Лексико-грамматический тест по теме "Вокруг света"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Каждый год в апреле в городе Ногинске Московской области проходит Международный детский конкурс английского языка “Good Luck”, организаторами которого являются Международный Центр творческой инициативы и Администрация Ногинского района.

“Good Luck” – это культурно-образовательный проект, в котором дети 10-11 лет проявляют свои знания английского языка, литературы, истории и демонстрируют свои творческие способности.

Конкурс проходит в несколько этапов. К его финалу (а это красочное, великолепно поставленное режиссёром  шоу) допускаются 14 участников из числа победителей отборочных туров. Тема конкурса объявляется за год, чтобы у ребят было время подготовиться как следует и как можно лучше проявить себя в отборочных турах, а, если посчастливится, – то и в финальном шоу. Попасть в финал не просто. В течение года будущие участники совершенствуют свое мастерство в исполнении танцев и песен, развивают навыки монологической и диалогической речи на английском языке, значительно пополняют свой лексический запас, обогащают свои знания и расширяют кругозор по теме предстоящего конкурса.

Темы конкурса каждый год – разные: «Вокруг света», «Морской мир», «Музыка», «Кино», «Театр», «В мире животных», и т.д.

Победители и призеры финального шоу награждаются культурно-образовательной поездкой в англоязычные страны.

I. Choose the odd word out in which the underlined letters aren’t read in the same way as in the others:

1) continent, country,  discover, ocean, coast
2) famous, land, state, place, brave
3) mountain, pole, flow, open, home
4) sailed, travelled, celebrated, opened, arrived

II. Choose the odd word out:

5) a) Europe, b) Asia, c) Austria, d) Africa, e) Australia
6) a) north, b) south, c) east, d) coast, e) west
7) a) Moscow, b) London, c) Edinburgh, d) Cardiff, e) Belfast
8) a) the Volga, b) the Thames, c) the Sahara, d) the Nile, e) the Severn
9) a) Christopher Columbus, b) Yuri Gagarin, c) James Cook, d) Marko Polo, e) Fernan Magellan
10) a) train, b) bus, c) car, d) spaceship, e) coach.

III. Match the word and its dfinition:

(one definition is extra)

11) a map                                         a) water that falls down over a big rock or a cliff
12) a desert                                      b) a piece of land in the sea or ocean surrounded by water
13) a waterfall                                  c) a very high hill
14) an island                                    d) a drawing or a plan of the earth’s surface showing countries, towns, rivers
15) a discoverer                               e) someone who opens new lands
                                                        f) a large area of a very hot dry land where few plants grow

IV. Which language is spoken in the following countries:

           Country                              Language              

16) Great Britain
17) France
18) Germany
19) China
20) Australia
21) Egypt


V. Match the name of the characters and the places where they travelled.

(One place is extra)

22) Gulliver                                         a) Wonderland
23) Nils with wild geese                       b) Neverland
24) Peter Pan                                      c) the country of Lilliput
25) Alice                                             d) the river Limpopo in Africa
26) Dorothy and her dog Toto             e) the Land of Oz
                                                           f) Lapland

VI. In which country are:

27) The Tsar Bell and the Tsar Cannon? –
28) The Eiffel Tower? –
29) The Collosseum? –
30) The Great Wall? –
31) The Statue of Liberty? –
32) The Pyramids? –

a) Egypt, b) China, c) India, d) Moscow, e) Paris (France), f) Rome (Italy), g)New York  (the USA)

(One place is extra)

VII. Choose the right variant:

33) One of the national symbols of Russia is

a) the pine (-tree);       b) the oak;       c) the birch (-tree).

34) Australia is the home of

a) polar bears;             b) koalas;        c) penguins.

35) Everybody in the world knows the Greenwich Observatory because

a) the prime meridian passes there;
b) queen Elizabeth lived there;
c) it is the oldest English museum.

36) Ice-hockey originated in

a) Sweden;      b) the USA;    c) Canada.

37) In which country do people celebrate New Year in the middle of summer?

a) Australia;    b) France;        c) Turkey.

38) Traditional Christmas food is

a) a roast turkey and a cake;
b) a roast turkey and Christmas pudding;
c) a roast chicken and Christmas pudding.

39) On Easter Sunday Bunny brings children

a) sweet carrots;         b) chocolate eggs;       c) ice-cream.

40) James Cook, who made three voyages around the world, was

a) an Englishman;       b) a Russian;   c) an American.

41) The American flag is called

a) the Union Jack;      b) the Maple Leaf;      c) the Stars and Stripes.

42) The longest river in Europe is

a) the Volga;   b) the Thames;   c) the Neva.

VIII. Fill in the words in the proper grammar form:

People in Russia have many wonderful (43)________ and holidays
One of the(44) _________ festivals is Maslenitsa.
This holiday (45)________ for a week.
People celebrate it at the end of  February or at the (46)_______ of March.
In old times people usually (47)___||___ pancakes, (48)_______ songs 
and (49)_______. 

IX. Choose the right variant.

50) One day I’d like ______ round the world.

a) travelling;       b) travel;      c) to travel.

51) The North and South Poles have the _____ summer days.

a) longer;            b) longest;    c) most long.

52) Oceans and seas wash the continents and separate _____ from each other.

a) they;               b) their;        c) them.

53) The Russian ______ Lazarev and Bellinshausen were ______ in Antarctic.

a) seamen, the first;    b) seamans, the first,  c) seamens, first.

54) The Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin _____ a space journey around the world on the   12th of April, 1961.

a) makes;             b) made;      c) has made.

55) Your brother’s hobby is hiking, ______?

a) isn’t it;            b) are you;   c) isn’t he.

56) He doesn’t like to go ______ car, he always goes _____ foot.

a) in, on;              b) by, on;    c) by, by.

57) There is a monument ______ a cat in St. Petersburg.

a) to;                   b) for;          c) of.

58) To get to the new continent Columbus had to cross ______ Atlantic Ocean.

a) an;                   b) –;           c) the.

59) It never ______ in the Sahara.

a) snows,               b) doesn’t snow;           c) snow.



1) ocean             2) land            3) mountain                4) celebrated


5) c) Austria                  6) d) coast                  7) a) Moscow
8) c) the Sahara             9) b) Yuri Gagarin      10) d) spaceship


11) d
12) f
13) a
14) b
15) e
C – extra


16) English
17) French
18) German
19) Chinese
20) English
21) Arabic


22) c
23) f
24) b
25) a
26) e
D – extra


27) d
28) e
29) f
30) b
31) g
32) a
C – extra


33) c
34) b
35) a
36) c
37) a
38) b
39) b
40) a
41) c
42) a


43) traditions
44) brightest
45) lasts
46) beginning
47) cooked
48) sang
49) danced


50) c
51) b
52) c
53) a
54) b
55) a
56) b
57) a
58) c
59) a