Открытый урок по теме "Знакомство со Свято-Троицким Серафимо-Дивеевским женским монастырем"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Задачи урока:

  • Образовательные:
    • обучать видам речевой деятельности
    • ответить на проблемный вопрос и аргументировать свой ответ
  • Развивающие:
    • дать  представление о достопримечательностях Дивеевского монастыря
    • развитие памяти, логического мышления, языковой догадки ,творческих способностей, внимания
  • Воспитательные:
    • формирование личности
    • воспитывать качества гражданина, патриота, стремление к взаимопониманию между людьми разных сообществ
    • введение православного компонента
  • Практические:
    • развивать и воспитывать у учащихся понимание важности изучения английского языка в современном мире и потребности пользоваться им как средством общения;
    • стимулировать мотивацию дальнейшего изучения языка, толерантного отношения к проявлениям иной культуры.
    • научить ориентироваться в монастыре по плану, карте.

Цели урока:

  • развивать умения представлять свою страну, ее культуру в условиях иноязычного межкультурного общения.
  • развивать иноязычную коммуникативную компетентность. Формировать  навыки говорения, чтения, аудирования, письма.

Оформление кабинета:

  • карта Дивеевского монастыря.
  • общий вид монастыря.
  • фотоальбом.
  • фонетические значки


  • видеопроектор
  • персональный компьютер.

Учебные материалы:

  • компьютерная презентация экскурсии
  • компьютерная презентация физминутки
  • карточки с заданиями

Тип урока: комбинированный-речевой


1. Организационный момент

– Hello, my darlings! Nice to see you again. How are you today? Thanks God, you are well.  
Let’s pray – a prayer to the Holy Spirit (singing).  – “Glory to thee, our God, glory to thee. The most Holy Mother of God save us. Father Seraphim pray God for us. All the Saints pray God for us.”Are you ready for your lesson? Let’s begin.

2. Фонетическая зарядка

 [w]                         [ð]                           [θ]                   [ŋ]                                                   

Why                Mother of God         thank you         amazing
where             Fatherland               orthodox           blessing
what               Motherland               cathedral          resting

3. Речевая зарядка

– Do you like to travel?
– Do you like to go sightseeing?
– Are there any interesting places in your town? What are they?
– Would you like to visit Holy places?

4. Сообщение темы урока, учебных целей и задач

– Now, children, look at the photo, please. I’m sure you’ll guess the topic of our lesson. Yes, that’s correct. We’ll have a talk about the Holy Trinity Saint Seraphim Diveyevo Convent. We’ll have an unusual lesson. We are going to have an excursion party round the Convent, learn the sights, compare them with the sights of London, etc. May God bless us.

5. Подготовительный этап

– Repeat the words, please.

Слова написаны на доске: favourite place, to protect, wonderworker, to dedicate, Blessed women, canonization, Bell Tower, Virgin of Tenderness, shrine, refectory.

Проверка домашнего задания.

Подготовительное тренировочно-подстановочное упражнение на формирование лексических навыков:

Fill in the gaps with:

1)         … me, how can I get to the Pilgrim’s Centre?
2)         Excuse me, … you tell me where the Holy Ditch is?
3)         How … is to Diveyevo from N. Novgorod?
4)         Excuse me, could you tell me … Holy Spring of St. Seraphim is?

Key:  excuse, can , much, where


1) The fourth Dower of the Queen of Heaven.

а) Царствие Небесное.

2) Holy Relics.

в) Святая земля.

3) Trinity Cathedral.

с) Собор в честь Преображения Господня.

4) Transfiguration Cathedral.

d) Собор в честь Пресвятой Троицы.

5) The Holy Ditch of Mother of God.

e) Святая Канавка Божией Матери.

6) Kazan Church.

f) Всемирное покаяние.

7) Heavenly Kingdom.

g) Четвертый удел Царицы небесной.

8) Holy Land.

h) Святые мощи.

9) Worldwide repentance.

i) Храм в честь Казанской иконы Божией Матери.

Key: 1g, 2h, 3d, 4c, 5e, 6i, 7a, 8b, 9f.

Ориентирование по карте монастыря

You know that a lot of pilgrims come to Diveyevo every day. Can you give the right answer when somebody asks you the way? Let’s try to ask questions and answer them. You will work in pairs. Use the map ,please. Remember when we ask somebody about something we must be polite. Dramatize the dialogues, please.


– Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the Holy Ditch?
– Sure. Go straight. Turn to the right. Go past Transfiguration Cathedral. And you are there.
– Thank you very much.
– You are welcome.


– Excuse me, how can I get to St. Seraphim’s Spring?
– Go straight to the Pilgrim’s Centre and take a bus.
– What’s the fair?
– It is free of charge.
– Thank you so much.
– It’s a pleasure.

6. Let’s relax

Компьютерная презентация физминутки (Приложение 1).

7. Основной этап. Enjoy your trip

1) Компьютерная презентация экскурсии по Свято-Троицкому Серафимо-Дивеевскому женскому монастырю (Приложение 2). Постановка проблемного вопроса: А есть ли в Лондоне достопримечательности, подобные Дивеевским? Если есть, то в чем наблюдается сходство. Аргументируй свой ответ.

