Урок-конференция на тему "Think Globally, Act Locally". 11-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 11

Данная форма проведения урока предполагает: использование коллективной формы работы; привитие интереса к предмету; развитие умений и навыков самостоятельной работы; активизация деятельности учащихся; более полное осуществление практической, воспитательной, образовательной и развивающей целей обучения.

Урок-конференция является примером ролевой игры. В данном случае учащимся были предложены следующие роли:

1) The Chairman – председатель международной конференции;

2) Interpreter 1 – переводчик 1, Miss Susan Grey;

3) Interpreter 2 – переводчик 2, Mr Alex Smith;

4) Person 1 – эколог из Австралии;

5) Person 2 – эколог из Соединенных Штатов Америки;

6) Person 3 – эколог из Российской Федерации;

7) Person 4 – эксперт из Института леса, Сибирского отделения РАН;

8) Person 5 – эксперт из Оксфордского университета.

Цели урока:

а) познавательный аспект:

- совершенствование навыков говорения по теме “Ecological Problems”;

- расширение словарного запаса учащихся по данной теме.

б) развивающий аспект:

- развитие творческих способностей учащихся;

- развитие логического мышления и языковой догадки.

в) воспитательный аспект:

- осознание экологических проблем и воспитание гуманного отношения к природе;

- воспитание патриотизма по отношению к малой Родине.

Оборудование: компьютер, компьютерный проектор. Класс оформлен к стиле конференц-зала.

Ход урока

Организационный момент

The Chairman: Dear ladies and gentlemen! We are pleased to see you at our international conference. The main question we are going to discuss today is the environmental problems.

Interpreter 1: Уважаемые дамы и господа! Рады видеть вас на нашей международной конференции. Основной вопрос, который мы будем обсуждать сегодня, это экологические проблемы.

Сообщение о неисправности аппаратуры синхронного перевода

The Chairman: Dear ladies and gentlemen, let mе as а chairman of the conference to apologize for some technical troubles with translation to you. I want to introduce to yоu our interpreter. Miss Susan Grey and Mr Alex Smith.

April 22 is the Earth day

Many years ago people lived in harmony with nature, because industry was not much developed. New discoveries and inventions, new technologies make а dramatic impact оп the planet which is our habitat. Great achievements of the human race have facilitated the life of people, but many of them have been harmful to the environment.

Interpreter 1: Много лет назад люди жили в гармонии с природой, так как промышленность не была так развита. Новые открытия и изобретения, новые технологии привели к драматичным изменениям на планете, которая является нашей средой обитания. Великие достижения человечества облегчили жизнь людей, но многие из них нанесли большой вред окружающей среде.

The Chairman: Scientists, politicians, ecologists and the majority of common people аге beginning to understand that the damage to ecosystems сап lead to real disasters when nothing could save the planet and the life on it.

Interpreter 1: Ученые, политики, экологи и большинство простых людей начинают понимать, что повреждение экосистем может привести к настоящим бедствиям, когда уже ничего не сможет помочь планете и жизни на ней.

The Chairman: Today we'll talk about the environmental problem that worries the mankind. One of the great environmental problems is the problem of wildfires.

Interpreter 1: Сегодня мы будем говорить о проблемах окружающей среды, которые беспокоят человечество. Одна из таких проблем - лесные пожары.

The Chairman: I think today we’ll be able to find ways out of this problem. We'll try to answer the following questions:

Interpreter 1: Я думаю, сегодня мы сможем найти пути решения этой проблемы. Мы постараемся ответить на следующие вопросы:

The Chairman: What do you think about this ecological problem?

Interpreter 1: Что вы думаете об этой экологической проблеме?

The Chairman: What can we do in this case?

Interpreter 1: Что мы можем сделать для решения этой проблемы?

The Chairman: Can we get any positive results?

Interpreter 1: Можем ли мы получить положительные результаты?

The Chairman: Can we prevent the ecological catastrophe?

Interpreter 1: Можем ли мы предотвратить экологическую катастрофу?

The Chairman: Now, introduce yourselves, please.

Interpreter 1: Теперь, представьтесь, пожалуйста.

Представление участников конференции.

