Внеклассное мероприятие в начальных классах по английскому языку по теме "В стране английских сказок"

Разделы: Иностранные языки


  1. Развитие навыков чтения и говорения.
  2. Пополнение лексического материала.
  3. Повторение грамматического материала: степени сравнения прилагательных, простое настоящее время и простое прошедшее время глаголов.
  4. Расширение кругозора учащихся и приобщение их к английской литературе.

Ход урока

Речевая разминка:

T: Good morning, children! I am glad to see you! I hope you are fine, aren’t you?

How are you? What is the date today? Let’s make our lesson useful and interesting!

What season is it now?

Do you like winter? Why do you like winter?

Do you like to play hockey? Can you ski and skate?

Can you play snowballs in winter? Do you like to make a snowman?

Do you like New Year’s Day?

Фонетическая зарядка:

Т: Let’s recite a poem about winter

P: Ice on the lake, snow on the ground,

Time to ski and skate all around.

Winter, spring, summer, fall –

I like winter best of all.

T: Thank you! Let’s sing a song about New Year’s Day.

P: A fir was born in deep wood

And in the wood grew tall

And there in all seasons she’s

The greenest tree of all.

The snowstorms whispered lullabies

And wrapped up all the trees.

She sang: “Now close your lovely eyes,

Make sure you don’t freeze”.

The fir to our party’s comes,

And all this winter night,

She brings such joy to everyone –

Oh, what a lovely sight.

T: Thank you very much! Winter is a magic season. Do you like to read fairy tales at winter nights? Today we shall go to the Land of Fairy Tales. Let’s go there by magic ships. Sing a song!

P: I saw three ships come sailing by,

Sailing by, sailing by;

I saw three ships come sailing by,

On New Year’s day in the morning.

And what do you think was in them then;

In them then, in them then;

And what do you think was in them then;

On New Year’s Day in the morning.

Three pretty girls were in them then;

In them then, in them then.

Three pretty girls were in them then;

On New Year’s Day in the morning.

T: Look, here is Hunca Munca from “The Tale of Two Bad Mice”. She is a naughty mouse. She mixed up all the words of the English proverbs. Please, help me to make up English proverbs.

Учитель раскладывает карточки со словами. Дети составляют пословицы.

T: Peter Rabbit from the “Tale of Peter Rabbit” doesn’t know English proverbs. Please, help him. Name English proverbs.

Учитель называет пословицу по-русски, дети называют английский эквивалент.

Т: Не по словам судят, а по делам.

P: Actions speak louder than words.

T: Друзья познаются в беде.

P: A friend in need is a friend indeed.

Т: Все хорошо, что хорошо кончается.

Р: All is well that ends well.

Т: Что посеешь, то и пожнешь.

Р: As you make your bed, so you must lie on it.

Т: Сделал дело, гуляй смело.

Р: Business before pleasure.

Т: Сперва подумай, потом говори.

Р: First think, then speak.

Т: Честность – лучшая политика.

Р: Honesty is the best policy.

Т: Век живи – век учись.

Р: Live and learn.

Т: Не откладывай на завтра то, что можешь сделать сегодня.

Р: Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

T: Choose the right proverb for the tale “The Hen and the Rose”

Дети показывают инсценировку сказки.

Действующие лица: the Sun, the Rose, the Wind, the Bird, the Hen.

The Sun: Dear Rose, why do you look so sad?

The Rose: Oh, dear! I am so unhappy, because an ugly worm is eating my leaves and will not go away.

The Sun: I will not shine, until Rose is happy.

The Wind: Mother Sun, why are you not shining today?

The Sun: Rose is so unhappy. An ugly worm is eating her leaves. I will not shine until Rose is happy.

The Wind: I am sorry for Rose. I won’t blow until Rose is happy.

A Bird: Mrs. Wind! Why have you stopped blowing?

The Wind: Rose is so unhappy. An ugly worm is eating her leaves. I will not blow until Rose is happy.

