Урок английского языка "Веселье"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока:


  1. Тренировка произносительных навыков (интонация повествовательных предложений и вопросов).
  2. Повторение и активизация лексического материала.
  3. Говорение (практика монологического высказывания и диалогической речи).
  4. Отработка навыков чтения.
  5. Развитие навыков письма (соединить части слов, вставить пропущенное слово, написать рекламу).
  6. Применение ранее изученного грамматического материала (Present Perfect).
  7. Практика в восприятии речи на слух.
  8. Практика работы над созданием проекта.


  1. Развитие коммуникабельности и умения работать в группе, в коллективе.
  2. Развитие самостоятельности (составление диалогов и монологических выступлений).
  3. Развитие памяти и логического мышления.

Форма урока: Комбинированный урок.

Тип урока: Обобщение и систематизация полученных знаний.

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент.

2. Введение в тему урока. Повторение лексики.

The topic of our lesson today is “Having fun”.

There are a lot of places where you can have fun. Give me the examples, please.

(Ученики приводят свои примеры.)

That’s right. I am sure there are a great number of such places.

Now look at the blackboard. Here you see the words concerning our topic. But the parts of the words are mixed up. Match them and translate the words.

1. activ ities
2. sight seeing
3. perfor mance
4. infor mation
5. adverti sement
6. exhi bition
7. entert ainment
8. cas tle

(Ученики на магнитной доске соединяют части слов.)

Take cards №1 and put these words in the sentences.

  1. For more detailed --------------– please contact Travel Agency.
  2. This ancient -------------------is a fun place for all the family.
  3. They have an -------------------of toys from the last 2 centuries.
  4. There are a lot of teen -------------------in this summer camp.
  5. ----------------– and activity holidays have always been popular with people.
  6. I’d like to book 2 tickets for the --------------
  7. I have read the -----------------in the newspaper.

(Ученики выполняют письменное задание.)

3. Работа с текстом. Чтение.

Now we’ll read the text about one place of entertainment. It’s Legoland in California, USA.

Open your books to p. 61.(УМК “Английский в фокусе 7”)

While some of you read the text, Саша and Серёжа will write the paragraph plan.

Софья, Настя, Дима, Арина will find English equivalents to these Russian phrases. (Take cards № 2.)

Answer my questions: (после прочтения текста вслух)

  1. What can you build with Lego bricks?
  2. What is Dino’s Island famous for?
  3. Where can you get an official Legoland driving licence?
  4. Where can you find out what life was like in the past?
  5. How many bricks form the Statue of Liberty and the Kennedy Space Centre?

Саша, Серёжа, read you plan.

Read English equivalents to Russian phrase: (card №2)

  1. можно построить практически всё
  2. всё возможно
  3. почему бы не посетить
  4. водительские права
  5. будьте уверены , что вы не пропустили
  6. удивительные модели достопримечательностей
  7. самая впечатляющая достопримечательность
  8. незабываемый визит

4. Повторение Present Perfect (составление предложений, постановка вопросов).

Let’s go to another place of entertainment. You see, children, I have read the advertisement in the newspaper, but some parts of the paper vanished. These are what are left:

(Фразы на доске.)

– fly in a pirate ship
– ride on a big wheel
– go on a water ride
– shake hands with cartoon characters
– meet a ghost
– explore a haunted mansion
– go on a rocket journey
– see clowns performing tricks

Try to guess where this advertisement invites you.

(…to the Disneyland.)

That’s right, this advertisement invites you to the Disneyland.

Imagine that some of you after visiting the Disneyland made notes. But the parts of these notes mixed up. Лариса and Саша follow the words in the puzzle to make sentences. Draw the rout with arrows.

(2 ученика соединяют части предложений в таблице, чтобы получился рассказ.)

Now we’ll fall into 2 groups. The 1st group have already been to the Disneyland, the 2nd group will ask you questions. Questions must be in Present Perfect.

(Ученики задают друг другу вопросы и отвечают на них.)

5. Работа в парах. Составление диалогов.

When you are going to visit any places and have fun you should buy or book tickets or reserve a place beforehand. Your home task was to prepare dialogues

a) At the booking office.
b) Buying tickets to the performance.
c) Reserving a place at a summer camp.

(Учение разыгрывают диалоги.)

6. Аудирование.

OK. We’ve reserved places at the summer camp. Now let’s listen to Paul and Sally talking about the classes at the camp. Take cards № 3. Answer the question:

What class has each person chosen?

1 Paul ___
2 Sally ___
3 Edward ___
4 Jenny ___
5 Liza ___
A painting
B survival skills
C web design
D Hiking
E video game design
F acting
G rafting
H horse riding

(Ученики прослушивают запись дважды. Слабые ученики слушают с опорой на текст.)

7. Презентации.

Travel and tourism is becoming the world’s largest industry. There are a lot of travel agencies in every town and city.

Катя has prepared the presentation of one travel agency.

And Настя has prepared the presentation of advertisement of “ Westbridge Castle”.

(Ученики показывают компьютерные презентации.)

8. Проектная работа.

Now, children, your task is to write an advert for one of the place you ‘ll choose.

Let’s fall into 5 groups.

(Каждая группа получает задание написать и оформить рекламу одного места отдыха.)

1. Beach holiday.
2. Educational holiday.
3. Sightseeing holiday.
4. Activity holiday.
5. Countryside holiday.

(После выполнения работы 2 представителя от группы представляют свой проект.)

9. Конец урока. Домашнее задание.

Write about the place where you are going to spend your summer holidays.

Текст аудиозаписи:

Sally: Hi, Paul. What are you doing?
Paul: Oh, I’m just filling in the form for Teen Camp.
Sally: Good! What class have you chosen, rafting?
Paul: I wanted to do rafting, but the class is full so I’ve chosen survival skills.
Sally: Survival skills? That sounds serious.
Paul: Well, I think I’ll learn a lot. How about you, Sally? What have you chosen?
Sally: You know me! I’m not the outdoor type so I won’t be doing rafting or anything like that. No, I’ve chosen acting.
Paul: That’s good. I’m sure you’ll like it. Do you know what the others have decided to do?
Sally: Yeah! Let’s see. Edward decided to do web design. At first, he wanted to do video game design, but the classes were full, too
Paul: Edward and his computers…
Sally: Well, you know Jenny loves horses so she has decided to take horse-riding lessons. And Lisa’s like me. She doesn’t like hiking or rafting. She’s chosen to take painting classes.
Paul: It’s funny! We’ve all chosen different things.
Sally: I know. It will be strange not being together all day.