Person 1: My name is Mary O’Brown. I’m from Australia. I speak English.

Person 2: My name is Michael Swon. I’m from the USA. I speak English.

Person 3: My name is Daria Morozova. I’m from Russia. I speak Russian.

Person 4: My name is Mr. A. I’m from Russia. I speak Russian.

Person 5: My name is Mr. B. I’m from Great Britain. I speak English.

The Chairman: Thank you.

Interpreter 1: Спасибо.

The Chairman: Now, let’s begin our work.

Interpreter 1: Начнем нашу работу.

The Chairman: Look at the plan of our international conference.

1. Fire Situation in Australia.

2. Wildfire in the USA.

3. Wildfire in Russia.

4. Concept of Forest Fires Protection in the Russian Federation.

5. What causes Forest Fires.

The Chairman: Now, let's listen to the report of the member of our conference from Australia.

Interpreter 2: Теперь давайте заслушаем доклад члена нашей конференции, эколога из Австралии.

Person 1: Australia is a large, geographically diverse continent straddling the tropic of Capricorn. It is relatively flat, dry and warm although it also has mountains of moderate height (particularly along the eastern seaboard), rainforests and ski-fields - as well as a large arid and semi-arid zone.

Across the tropical north is a large savannah region with a monsoonal (wet-dry) climate. In the southwest is a region of eucalypt forests, woodlands and shrublands with a largely Mediterranean climate.

Australia is a fire-prone continent. Fires occur in rainforests and in deserts. Consideration of fires without consideration of people in Australia is sometimes difficult, sometimes impossible, often unwise.

Fire regimes and their effects are wide ranging. Fires occur with a mean interval of 1 to 2 years in parts of the savannah in the tropical north and of the order of 300 or more years in the temperate rainforests of the southeast. Fires occur at all times of the year in some part of the continent.

Interpreter 2: Австралия – большой континент. Ландшафт преимущественно ровный…

Person 1: Australia has a large and diverse flora and fauna, much of it unique to the continent. This diversity, combined with the fact that there is a wide range of fire regimes and physical environments, means that there is an enormous range of potential fire regime effects. These effects include local extinction of flora and fauna, changes in water yield and quality, changes in pasture palatability, and woody plant encroachment.

Interpreter 2: Австралия имеет большой и разнообразный мир флоры и фауны, многие виды…

Person 1: Most human deaths in wildland fires in the last decade have been those of firefighters.

Various problems arise in the use of statistics for forest fires in Australia.

Estimating the numbers of fires in Australia by any means is difficult even with a constant methodology.

Interpreter 2: Большинство людей, погибших на лесных пожарах в последнее десятилетие,…

Person 1: There are many agencies in Australia concerned with suppression of wildland fires.

Wildland fires in Australia are fought largely by volunteers belonging to a local brigade.

Among the State Government agencies which have significant capability for firefighting, but are primarily land-management agencies, are those in Western Australia.

Interpreter 2: В Австралии имеется много учреждений, связанных с тушением пожаров…

Person 1: Australia may be the most fire-prone continent on earth, but scientists say the ferocity of the recent forest fires is likely linked to climate change. The temperature has been rising steadily since the 1950s, and is expected to increase by 3 degrees Celcius by 2050. Scientists say the hot, dry conditions will worsen the intensity and frequency of wildfires. This week’s blazes occurred after a record heatwave and hot, dry winds in southern Victoria state. The fires have swept nearly 200,000 hectares. At least 170 people have been killed in the disaster, and more than 3,000 people have been displaced.

Interpreter 2: Австралию можно считать самым пожароопасным континентом на Земле….

Person 1: In this variety of circumstance, there is no single, planned, integrated system. Rather, there has developed a set of responses varying from the very simple to multi-faceted, multi-level, multi-agency mechanisms that vary regionally in accord with the diverse environments, tenures, population densities, and resource supplies present in different parts of the nation.

Interpreter 2: В различных обстоятельствах реагирования на пожары не существует единого…

The Chairman: What is the fire situation in Australia in 2011?

Person 1: Forest fires in Perth, Western Australia, on Monday, Feb.7, 2011. The forest fires had destroyed at least 59 homes, according to the local fire authority. Winds with a power of 75 kilometers per hour in the area also make the forest fires continue to spread.