The Bird: I also love Rose. I will not sing again until Rose is happy.

The Hen: Why do you look so sad?

The Bird: Rose is so unhappy. An ugly worm is eating her leaves.

The Hen: Really! Please, tell me how this will help Rose? If you want to help Rose you must do something for her. Come with me. See how I have helped Rose and at the same time had a good breakfast.

T: Thank you, girls! What proverb have you chosen?

P: A friend in need is a friend indeed.

T: You are right. Look at this girl. Do you know her name? What is her name?

P: Mary Poppins.

T: You are right. Her name is Mary Poppins.

На доске предложения:

She plays games with children every day.

She drinks milk in the evening.

She takes a small armchair from the bag.

T: Ask her questions. What does she do every day? Say what she did yesterday.

P: Do you play games with children every day? Do you drink milk in the evening? Do you take a small armchair from the bag?

P2: She played games with children yesterday. She drank milk in the evening. She took a small armchair from the bag.

T: Thank you. Mary Poppins has got many friends. Her best friend is doctor Dolittle. He has got many animals. What does he say about them? Fill in the sentences. What words are missing?

На доске:

The … animal is the elephant.

The Giraffe’s neck is … than the tiger’s.

The monkey is … animal.

The parrot is … bird.

Вставить слова: the most beautiful, longer, the funniest, the biggest.

T: Look at this picture. What is the title of this tale?

P: “The Prince Frog”.

T: The princess from this tale is coming here.

Девочка в наряде принцессы выходит к доске.

P: Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you. I’ll read some sentences from English tales. You must say from which tale the sentence comes.

  • Jack and his mother lived happily together and were never hungry again.
  • But I like my pets more than the “best people”, said the doctor.
  • A minute later, Hunca Munca, his wife, put her head out too.
  • “You’ll find that they are very nice children", said Mrs. Banks.
  • “Oh, dear”, the princess began to cry. “I cannot sleep in a bed with a frog.”
  • “If only we have a cat!” – said the very old woman.
  • Once upon a time there were four little rabbits and their names were Flopsy, Mopsy, Cotton-tail and Peter.

T: Thank you, dear princess. Good-bye

Children, let’s have a rest!

Дети встают на физкультминутку.

P: Hands up, hands down.

Hands on hips, sit down.

Hands up to the sides.

Bend left, lend right.

One, two, three hop.

One, two, three stop.

Stand still.

T: Now, children, let’s read the tale about another princess – Alicia. Open your books at page 17 (It’s your hometask ). First of all, answer the questions.

Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы, читают текст сказки.

T: Translate into English:

  • Он был не счастлив, потому что у его детей не было новой одежды.
  • Старая леди прочитала его мысли опять и сказала: “Скажи принцессе Алисии, что рыбья кость – это волшебный подарок”.
  • Дома он пригласил Алисии поесть рыбы.
  • Все дети пекли хлеб и варили пищу.
  • Одежда – это не все. Будьте хорошими и старайтесь быть лучше и вы будете счастливыми всегда.

Учащиеся ищут предложения в тексте читают их.

T: Translate into Russian:

  • They were from seven to seventeen years old. Alicia, the oldest, took care of them all.
  • One evening the King said to Alicia, “Where is the magic fishbone?”
  • “You have always been a good and clever girl”, said the old lady, “and you have always helped your family and friends.”

Учащиеся переводят предложения на русский язык.

T: Let’s do the task after the tale.

Учащиеся выполняют следующие задания после текста:

  • Check the facts.
  • Write these words correctly: neetneevs, luftieaub.
  • Correct these sentences from the text.
  • Say who did the following.
  • Answer the questions.

Заключительный этап урока. Подведение итогов. Выставление оценок.

Т: Dear friends! Our lesson is over. Thank you for the lesson. You were very active, attentive and bright. I enjoyed your work at the lesson today. Your marks for the lesson are:.. Write down your homework. Good luck! Good bye!