Урока английского языка по теме "Traits of character". 5-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 5

Основные цели и задачи:

1. Обобщение изученного материала по теме : “Черты характера”.
2. Развитие навыков монологической речи.
3. Развитие лексических и грамматических навыков.
4. Тренировка аудитивных навыков.
5. Развитие умений и навыков устной речи.

Оборудование: рисунки сказочных героев, карточки, учебник М.З.Биболетова

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент.

– Good morning,boys and girls!I am glad to see you!

Good morning, Good morning,

Good morning, to you?

Good morning, dear teacher

We are glad to see you!

– Who is on duty today? Who is absent?

  • How are you? How is your mother? How is your father?
  • What day is it today? What season is it now? What can we do in winter?
  • And what date is it today? Well, thank you.Njday we shall have a talk about traits of character, about your families and yourself.

II. Фонетическая зарядка.

– Ребята, наш медвежонок ждёт, когда мы поиграем с ним. Он проснулся прибирается в своём домике. Он вытряхивает пыль из диванчика [t-t-t]

  • Протирает окошко идует на него [h-h-h]
  • Зовёт своих друзей помочь ему [ei-ei-ei]
  • Прилетели комарики [z-z-z] и пчелки [d-d-d]
  • Пришёл гусь [g-g-g] ,а затем слонёнок [n-n-n] , приползла змея [ө-ө]
  • Медвежонок гладит бельё, а утюг горячий – он обжёгся [ai-ai-ai]
  • Быстро прибрались все вместе и пошли качаться на качелях [a:-^]
  • Ой, он забыл выключить водичку, а водичка бежит из крана [s-s-s]
  • Well, thank you. Let's repeat all all these sounds together.

– And now read the transcription of these words, hlease.



[nз :s]

[lojә ]





III.Речевая разминка.

– And now let's play the game “Interpriter”. You should translate my words from Russian into English, please: приятный, традиционный, умный, международный, тёплый, близкий, удачный, независимый, похожий, хороший, чистый, известный, возможный, настоящий, разговорчивый, творческий, любящий, добрый, общительный, стеснительный, глупый, шумный, тихий, спортивный, типичный, любопытный.

The next game for you is “Snowball” and let's remember the English adjectives. You'll one by one name the traits of character and add your own adjective. Let's start, please.

Clever; – clever and shy; clever, shy and loving ... .

IV. Активизация навыков устной речи.

  • And now, the next game for you is “Agree or disagree”. Listen to my statements, please. If you agree with me you'll repeat it. If you disagree with me you'll correct the statement.

1. Your mother is very kind and sociable.
2. Your classmates are curious and friendly.
3. Your brother is brave and strong.
4. Your sister is very naughty and rude.
5. Your grandmother is polite and pleasant.
6. You are shy and friendly.
7. Our Danis is non-athletic.
8. Your dog is stupid and noisy.
9. Your teachers are caring, responsible and understanding.

V. Тренировка аудитивных навыков.

– What can you see on the blackboard? You are right. There are pictures of the characters from different fairy-tales. I shall describe one of them and the task for you is to guess who is it?

1. She is a nice, clever and friendly girl. She is very kind. This girl has a friend. Her friend is a dog. Her dog's name is Artemon. (Malvina).
2. This man is not kind. He is very cruel. He has a lot of dolls. He lives in the theatre. He has a long beard. (Karabas-Barabas).
3. She is kind. This girl has no mother. She is sad but pretty.She is not cruel. She lives in a poor house. She has two ugly sisters and very cruel stepmother.(Cinderella).
4. He is very brave. He has a lot of friends. He likes to write fairy-tales. He likes sweets, fruits, vegetables, cakes. He is a little fat, merry, curious and friendly. (Hobbit).

– Well, thank you. And now answer my questions, please:

1. Do you like kind people?
2. And what about you, Rimma
3. What kinds of people doesn't Azat like?
4. What kinds of people would you like to make a friend with?
5. What hobbies do you know?
6. What is your hobby?

VI. Физкультминутка.

It's time to have a rest. Stand up, please. Let's have a rest. (Физкультминутку проводит дежурный ученик.)

Hands up! Clap – 3 р!
Hands down! Shake – 3 р!
Hands on hips! Jump!
Run, go, skip, swim!
Stand still and sit down!

VII. Развитие лексических и грамматических навыков.

– And now you should work with the cards and complete the sentences using these words:

1. Complete the sentences using words:

1) I am– 2) My friend is –


kind, sociable, friendly).
In winter it is ... .
In summer it is ... .
My mother is ... .
An elephant is ... .
My classmates are ... .

1. Match the words:


2. Write down the opposites:

rude – ...
possible – ...
happy – ...
lucky – ...
friendly – ...
pleasant – ...
formal – ...
famous – ...
stupid – ...
athletic – ...
dependent – ... .

3. Write down what characteristics are necessary for the following jobs.

Jobs Chracteristics

1. – And now translate my sentences from Russian into English, please.

1) Моя мама очень заботливая, гостеприимная и понимающая.
2) Мой папа очень умный и смелый.
3) Они общительные и творческие.
4) Я очень люблю маму и папу.
5) Я хочу быть похожим на них.
6) Я думаю, наша семья очень дружелюбная.
7) Я хочу быть библиотекарем.
8) Моё хобби – чтение интересных книг.

VIII. Развитие навыков монологической речи, проверка домаашнего задания.

– And now let's check up your hometasks and at first let's remember the members of your family.Look at the blackboard, please fnd one by one name the members of your family (мама, папа, сын, дочь, брат, сестра, бабушка, дедушка, тётя, дядя и т.д.)
– And now open your workbooks on page 27 Ex. 29. You should put the missing words.
– And now let's listen to your stories about your families, friends and pets, please.
– Good for you!

IX. Подведение итогов урока.

– That's all we have time for. Thank you for your work. You were very active today. Did you like today's lesson? What did you like first of all?
– Your marks for the lesson ... .


Ex. 8, p. 56, составить рассказ: “My future profession”.