Interpreter 2: Лесные пожары в Перте, Западная Австралия, в понедельник, 7 февраля 2011. Лесные пожары уничтожили, по меньшей мере, 59 домов, согласно сообщениям местных пожарных. Ветры со скоростью 75 километров в час в этом районе позволяют пожарам быстро распространяться.

The Chairman: Now, let's listen to the report of the member of our conference from the USA.

Interpreter 1: Теперь давайте заслушаем доклад члена нашей конференции, эколога из Соединенных Штатов Америки.

Person 2: 2011 was one of the worst years ever for wildfires in America. Thousands of wildfires raged across the United States in 2011 burning a record amount of land, especially in the southern U.S. In fact, 2011 the third-most-active fire season since 1960 (when this record-keeping began) with respect to acres burned, according to preliminary data released from the National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC) in late December 2011. During 2011, a total of 73,484 wildfires burned an estimated 8,706,852 acres (35,235 square kilometers) of land across the United States. Wildfire activity during 2011 was exceptionally high and was only exceeded in the historical record by wildfire activity during the years 2006 and 2007.

Interpreter 1: 2011 год характеризовался наихудшей ситуацией в отношении лесных пожаров...

Person 2: Wildfire records have only been kept since 1960. The 6 worst years on record for wildfires in the U.S. have all happened since the year 2000. In the United States, where some of the most accurate wildfire statistics are kept, the six worst fire seasons in the past 50 years have occurred since 2000. In Texas, nearly 4 million acres were burned in 2011, double the previous record. This included the Bastrop Fire last September that destroyed 1,600 homes and became the most destructive fire in Texas history. In Arizona more than one million acres were burned in 2011, a new record. The Wallow Fire, which destroyed nearly a half million acres, was the largest fire in Arizona history. The Pagami Creek Fire in northern Minnesota became the third largest fire in state history when it burned 100,000 acres in September 2011, most of this in an unprecedented 16-mile run on a single day. It means that the number of wildfires in the United States is increasing and wildfires are becoming more powerful and doing more damage. The truth is that this is happening because we are seeing exceptionally dry conditions throughout the western half of the United States. In fact, according to the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, the U.S. interior west is now the driest that it has been in 500 years.

Interpreter 1: Статистика лесных пожаров ведется с 1960 года. Согласно полученным данным...

The Chairman: Now, let's listen to the report of the member of our conference from Russia.

Interpreter 2: Теперь давайте заслушаем доклад члена нашей конференции, эколога из Российской Федерации.

Person 3: В конце 20 – начале 21 века, критически высокий уровень лесных пожаров…

Interpreter 2: In the late 20th – early 21st century, critically high fire rates turned forest fire into a problem of an unprecedented scale in the humankind history. There are many reasons for it ranging from the obvious climate change towards warming and aridity to extremely adverse consequences of many years of economic activities within forest areas resulting into grave structural transformations in the Forest Fund and stands, accumulation of forest fuels in great amounts, and impaired natural fire resistance of forests.

Person 3: Нет сомнения, поиск экологически и экономически эффективных подходов…

Interpreter 2: No doubt, the search for environmentally and economically efficient approaches and practices of forest protection against fire is of particular importance for Russia possessing over one billion ha of most diverse forests growing in various natural and economic conditions.

Person 3: В 2010г. много лесных пожаров было на территории Саратовской области.

Interpreter 2: There are a lot of wildfires in Saratov region last year (2010).

Person 3: Лысогорский район – прекрасное живописное место…

Interpreter 2: Lysye Gory District is a wonderful place to live in. Our settlement is very attractive. It is lying mainly in the agricultural area. There are a lot of deep lakes and green meadows, large fields and high hills in it. Lysye Gory is always in blossom. Every family has roses, tulips, daisies in their gardens.

Person 3: Но есть люди, которые бросают мусор, где хотят: на дороге, на лугах, в полях…

Interpreter 2: But some people throw litter wherever they like: on the road, in the forest, in the meadows, in the fields. They don’t understand into what danger they are getting.