2) Проверка понимания текста – экскурсии.

Help each other to understand the text.

– Is Diveyevo a Centre of pilgrimage?
– What is it famous for? etc.

3) Work with the cards.

– Complete the following sentences.
– Mark the right sentences.
– Answer the questions on the text.
– Mark the statements below as “true” or “false”, “not stated”: T, F, NS.
– Choose and underline in the text the appropriate English equivalents.

4) Work in groups.

The class is divided into 2 groups: “Russian” and “British” pupils. “British” pupils say wrong statements and “Russian” pupils correct them.

5)  Составление сообщения о монастыре по опорным словам и словосочетаниям.

8. Просмотр фотоальбома

Сравни достопримечательности России и Британии, представленные в фотоальбоме.
Please see the sights of Russia and Great Britain and compare them.
Ответ на проблемный вопрос.

  • There are a lot of famous places in Russia and in Britain. Our Red square is like Trafalgar square. It is the heart of our capital and a historical place too.
  • The greatest Russian Saint of the recent times St. Seraphim of Sarov is so dear and close to heart of every Orthodox Christian. He is much respected by the faithful people in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Every year groups of the English pilgrims accompanied by priests come to Diveyevo to honour St. Seraphim.
  • There are a lot of Churches both in Russia and London. There is an Orthodox Cathedral in London. It is devoted to the Dormition of Mother of God and all the Saints. •           .
  • There are a lot of Icons of St. Seraphim in this Cathedral in London too.
  • There are a lot of Saints in Britain too. For example, St. Alban, St. King Edward, etc.
  • One of the greatest English churches is St. Paul’s Cathedral. The famous English architect, Sir Christopher Wren built it in the 17th century.  

9. Этап закрепления. Чтение с общим пониманием информации

– Read and name the persons or places.

1) She was born in a pious noble family, got married a colonel Melgunov. However she early became a widow. At the age of 26 having the only 3 years old daughter she decided to devote her life to the Lord. She was the first Head of the future Convent.
2) It was erected on the very spot where the Mother of God appeared to nun Alexandra.
3) He was granted by God the Devine gifts of sagacity, prophecy and healing. He predicted that the Diveyevo’s Convent would become the place of worldwide repentance.


1) St. Alexandra.
2) Kazan Church.
3) St. Seraphim of Sarov.

– Imagine that you’ve made friends with an English girl through the Internet. You are talking over the Skype. Answer your new acquaintance’s questions about your native town. Recommend her some places of interest if she comes to Russia one day. Act out a dialogue, please.

– Hello, Ann. Glad to see you.
– Hello, Masha. Glad to see you too. How are you?
– Fine, thank you.
– Could you tell me about your native town?
– Sure. With pleasure.
It’s a little town in the central part of Russia, Nizhny Novgorod region. Historians say that it was founded about 500 years ago. The Tatar prince Divey controlled this area in the 16th century. Diveyevo is famous for its Holy Trinity St. Seraphim Convent. This is a great Holy Land. This is the fourth and the last Dower of the Queen of Heaven on the Earth Every day a lot of pilgrims come to Diveyevo and admire its magnificent cathedrals and the Holy Ditch of the Mother of God. There are a lot of Holy Springs around Diveyevo
– Sounds great. I’ve never been to Russia but I would like to go one day. What places of interest can you recommend in your country?
– Well, if you come to Moscow you should see Red Square, the Kremlin and St. Basil’s Cathedral. They are in the very centre of Moscow and are very popular with tourists.
– Is it a historic place?
– Yes, of course. Red square dates from the 15th century. This Cathedral was built a bit later when Ivan the Terrible ruled the country. It’s very beautiful.
– I see.
– You are welcome to Russia.
– Thank you. Bye.
– See you soon.

Teacher. Thank you. I see you know the history of Diveyevo and Moscow well. Good for you! By the way, what proverbs do you know about your native place?

Pupils. “East or west – home is best”. “There is no place like home”.

10. Итоги урока

Ответ на проблемный вопрос. Соотнесение целей, задач и результата. Выставление оценок. Домашнее задание.
– As you know many foreigners come to visit the Diveyevo’s Convent. I hope that with the God’s help you will be able to answer their questions, won’t you? It was a pleasure working with you. You worked hard. Thanks a lot.
– Let’s pray. A prayer: “It is very meet and right to call the blessed”. (Достойно есть …).
– See you later, my darlings. May God be with you. The lesson is over. Bye.

Используемая литература:

  1. УМК K. Kaufman, M. Kaufman.
  2. Книга для учителя к учебникам англ. языка “Enjoy English”. Издательство «Титул», 2011.
  3. Поурочные разработки по английскому языку к учебникам Kaufman “Enjoy English” 5-9 кл., издательство «Титул», Обнинск, 2010.
  4. Проектные работы совместно с учащимися.
  5. Интернет ресурсы.