Работа с текстом "Different countries". 8-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 8

Класс: 8.

УМК “Enjoy English – 8”, под редакцией Биболетовой М.З.

Цель урока: Совершенствовать навыки чтения и говорения.

Задачи урока:

– читать тексты с выборочным извлечением информации;
– читать текст и подбирать подходящий по смыслу заголовок;
– ввести новую лексику и провести первичное закрепление;
– воспитывать у учащихся уважение к истории и традициям разных стран;

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент. Приветствие.

II. Презентация. (Слайд 1) Объявление темы. Today we are going to speak about different countries. Texts on the pages 32–33 and my presentation will help us.

Pre-reading activities

III. (Слайд 2) Look through the texts and match the names of the countries and the titles of the texts (ex. 119 p 120).


Kingdom of birds – New Zealand
The roaring waters – The USA
The Peak District – Great Britain
Where the North Begins – Russia
Hot and Dangerous – Australia

IV. (Слайд 3) Работа с активным словарем урока.

1 variant: Put the words below in the right column according to the texts where they are met.

2 variant: Divide in fife groups according to the names of the texts and write down the words and expressions only from your text.


Where the North begins The Peak District Hot and Dangerous Kingdom of birds The roaring waters
“white nights” red brick mammal human beings falling water
wooden churches urban development poisonous national bird mass of water
stretches unspoiled areas harmless survive foggy coastline
traditional architecture species extinct amazingly varied
customs amazing set ability to fly
natural enemies

V. (Cлайд 4) Формирование межкультурной компетентности.

Match the country, the flag, and the picture of the country.

VI. (Cлайд 5) Check your answers.

Reading activities

VII. (Cлайд 6) Read the text “Kingdom of birds”(p.120–121) and answer the questions to the text:

  • Who inhabited New Zealand before the first human beings?
  • Why can’t we meet these birds nowadays?
  • What is the national emblem of New Zealand?

VIII. (Cлайд 7) Read the text “The roaring waters” (p.120–121) and answer the questions to the text:

  • What geographical objects can you find in America?
  • What does the word “Niagara” mean?
  • How high is The Niagara falls?

IX. (Cлайд 8) Read the text “Hot an Dangerous” (p.120–121) and answer the questions to the text:

  • How many square kilometers is Australia?
  • What animals can you meet there?
  • Are these animals harmless? Why?

X. (Cлайд 9) Read the text “The Peak district” (p.120–121) and answer the questions to the text:

  • What cities does the Peak District lie between?
  • What things there attract a lot of visitors?

XI. (Cлайд 10) Read the text “Where the North begins” (p.120–121) and answer the questions to the text:

  • What is the “white night”?
  • How far does the North stretch?
  • What objects can you find there?

Post-reading activities/

XII. (Cлайд 11) Close your books and complete the sentences from the text with the words above.

Check your answers.

XIII. (Rарточки со словами.) Take the card and make the sentences from the text using the word/ the expression on the card.

Words and the expressions on the cards: human beings, falling water, red brick, “white nights”, mass of water, the national bird, mammal, wooden churches, survive, foggy coastline, poisonous, urban development, extinct, harmless, stretches, ability to fly, unspoiled areas, traditional architecture, species, amazingly varied, customs, amazing set, natural enemies

XIV. Подведение итогов.

Today we’ve learnt some information about five places on the Earth,

Why are these places mentioned in the texts? (English-speaking and our country.)

What place did you like best of all and why?

What information was new for you?

XV. Home task: learn one of the texts by heart.