Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку "Своя игра"

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Внеклассная работа

Своя игра. “General Knowledge Quiz about Kamchatka”.

Степень сложности вопроса зависит от цифры. 10 баллов – вопрос менее сложный, 50 баллов – сложный.

Возраст участников – 8–10 класс.

Тематика вопросов.


10 баллов – Who headed the 1st and the 2nd Kamchatka expeditions? (Commandor Vitus Bering.)

20 балловExplain the name of our city “Petropaviovsk– Kamchatsky.

(Petropavlovsk is named after the,"Saint Paul” and “Saint Peter”/ they were the ships that came to the Avacha Bay under the command of navigator V. Bering in 1740.)

30 баллов – How is named the Verkhnekamchatsky Ostrog now? (The settlement of Milkovo.)

40 баллов – According to his geographical description of Kamchatka it was drawn on maps as a peninsula. (It was) V. Atlassov.)

50 баллов – When did the Anglo-French Squadron enter the Avacha Bay? (In 1854.)

Famous people.

10 баллов – Who created the most fundamental work about Kamchatka (“Description of the Kamchatka Land” – a two-volume book) (Stepan Krasheninnikov.)

20 баллов – What was Vasili Zavoiko? (The General Governo.r)

30 баллов – Who was the second commandor of the Second Kamchatka Expedition? (Aleksey Tchirikov.)

40 баллов – Who was the commander of the battery 3 in 1854 and the street is named in honor of him? (.Alexander Maxutov.)

50 баллов – Who founded the settlement which had become Petropavlovsk port? (Ivan Elagin.)


10 баллов – When was Petropavlovsk founded? (1740)

20 баллов – When did our city get a honorable military rank? (3, November 201.1)

30 баллов – W herr did Petropavlо v sk~becоm e port? (1812)

40 баллов – When was Kamchatka region formed? (2, December in 1849.)

50 баллов – When and why did Petropavlovsk rename Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky? (In 1924, differ from Petropavlovsk in Kazakhstan.)


10 баллов – What are natural hot springs with a permanent rhythmical activity? (Geysers.)

20 баллов – What do we call a mountain which could erupt? (Volcano.)

30 баллов – Name the indigenous inhabitants of Kamchatka. (The Itelmen, Kamchadals, The Koryaks, the Evens, the Aleutians, the Chukchis.)

40 баллов – What natural phenomena are measured by the “Richter scale”? (Earthquakes.)

50 баллов – What is “черемша” in English? (Victory onion (ramson).)