Person 3: Ученики нашей школы получат экологическое образование на уроках экологии…

Interpreter 2: The students of our school get special environmental education at Ecology Lesson. We take care of the school yard. We put litter away from the park. The members of the school ecological organization try to explain of keeping the district territory clean. We take part in the action “Acorn”, they plant flowers and trees. They want Lysye Gory district to be more beautiful and attractive. There is school fire fighter patrol.

The Chairman: Now, let's listen to the report of the expert from the Federal Forestry Agency of Russia.

Interpreter 1: Теперь давайте заслушаем доклад эксперта из Института леса, Сибирского отделения РАН.

Person 4: Согласно концепции развития национального лесного хозяйства на 2003-2010 годы,…

Interpreter 1: According to the Concept of National Forestry Development for 2003-2010, approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation (# 69-r as of 18 January 2003), fire protection of forests should become the highest policy priority to ensure ecological security of this country and conservation of forest resources potential.

Person 4: Учитывая силу воздействия на природу, огонь – преобладающий фактор,…

Interpreter 1: By the scope and nature of its impact on forests, fire is the dominant factor driving the structure and patterns of the forest stock in the Russian Federation (the Forest Stock). Forest fires have a lethal impact on forest vegetation, fauna and upper soil. They destroy or damage the affected physical and cultural assets, disrupt the integrity and hydrological regime of landscapes, pollute the atmosphere and water bodies with fire products. Damaging and disrupting forest ecosystems causes deterioration of the environment protection and formation role of the ecosystems, and reduces biodiversity of forests. At the same time, fire as the natural element of forest ecosystems could be managed to support the natural processes in the forest, to control undesirable vegetation, to promote natural reforestation processes, to manage forest fuels and to address other economic issues.

Person 4: Защита леса основывается на комбинации различных подходов по предупреждению…

Interpreter 1: The national forest fire protection policy aims to fight fires across the entire forested area which is accessible. Forest protection is based on the combination of the various approaches to fire prevention and activities to promptly detect and put out emerging fires with due consideration to local natural and economic conditions and intensity of forest management operations.

Person 4: Что специфично для защиты лесов от пожара, это то, что общий результат зависит…

Interpreter 1: What is specific about fire protection of forests is that here fire loads are unstable and overall outcome depends on the efficiency at peak fire loads. Some 3 to 4 regions of this country account for 75% to 95% of forested area affected by fire. These are regions with extreme weather conditions where fires would turn into natural disasters.

Person 4: В контексте драматических изменений в случае пожара и пожароопасных сезонов…

Interpreter 1: In the context of dramatic variations in fire occurrence and fire seasons, maneuvering with fire fighting means and resources to provide for effective response to fires involves, as a rule, aerial fire fighting activities. These are often inadequate and late. Local capacities in the forest rich areas with weak infrastructure are quite limited and their mobilization rate often lags behind the fire fighting needs.

The Chairman: Now, let's listen to the report of the expert from the University of Oxford.

Interpreter 2: Теперь давайте заслушаем доклад эксперта из Оксфордского университета.

Person 5: Forest fire or wildfire is often used to signify an uncontrolled intense fire that breaks out in the wooded areas due to many factors ranging from natural to man-made causes. Wildfires can be witnessed throughout the world and they usually occur in cycles. Mild forest fires are often considered beneficial. as growth of many plant species depend on it. Many plant species also depend on wildfires for reproduction, as the exposure to smoke induces germination in these plants. However, the large forest fires can have serious damaging effect on the surrounding environment.

Interpreter 2: Название “лесные пожары” часто используется для обозначения…

Person 5: Due to the extensive size and the immense speed, a forest fire can easily spread to a vast area. Besides, it can also change its direction and overcome occasional barriers like roads, rivers and fire breaks. Forest fires break out in areas like grassland, woodland, bush, scrubland and peat. Some important causes of it are lightning and volcanic eruptions. Besides these, sparks from rockfalls can also ignite forest fires.

