – people between 40 and 50.
C – men.
D – women.

2. According to the opinion poll, women

A – spend more time on the phone than men.
B – spend less time than they used to be.
C – like to play with their mobile phones.
D – do not worry about their phones bills.

3.  According to the text, mobile phones

A – are modified too fast.
B – are incorporated into cameras.
C – can now replace many other products.
D – are more complicated to operate than radio.

4. Among the poor, the demand for the mobile phones

A – has created more of a gap with the rich.
B – is higher than among the rich.
C – follows the pattern of similar innovations.
D – has grown faster than the demand for computers.

5. One disadvantage of mobile phones that the article does not mention is the

A – high operating cost.
B – higher crime rate.
C – possible health risk.
D – increased danger to road users.

Task 2

Read the following sentences from the text . Decide from the context what the underlined words mean.

1. No consumer product in history has caught on as quickly as the mobile phone, global sales of which have risen from six million in 1991 to more than 400 million a year now.

Catch on means

A – become popular.
B – discover by chance.
C – attract attention

2. Mobile phone take-up among the poor has actually been far quicker than it was in the case of previous products, such as color television, computers and the Internet access.
Take-up is

A – the act of gaining control.
B – the proper way of using something.
C – the rate at which people buy or accept something.

Teacher: Do you think mobile phones are the garget you can not live without?

P1: Yes, I do. I have read a report in the newspaper about new gadgets recently. They say that nowadays technology is helping families stay in touch like never before. Instead of driving people apart, mobile phones and the Internet are helping them to communicate. Many people use their phones to keep in touch and communicate with their parents and children. It was found that 42% of parents contact their children via their mobile every day.
But there is just an opposite point of view. Some people think that the growing use of mobile phones, computers and the Internet means that the families no longer gather round the TV to spend their time together. 25% of those who took part in the report said they now spend less time watching television. Only 58% of 18-29 years olds said they watched TV every day. Instead the research found that 52% of Internet users who live with their families go online in the company of someone else several times a week.

P2: I quite agree with you, but as for me, I can’t imagine my life without a personal computer. It is so fast, convenient and reliable to work on a PC. It helps me in solving many routine problems and not only. Computer is extremely multifunctional appliance. Either it is a complex calculation of some mathematical tasks or large text word processing, Hi-Fi-quality music composing or high-definition video watching computer is a very useful and labor-saving gadget. I study on my PC, entertain myself during the free time. It is a great possibility to easily develop different skills yourself with the use of Internet, containing immeasurable amount of helpful information like encyclopedias, teaching programs, smart guides and much more. And all this is available only thanks to computers. It is a brilliant source of information!

IV. Этап рефлексии

T: Dear friends, you have worked well at our lesson. Now let s sum up what you have learned.

P1: Today we’ve spoken about people’s attitude towards different gadgets, we’ve read some interesting texts, listened to the opinions of the teenagers and express our own ideas about this question.

P2: I have learned that technology – especially consumer electronics – are some of the greatest advances currently being made available to all members of Russian society. They can make our jobs easier, get us information faster, and keep us connected with friends and family. But through all of this, children, like adults, are not immune from the "gotta have it now" syndrome. Before considering those big-ticket purchases, take a moment to weigh the pros and cons of the latest goodies to decide if they're right for your family!

T: You have to fill in the table showing pros and cons of new gadgets we spoke about at the lesson.

Name of gadgets Advantages Disadvantages
Mobile phone    

T: My friends, I am greatly satisfied with your work. For the next lesson I would like you to think about pros and cons of TV, cars and any household appliance. Try to make a short presentation about this item.
See you soon!


1. Учебник «Spotlight» для 10 класса авторов Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley
2. «Exam Excellence», издательство Oxford University Press.
3. Английский язык  для подготовки к ЕГЭ, издательство «Легион», 2010 г.