Interpreter 2: Из-за обширных размеров и огромной скорости лесные пожары могут легко…

Person 5: Underground coal fires or the smoldering of coal deposit is another important contributory factor in reigniting as well as spreading forest fires. Generally, caused by lightning and forest fire, underground coal fires continue to smolder for a long time even after the ground fire has been extinguished. This in turn can restart the forest fire later. However, sometimes forest fires can be spontaneous due to hot and dry weather. The three essential requirements for fires are oxygen, fuel and heat. There is no dearth of oxygen in the forest, while the woods and the dry fallen branches and leaves serve as fuel. So together they speed up the spreading of the fire. Besides, it has also been found that at very high temperatures, woods produce a gas that reacts with oxygen to ignite a flame.

Interpreter 2: Подземные угольные пожары или тлеющие торфяники являются важными…

Person 5: Besides the natural factors that cause forest fires, it has been found that most times human activities are also responsible for causing forest fires/ It is estimated that almost 90% of the forest fires are caused by human activities. One such important human activity is clearing land by arson or fire, which sometimes go out of control and causes a forest fire. It can also be a result of human negligence, as people sometimes leave behind the sources of ignition like a camp fire, lighted cigarettes, etc., in the forest. Many times, dry grass is burnt down to quicken the growth of new grass, which can also lead to a forest fire. Besides, global warming can be responsible for increasing the frequency of forest fires.

Interpreter 2: Помимо природных факторов, которые вызывают лесные пожары,…

Person 5: Forest fires can affect climate and weather a great deal, besides causing severe damage to valuable trees. It can increase the level of greenhouse gases (water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, ozone, and chlorofluorocarbons), and thereby increase pollution and global warming. However, it is an important part of the ecosystem, and many plants depend on it for growth and reproduction. But, too much of wildfires can cause significant damage to the ecosystem.

Interpreter 2: Лесные пожары, кроме того, что наносят серьёзный ущерб ценным породам…

Person 5: The preventive measures for controlling forest fires usually include such measures that can control outbreak as well as its severity and spread, maintain ecological balance and protect resources. Close monitoring of forest fires caused by natural factors would help in preventing the spread of such fires to a large extent. Besides, controlled burning can be encouraged, in which a fire is ignited under controlled conditions by the government authorities. Periodic burning of vegetation can also be helpful in maintaining diversity of species. This would also be effective in regulating the amount of surface fuel, which in turn would prevent the spread of a forest fire to a vast area. In addition to all these, we human beings could also play an important role by behaving more responsibly and not leaving behind any source of ignition in the forest or woods that we visit.

Interpreter 2: Превентивные меры по борьбе с лесными пожарами обычно включают меры…

The Chairman: Now, dear delegates, let’s take the resolution of the conference.

Interpreter 1: Теперь, уважаемые делегаты, давайте составим резолюцию конференции.

The Chairman: The main goals are:

  • To protect human life, communities and business facilities;
  • To reduce the destructive impact of fires on forests and the related environmental and socio-economic contexts;
  • To support sustainability and improve the state of forest ecosystems by managing fire in the natural contexts.

Interpreter 1: Главные цели:

  • Защитить человеческую жизнь, благоприятные условия для проживания;
  • Уменьшить разрушительный удар лесных пожаров;
  • Подкреплять стабильность лесных экосистем при использовании огня как средство регулирования.

The Chairman: These would be achieved by meeting the following objectives:

  • Preventing the growth of forest fires caused by man-made sources through the development of fire prevention initiatives, strengthened state forest fire supervision and ground-based fire fighting developments in the respective service area;
  • Increasing fire detection capacity of emerging fire spots through the development of an integrated system of forest fire monitoring based on modern ground, aerial and satellite means and modes of observation, telecommunication networks and GIS;
  • Integrating and coordinating the effort in the area of forest fire protection and forest fire management at the international, national, interagency, regional and local levels.

Interpreter 1: Задачи:

  • Предотвращение роста лесных пожаров по причине человеческого фактора через развитие противопожарных мер, усиление государственного контроля, контроля общественных помощников;
  • Улучшение работы по быстрому обнаружению очагов пожара через развитие объединенной системы мониторинга лесных пожаров, основанного на современных наземных, воздушных и космических способах наблюдения;
  • Объединение и согласование достижения на любой территории защиты от лесных пожаров и управление пожарной безопасностью на международном, государственном, региональном и местном уровнях.





